Hypertension Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Arterial hypertension syndrome is the most common disease of the cardiovascular system, which is associated with a chronic increase in blood pressure. According to statistics, approximately 44% of Russia's population suffers from some form of this disease.

The disease is characterized by a sluggish course. Nevertheless, people with a similar diagnosis require qualified help. Lack of therapy is fraught with the development of dangerous complications until the death of the patient. So what is a disease? What are the risk factors for hypertension? What do the symptoms look like at the initial stage? Is there any way to prevent the development of the disease? Are there effective treatments? The answers to these questions are of interest to many people who have encountered a similar problem.

Arterial hypertension (ICD-10): a description of the disease

To begin with, it's worth figuring out what constitutes an ailment. The work of the heart and vascular tone are controlled by the nervous system and a number of hormones secreted by the endocrine glands. Normally, diastolic pressure is 70-90 mm Hg. Art., and systolic - 120-140 mm RT. Art. In the event that these indicators are increased, doctors talk about a disease such as arterial hypertension.

arterial hypertension syndrome

ICD-10 classifies this disease as a class of diseases accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. The international classification system for diseases assigned codes from I10 to I15.

It should be understood that a short-term increase in pressure is not a sign of hypertension. A change in this indicator can be associated with various factors, including severe stress, emotional stress, physical activity, etc. A disease is talked about if hypertension becomes stable.

Classification of Arterial Hypertension

This disease can develop under the influence of various factors, be accompanied by various symptoms and contribute to the development of various complications. That is why there are many schemes for systematizing the forms of the disease. For example, the classification of hypertension depending on the origin of the disease includes two main groups:

  • The essential form of the disease . In fact, this is primary arterial hypertension, the causes of which are not always clear. Nevertheless, a chronic increase in blood pressure in this case is not associated with lesions of other organs.
  • Symptomatic hypertension . This is a secondary form of the disease, which develops against the background of other diseases. For example, a chronic increase in blood pressure can occur with damage to the kidneys, nervous system, endocrine glands, and a number of medications.

It is also worth noting that there are four stages of the development of the disease, each of which is accompanied by a set of specific symptoms.

The main causes of the development of the disease

Risk factors for arterial hypertension can be very different. If we are talking about the primary form of the disease, then you can make the following list of possible causes:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Bad habits, especially smoking, as nicotine causes spasm of the vascular walls, which, accordingly, increases blood pressure.
  • A sedentary lifestyle affects primarily the work of the heart.
  • The presence of excess weight creates additional stress on the cardiovascular system.
  • Constant stresses and nervous strain affect the hormonal background, which can serve as an impetus for the development of chronic hypertension.
  • Risk factors include age - more often, hypertension syndrome is diagnosed in people older than 50-55 years.
  • The constant consumption of large amounts of sodium chloride affects the balance of electrolytes, leads to the appearance of edema, which is reflected in blood pressure.
  • Hypertension often affects diabetics.

hypertension clinical recommendations

It is worth saying that the causes of the development of the primary form of the disease are not always manageable. As for secondary hypertension, in most cases it develops in such cases:

  • Renal diseases, including chronic pyelonephritis, renal artery stenosis, diabetic nephropathy, acute and chronic forms of glomerulonephritis.
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system, for example, pheochromocytoma, hyperparathyroidism, Cushing's syndrome and many others.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system, congenital malformations, including open ductus arteriosus, aortic valve insufficiency.
  • Arterial hypertension syndrome can develop against the background of toxic effects on the body (taking drugs, alcohol abuse).
  • In women, hypertension often appears during pregnancy, because during this period the blood volume increases, the load on the heart increases, and a tendency to form edema appears.
  • Risk factors include taking certain medications, including hormonal drugs.

It is in such cases that the patient may develop a similar disease. Arterial hypertension is a serious ailment that should not be ignored. And for the success of therapy, it is important to determine the causes of the development of the disease.

Modern diagnostic methods

If you have symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, a specialist must collect as much information as possible.

  • Pressure measurement is the very first diagnostic procedure that is performed if a disease such as arterial hypertension is suspected. Clinical recommendations, by the way, suggest that patients with similar problems should have a tonometer in their home for periodic pressure changes. It is worth recalling that, normally, this indicator is 120-140 / 80-90 mm RT. Art. A constant increase in pressure may indicate hypertension (of course, various factors must be taken into account, including the age of the patient, the presence of diseases, taking medications, etc.).
  • Medical history is another important part of diagnosis. During the survey, the doctor tries to determine risk factors, for example, to obtain information about previously transferred diseases, the presence of relatives with hypertension, bad habits, etc.
  • A study is also conducted using a phonendoscope - a specialist can detect a change in heart sounds, the presence of noise.

differential diagnosis of arterial insufficiency syndrome

  • An electrocardiogram is a procedure that allows you to detect heart rhythm disturbances. Arterial insufficiency syndrome is often accompanied by left ventricular hypertrophy - such changes can be confirmed by ECG.
  • Echocardiography helps to detect changes in the structure of the heart, in particular to determine the increase in the thickness of the muscle walls, to identify valve defects.
  • Arteriography is an X-ray procedure designed to examine the walls of arteries and measure their lumen. In this way, for example, it is possible to diagnose congenital narrowing of the walls of blood vessels, to determine the presence of atheromatous plaques on the walls of arteries.
  • Dopplerography is an ultrasound technique that allows you to assess the state of blood flow in the vessels. In cases of suspected arterial hypertension, an examination of the cerebral and carotid arteries is first prescribed.
  • No less important is a biochemical blood test, which allows you to determine the level of sugar, cholesterol and lipoproteins (often an increase in pressure is associated with the development of atherosclerosis).
  • Since hypertension is often associated with disruption of the thyroid gland, ultrasound of this organ is indicated.

