In the article, we will consider why there are convulsions after a stroke and what to do.
Statistics provided by WHO indicate that stroke in the world is in third place in terms of mortality. After a stroke, patients are at risk of getting complete disability and re-hemorrhage. Pathology is accompanied by the occurrence of nervous, mental pathologies, convulsions, impaired motor coordination. It should be noted that cramping can occur not only during exacerbation, but also after some time. The development of seizures after a stroke is not an indicator of improper therapy. Sometimes the phenomenon indicates a repeated stroke or necrotic processes localized in the frontal lobe. In this regard, the occurrence of cysts that irritate motor neurons.
Characteristics of seizures
Seizures after a stroke, as a rule, are short-term in nature and occur more often in the affected limb. In rare cases, they affect the entire body. The physiological state can vary in duration - from a couple of seconds to ten minutes. Clinically similar conditions are characterized by loss of consciousness and the onset of sleep, lasting up to an hour. Seizures after ischemic stroke are caused by a brain reaction. They can be a tremor of a limb or resemble an epileptic seizure.
Convulsive conditions are of three types:
- Clonic. They have a short-term nature, appear in the facial muscle tissue.
- Tonic. They are continuous. This condition is accompanied by a complete loss of muscle tissue ability to move.
- Generalized. They are a symbiotic state, which is characterized by alternating signs of tonic and clonic seizures.
Most often, cramps after a stroke manifest themselves in the lower extremities. The condition is as follows:
- In certain parts of the calf muscle, foot, and fingers, local numbness is observed.
- Prolonged post-stroke cramps. The entire limb is affected, and the seizure state affects the limb, which is located on the opposite side of the affected brain area.
Development reasons
The main reason for the development of seizures after a stroke is necrotic damage to brain neurons in the pathological region of the brain. With an exacerbation, brain cells begin to look for additional reserves that can compensate for the lost functions of some neurons. Such a substitution of activity leads to the formation of cysts and cavities, which irritate the nearby neurons.
Why convulsions occur after a stroke is interesting to many.
Provocative factors
Factors contributing to exacerbation include:
- Overdose of the medicines used, their incompatibility.
- Physical, psychoemotional fatigue.
- Nervous exhaustion, stressful conditions.
The main cause of seizures after a stroke is considered to be the formation of pathological cysts, cavities that irritate nearby motor neurons.
First aid for seizures
The success of therapy largely depends on the adoption of initial measures aimed at stabilizing the patient's condition.
- If an attack occurs, it is necessary to remove food debris from the mouth and remove the denture.
- You need to raise your head, put a pillow, bag, other object at hand under it. Keep your head slightly above your torso.
- Convulsive conditions are usually accompanied by hoarse breathing. You can alleviate respiratory function by turning the patient on his side.
- If convulsions occur in the legs after a stroke, it is indicated to warm up and rub the limb. The movements should have a massage character. At home, you can apply dry mustard, olive oil. The resulting homogeneous mass should be rubbed in a circular motion.
- It is necessary to provide the patient with aspirin. Under its influence, body temperature normalizes, blood circulation accelerates.
These measures are primary. If the patient has convulsions (even of a short-term nature), it is necessary to consult a specialist.
What to do with cramps after a stroke?
Traditional therapy of the post-stroke condition is aimed at localizing the lesion in the brain tissues and preventing its subsequent expansion, rehabilitation measures, restoration of pressure, blood circulation. With drug therapy, the following drugs are indicated:
- Intended for blood thinning. These include Cardioaspirin, Plavix, Aspirin.
- Allowing to reduce blood coagulability - injectable forms of "Endoxsparin sodium", "Warfarin", "Heparin".
- Contributing to the reduction of pressure are injectable forms of Cavinton, Instenton.
- Strengthening vascular walls - "Troxerutin", "Ascorutin".
- Improving blood circulation, activating its circulation through the vessels - plasma, "Albumin" in the form of injection solutions.
Rehabilitation Procedures
Rehabilitation measures are no less important in the treatment of post-stroke seizures. They can significantly improve the patient's condition after a stroke, are considered effective prevention of secondary stroke. The main principles of rehabilitation are as follows:
- Rehabilitation measures should be started as soon as possible after stroke therapy. Rehabilitation treatment consists in the prevention of muscle tissue contracture, venous thrombosis, pressure sores, pneumonia.
