"Magnefar V6": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

According to the instructions, "Magnefar B6" is a combination drug that helps to replenish pyridoxine and magnesium in the body. With its help, the content of nutrients is normalized, eliminated due to their lack of state, overall well-being improves, mental stability increases. This tool helps get rid of cramps and muscle cramps.

When is it used?

As the instruction indicates, tablets "Magnefar B6" are intended to eliminate the deficiency of pyridoxine and magnesium (both congenital and acquired), as well as in the following cases:

magnnefar v6 instruction

  • insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in food;
  • increased growth in children;
  • high consumption and consumption of elements;
  • therapy with drugs that contribute to the faster removal of elements from the human body;
  • muscle cramps and cramps, the source of which is a lack of vitamins or nervous strain;
  • the presence of frequent psycho-emotional and physical exertion;
  • various sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • sports activities or other types of active and energy-intensive activities;
  • alcoholism;
  • for general maintenance of an organism at advanced age.

magnnefar b6 instructions for use


The instruction to Magnefar B6 confirms that pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and magnesium hydroaspartate act as active components in the composition of the product. In one tablet, their content is 5 and 500 mg, respectively, which is equivalent to 34 mg of magnesium

Additional substances of the drug are hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate.

Useful properties of the drug

The therapeutic effect of "Magnefar B6" is due to the presence in its composition of the essential elements for the human body: vitamin pyridoxine and magnesium. The latter plays a significant role in the regulation and implementation of a large number of metabolic reactions in the human body, it is required to stabilize the functioning of cell membranes. The lack of a mineral makes it impossible for the correct activity of the internal systems: respiratory, hematopoietic, nervous. It protects the heart from exhaustion and oxygen starvation, has a positive effect on the patient’s mental state, reducing irritability and increased irritability. This is confirmed by the instructions for use attached to the Magnefar V6 product.

Thanks to vitamin B6, the metabolism of a large number of amino acids, the formation of hemoglobin, the exchange of carbohydrates and lipids are provided.

The substances combined in this preparation jointly influence each other and mutually enhance the effect:

  • with the help of a mineral, the rate of biological transformation of the vitamin into an active metabolite increases;
  • pyridoxine increases the content of magnesium and reduces its loss in urine.

The combined effect of the elements of the Magnefar B6 preparation contributes to the elimination of hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency, improves such intestinal properties as absorption and ingestion of cells. Thanks to this tool, the following positive changes are noted:

  • general improvement in well-being;
  • elimination of muscle cramps and cramps;

magnefar b6 during pregnancy instruction

  • normalization of the mental state of the patient;
  • increased resistance to various kinds of emotional influences and stresses.

Release form

According to the instructions, Magnefar B6 is available in the form of tablets having a white color and capsule-like appearance with a dividing risk. They are packaged in blisters of ten pieces and enclosed in cardboard packaging. The instructions in Russian are attached. One pack contains six plates. The average price of the drug is about 650 rubles.

Application features

"Magnefar B6" is taken by the patient inside during meals, you do not need to chew it, you should only drink plenty of water. The duration of the therapeutic course and dosage are determined by the attending physician. In the absence of appointments of a specialist, the reception of Magnefar V6 is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions:

  • adolescents from twelve years of age and adults can drink one or two tablets three times a day at regular intervals;
  • children from six to twelve years old - two or three times a day, one tablet.

With the preventive use of the drug, one or two tablets should be taken daily. The tool is used until the concentration of magnesium in the patient's body returns to normal. This happens mainly within one month. If such a need arises, the course is held twice a year. If the patient has a lack of calcium, it is first necessary to restore the normal level of magnesium in the body. This is confirmed by the “Magnefar V6” instruction. During pregnancy, it is prescribed very often.

tablets magnefar b6 instruction

Some features

Pregnant women need to use "Magnefar V6" should determine the specialist. This tool can be prescribed to eliminate the lack of magnesium, with the appearance of gestosis, as well as for the prevention of abortion in spontaneous order.

During lactation, it is undesirable to use the drug, since magnesium can pass into breast milk, through which it enters the body of an infant.


According to the instructions, Magnefar B6 should not be used by those people who have hypersensitivity to its components, as well as in the following cases:

  • while taking other drugs that also contain vitamin B6 or magnesium;
  • children under the age of six;
  • patients who have suffered myocardial infarction;
  • with an increased concentration of magnesium in the body;
  • any kidney problems;
  • hypervitaminosis B6;
  • patients with AV blockade;
  • hypertension of arterial type;
  • diarrhea
  • defects in the digestibility of substances.

magnefar b6 instructions for use during pregnancy


If you take 50 mg of Magnefar B6 systematically and over a long period of time, sensory neuropathy may occur. With a daily intake of about 200 mg of the drug, disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system will develop, folic acid will be excreted from the body, skin pathologies will appear.

It is undesirable to combine the intake of "Magnefar B6" and "Neuromultivit", since there is a risk of overdose. Their joint use may be possible only as directed by a doctor. This also applies to Magnefar V6 Cardio. The instructions for use confirm this.

If you take the drug on an empty stomach, you can experience an attack of nausea.

Parallel drug interactions

"Magnefar B6" should be taken with caution if it is combined with certain drugs, since the components contained in it can enter into various reactions with them.

  • It is forbidden to take "Magnefar B6" together with "Levodopa", unless this drug is accompanied by the simultaneous use of dopa-decarboxylase inhibitors, since the effect of the drug slows down;

magnnefar v6 cardio instructions for use

  • magnesium helps to reduce the absorption of funds that contain iron, phosphates, theophylline and tetracycline;
  • the increased content of phosphates, calcium or lipids reduces the absorption of magnesium, and diuretics favor the accelerated removal of the mineral from the patient's body;
  • similar effects have such means as Cycloserine and Cisplatin;
  • combined use of the drug and skeletal muscle relaxants, aminoglycosides can cause muscle paralysis;
  • the simultaneous use of "Magnefar B6" and drugs that also contain magnesium, contributes to the poisoning and overdose of this substance in the body;
  • a long course of diuretic potassium-sparing drugs can allow the occurrence of hypermagnesemia.

Possible adverse effects

Use according to the instructions of "Magnefar V6 Cardio" mainly does not cause any complaints. Very rarely, gastrointestinal disorders or allergic reactions can occur. Usually, special treatment is not required, and the condition normalizes by itself, but nevertheless, if any uncharacteristic symptoms occur, you should consult your pharmacist or doctor.


If the patient's endocrine system is functioning normally, then the use of an increased dose of magnesium should not cause negative consequences. Poisoning by Magnefar B6 is possible only if the recommended dose is significantly exceeded. In such cases, the following symptoms are observed: acute pain in the abdomen, the development of shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbance and weakness.

magnnefar b6 instruction reviews

If such an organism reaction occurs, you should consult a specialist, especially during pregnancy. The instruction for use with Magnefar B6 confirms this.


There are no such means that would be able to completely replace Magnefar B6. But there are other drugs that also contain pyridoxine and magnesium. You can pick them up with the help of a doctor. For example, Magne-B6 also has two active components, but magnesium is present in it in a different form and in a lower concentration. This is indicated by instruction.

Reviews on "Magnefar B6"

Reviews about the application are good, patients are most often satisfied with its effectiveness. There is a general improvement after a month's course. Magnefar B6 helped eliminate heart rhythm disturbances. Also among the advantages of the drug is indicated not only its positive effect, but also the price, quality and ease of use.

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