Differential diagnosis of arterial hypertension syndrome includes additional examinations of the organs of the circulatory, endocrine and excretory systems. Such procedures make it possible to determine the cause of the development of secondary hypertension.

Hypertension of the first degree: symptoms and treatment

Arterial hypertension of the 1st degree is accompanied by a fluctuation in blood pressure within 140-150 / 90-100 mm RT. Art. Patients complain of frequent headaches that occur against the background of physical exertion. Sometimes pains appear on the left side of the chest, which are given to the shoulder blade. People suffer from dizziness, which may result in fainting. Other symptoms include sleep disturbance, the appearance of black dots in front of the eyes, a rapid heartbeat, and the appearance of tinnitus. Signs appear only occasionally, the rest of the time the patient feels well.

hypertension of 1 degree

Vasoconstriction affects the blood supply to organs. Tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, which is accompanied by gradual necrosis. This, in turn, affects the metabolism. Arterial hypertension of the 1st degree affects the work of the whole organism. The most common complications include hypertrophy of the heart muscle, microinfarction, and sclerosis of the kidneys.

Patients with a similar diagnosis are prescribed a special diet, physical education, relaxation exercises, etc. With regard to medical treatment, the therapy includes vasodilators, diuretics (help to remove excess fluid from the body), neurotransmitters, anticholesterol and sedatives.

Hypertension of the second degree: symptoms and features

Arterial hypertension of the second degree is accompanied by a more pronounced increase in pressure - 160-179 / 100-109 mm RT. Art. Patients have to deal with constant discomfort - the symptoms of hypertension rarely disappear completely. Their list may include:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • intermittent nausea, throbbing in the head;
  • narrowing of arterioles, hyperemia;
  • blurred vision, progressive fundus pathologies;
  • swelling of the tissues of the face;
  • excessive sweating;
  • the presence of albumin in the urine;
  • numbness of the fingers.

arterial hypertension of the second degree

Hypertensive crises periodically appear, which are accompanied by a sharp jump in blood pressure (sometimes even by 50-60 mm Hg. Art.).

Methods of treatment and possible complications

At this stage, each patient requires medical treatment - patients take all the same drugs as for hypertension of the first stage. You need to take pills responsibly (doctors recommend taking them at the same time). Of course, it is important to follow a diet, avoid fatty foods, completely give up coffee, and minimize the amount of table salt.

If untreated, dangerous complications may develop. Among the most common include atherosclerosis (which only exacerbates the situation), encephalopathy, aortic aneurysm (pathological protrudes the walls of the vessel), angina pectoris, cerebral vascular thrombosis.

Features of the course and symptoms of hypertension of the third degree

The third stage is a severe chronic form of the disease, in which the risk of complications is extremely high. Blood pressure rises above 180/110 mm. This indicator never decreases closer to normal. In addition to the above symptoms, patients have others:

  • arrhythmia develops;
  • a personโ€™s gait changes, coordination of movements is disturbed;
  • impaired cerebral circulation leads to the development of paresis and paralysis;
  • persistent visual impairment;
  • frequent and prolonged hypertensive crises, which are accompanied by the appearance of sharp chest pains, clouding of consciousness, speech impairment;
  • gradually, patients lose the ability to move freely, communicate, and serve themselves.

As the disease progresses, more and more organs are involved in the process. Against the background of increased pressure and oxygen starvation, possible complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke, pulmonary edema, cardiac asthma, and damage to peripheral arteries. Often, patients are diagnosed with renal failure, diabetic nephropathy, nephroangiosclerosis. Visual impairment often results in complete blindness.

Therapy with the third degree of the development of the disease

Drug therapy is determined depending on the condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases. As a rule, patients are prescribed beta-blockers (Atenolol, Nadolol, Betaxolol), diuretics (Hypothiazide, Xipamide, Indapamide), ACE inhibitors (Ramipril, Fozinopril, " Enoapril "), calcium antagonists (" Plendil "," Verapamil "," Nifedipine "). Additionally, drugs can be prescribed to support the normal functioning of the kidneys, endocrine glands, brain, and organs of vision.

hypertension treatment medications

What are the predictions for patients diagnosed with arterial hypertension? Treatment, drugs, proper diet, gymnastics - all this, of course, helps to cope with some symptoms of the disease. Nevertheless, in the third stage, the disease is difficult to treat - patients are assigned a first degree disability, since they are practically incapable of work.

Fourth degree arterial hypertension

It is extremely rare in modern medical practice to diagnose hypertension of the fourth degree. Unfortunately, at this stage, the disease is practically not treatable. Hypertensive crises become constant companions of the patient. At such moments, he needs urgent medical attention. As a rule, a disease at this stage of development sooner or later ends in death.

Effective preventive measures

Are there any ways to prevent the development of a disease such as arterial hypertension? Clinical recommendations in this case are quite simple. If there is a bad heredity, people should carefully monitor the pressure, periodically undergo medical examinations. It is extremely important to abandon all bad habits, including taking drugs and alcohol, smoking.

hypertension disease

Regular exercise exerts a positive effect on the state of the circulatory system. One of the risk factors is stress - it is worth avoiding nervous stress, doing meditation, adhering to a normal regime of work and rest, spending time in the fresh air. An important element of prevention is nutrition - doctors recommend reducing the amount of sugar, fat and salt in the diet. The menu should contain products containing unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. It is worth giving up coffee.

What should people do who have already been diagnosed with hypertension? The help of a doctor in this case is necessary. The sooner a disease is detected, the easier it is to cope with it. Prevention in this case is aimed at preventing complications. The scheme includes medication and a healthy lifestyle.

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