Any changes in the processes of human life can indicate health problems. Few people pay attention to the contents of their intestines after going to the toilet. However, looking at the feces, you can find that they contain additional inclusions, which should not be.
Often, adults experience feces with mucus. Should I worry in this situation? What pathologies can this phenomenon indicate? Let's consider in more detail.
Feces with mucus: causes in adults
First of all, it is worth saying that just so the mucous masses in the rectum can not appear. This phenomenon may be due to the development of a variety of pathologies.
Also quite often, such a condition can be triggered by improper human nutrition. Adults are forced to live in a frantic rhythm. Because of this, they can not eat exclusively healthy food, then fast food snacks come to the rescue. This food negatively affects many body systems, including intestinal.
Also speaking about why feces with mucus appears in adults, one should not exclude such an important factor as work. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle and spends the lion's share of his life in the office, this can also negatively affect his health. Too many vital activities and too much passion for sports can lead to the same consequences.
However, regardless of what reasons the feces with mucus began to bother, you can not close your eyes to this problem. It is especially worthwhile to be wary if the mucous secretions change their color, and blood spots begin to appear in them. Such mucus can be released not only when going to the toilet, but also at the time of rest, for example in a dream.
As evidenced by the appearance of mucous secretions
If a person began to bother feces with mucus, then this can speak of numerous problems. For example, similar discharge can be observed with spastic colitis. In this case, the large intestine is inflamed in patients. In addition, the patient begins to suffer from alternating diarrhea and constipation. In this case, fragments of slimy masses with blood streaks may well appear in the feces.
Similar troubles can be caused by dysbiosis. Similar pathologies occur in those who have been taking aggressive medications (such as antibiotics) for a long time. In this case, in addition to feces with mucus, an adult will also have diarrhea, a decrease in appetite and pain in the peritoneum.
Often in medical practice, there are cases of irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, most patients complain of constant bloating, pain and disruption during bowel movements. In feces, many also notice mucus.
The reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon may be more harmless. For example, feces with mucus are noticed by many diet fans. Due to malnutrition, the intestinal microflora suffers greatly, due to which there is a depletion of the mucous membranes and, as a result, the appearance of unpleasant secretions.
It can also occur against the background of a cold. This is due to the fact that with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections in the nasopharynx of a person accumulates a large amount of mucus, which the patient unconsciously swallows. Thus, the secretions pass through the digestive system and exit. As a rule, after recovery, unpleasant symptoms disappear.
Also, feces with mucus can be a sign of helminthic infestations. Similar problems can occur due to smoking, too frequent consumption of coffee drinks and alcohol. In some cases, the discharge appears due to intestinal pathologies or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
If mucus comes out instead of feces
In such situations, we are most likely talking about rectal incontinence. However, in this case, the patient will additionally complain of pain, fever, increased weakness, loss of appetite and other symptoms characteristic of inflammatory diseases.
Prolapse of the rectum is provoked by long and frequent constipation, intestinal obstruction, infectious or bacterial inflammation, polyps, helminthic invasions, ulcers and neoplasms (both malignant and benign).
If we talk about feces, in which mucus is present, then it is worth paying attention to the shade of secretions.
Yellow slime
If a person suffers from liquid feces with mucus of a given color, then in this case, most likely, we are talking about the development of hemorrhoids or polyps. In more rare situations, such symptoms indicate the onset of pathological processes. For example, intestinal infection can lead to mucus. Also, a violation of the absorption process of important and useful substances coming from food can occur. Mucus can result from hypothermia or taking antibiotics.
If a dense film begins to appear in the stool, this may be the first sign of developing membranous colitis. As a rule, such a pathology is provoked by a rather long intake of antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs aimed at combating flatulence.
However, colitis can also make itself felt against the background of colds, constipation and frequent smoking.
If the mucus acquires such a shade, then this should in no case be ignored. When such discharge occurs, dangerous ailments are often diagnosed. For example, pink mucus often appears in Crohn’s disease, ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cirrhosis, capillary bleeding and many other diseases that threaten a person’s life. Therefore, you should immediately contact a specialist and undergo appropriate tests.
If a person began to appear feces with black mucus, then this is often explained by the intake of certain categories of drugs, vitamin and mineral complexes. Such phenomena can also be caused by abrupt climatic changes, for example, if a person went on vacation to a hot country.
However, black mucus can also indicate more serious pathologies. Therefore, if it has been observed for quite some time, you should consult a doctor. In some situations, this symptomatology occurs in people suffering from internal bleeding or when changing the size of malignant neoplasms.
A similar shade of mucous masses most often indicates that the human pancreas has ceased to function properly. If the discharge is very liquid, then this is the first sign of developing dysbiosis.
When unpleasant discharge appears, it is worthwhile to undergo a full examination. In order to diagnose a patient, a specialist conducts comprehensive diagnostic measures, during which a hardware and laboratory examination is performed.
Without fail, patients give feces, urine and blood for analysis. In order to exclude the possibility of neoplasms or bleeding, the doctor performs a colonoscopy.
Additionally, endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract and, in rare situations, CT scan may be required.
Based on the data obtained, the specialist will be able to choose the most optimal therapy.
Treatment of feces with mucus
If the appearance of mucous inclusions is in no way associated with developing pathologies, then in this case, unpleasant symptoms do not pose a threat to human life. However, the patient will in any case feel discomfort, therefore, most often in such situations, experts advise changing the diet and starting to eat more wholesome food.
It is recommended to include in the daily diet natural products that have astringent properties. For example, for breakfast you can start eating bananas or persimmons.
If the mucus continues to be excreted, then a specialist can prescribe drugs that belong to the group of adsorbents. They absorb excess mucous secretions and relieve the patient from unpleasant symptoms.
It will also be useful to restore the intestinal microflora. If the pathology was caused by the appearance of a fungus or harmful bacteria, then in this case symptomatic therapy and the use of antiviral drugs may be required.
As a rule, any treatment should be aimed at treating the root causes, and not the symptomatology itself. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.
If we talk about drug treatment, then depending on the pathology and features of the manifestation of mucus, a variety of medicines can be prescribed.
As a rule, if an intestinal infection occurs, against the background of which mucus appears, it is recommended to take Ersefuril or Furazolidone.
If we are talking about fungal formations, then in this case Amphotericin B will help to cope with the disease.
Sometimes doctors diagnose catarrhal inflammation. In this case, it will be necessary to drink the course of "Arbidol" or "Interferon".
If spastic colitis has been recorded, the doctor prescribes No-Shpu and Lineks. The last drug allows you to restore the intestinal microflora and normalize stool.
If during the tests it was revealed that the formation of mucus was caused by bad habits of a person (frequent use of coffee drinks, smoking and alcoholism), then in this case it is enough to exclude these things from your life, and the microflora of the mucosa itself will return to normal.
However, in any case, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. Taking the wrong drugs can trigger an exacerbation of the disease, which will lead to rather dire consequences. It is better to trust specialists.