- Therapy should be carried out in stationary conditions or in specialized centers.
- Close people should be involved in the rehabilitation process. They monitor the implementation of the recommendations prescribed by the doctor at home.
Therapeutic exercises
It is based on exercises aimed at restoring breathing function, self-care skills, and coordination of movements. The exercises should be performed taking into account the general condition of the patient, even from the very first days (passive movements in the supine position). Relatives or a rehabilitologist should help with the exercises. Further exercises are performed in a sitting position. The patient must learn to get up without assistance, redistribute the load on the affected and healthy limbs. Along with kinesiological exercises, the patient is shown to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, electrical stimulation of neuromuscular tissues.
Skills recovery
Self-service skills should be restored step by step. To begin with, the patient needs to learn to keep cutlery without help, brush his teeth, and wash his face. Then you should proceed to training in toilet procedures, taking baths, dressing yourself. A variety of medical devices have been specially developed for this: chairs, handles on the walls, handrails. You can buy them in specialized health resorts, rehabilitation centers. If the violation due to a stroke is insignificant, then the patient should be returned to a full life with the help of physical exertion. This applies in particular to young patients.
In parallel with the restoration of functions, it is advisable to massage the tissues in which there is an increased tone.
In order to reduce the spasticity of muscle tissue, it is recommended to use therapy with the use of ozokeratin, paraffin applications. Along with this, it is possible to carry out acupuncture, hydrotherapy, laser correction.
In order to correct speech function, special exercises aimed at restoring speech should be performed. Similar classes are conducted by a neuropsychologist, speech therapist.
Adaptation recovery
To restore adaptation in society, it is shown to conduct classes with a psychologist. A significant place is given to attention by relatives. The patient should be encouraged by an optimistic prognosis of recovery, confidence in a positive resolution of the situation. It must be emphasized that the person is important. For this, it is necessary to involve him in the implementation of various feasible domestic tasks, pick up a hobby, activate his desire to take part in active activities (for example, participation in social projects, public organizations).
Most stroke patients develop depressive states. For the purpose of their therapy, it is indicated to use antidepressants.
What else involves treating seizures after a stroke?
Therapy of post-stroke conditions using folk methods
Treatment with alternative methods should not exclude the use of medicines. It can complement or enhance the therapeutic effect of traditional treatments and rehabilitation methods. It should not be considered that with the help of traditional medicine it will be possible to get rid of convulsive conditions that occur after a stroke.
In the treatment of folk methods, you can use tinctures intended for internal use and water procedures. It is believed that blood vessels are effectively restored by a product made from honey, orange, lemon. To prepare it, you should take the same amount of these fruits and add honey to them. For example, 2 lemons and oranges, 2 tablespoons of honey. The fruits are crushed with a meat grinder, mixed thoroughly, kept for a couple of days at room temperature. Then the product should be cleaned in the refrigerator and taken three times a day for 2 tablespoons after eating.
The circulation of blood in convulsions after a stroke of the arms and legs is effectively normalized by tincture of sage. To prepare it, you will need one tablespoon of raw materials to pour a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour. It must be applied three times a day for 100 grams.
Reduce blood coagulability allows infusion based on St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds. To cook it, you should take a tablespoon of each ingredient, pour them with water in an amount of 300 ml, boil in a water bath. It is necessary to use the medicine twice a day for 100 grams.
Inside, you can take a tincture, made on the basis of the root of a white crib. To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of raw material, which is poured with vodka in an amount of 400 ml. It is necessary to take such a remedy 25 drops after a meal twice a day.
Physiotherapists advise applying special ointments to the site of seizure. You can use home-made laurel ointment or oil. To do this, you need to take vegetable oil in an amount of 200 grams and 25 grams of laurel leaf. The ingredients are mixed together and insisted for about 50 days. Then the resulting product is brought to a boil and filtered. After cooling, laurel oil must be rubbed into a place subject to seizures.
It is important to remember that folk remedies for spasms of the extremities after a stroke should not replace the main therapy and rehabilitation methods, and their use should be agreed with the doctor.