Pain on the right side of the lower abdomen: possible causes and treatment features

Pain on the right side of the lower abdomen can be provoked by minor problems that do not require qualified medical care, but in some cases this syndrome indicates a pathology. Only the doctor can determine the cause of the pain, because sensations may not have arisen at all in this part of the body, but only give it here. It is unlikely that it will be possible to independently identify what has become the factor in the occurrence of unpleasant sensations - this requires laboratory and instrumental studies. Consider what they can show with a greater or lesser degree of probability.

What could be?

The occurrence of pain on the right side of the lower abdomen may be due to inflammation of the appendix. There is also the possibility of an infectious process, a malignant tumor localized in the intestinal tract on the right side relative to the central axis of the body. The pathological condition of the fallopian tubes can provoke the syndrome. Another possible cause is ureteral disease.

pain in the right side below


As you can see from medical statistics, most often people go to the clinic because of pain on the right side of the lower abdomen due to inflammatory processes in the appendix. Some specific features of this condition are revealed. First, the pain syndrome occurs near the navel, under the pit of the stomach, and it worries relatively little. Gradually, the sensations shift and increase. Soreness is given to the intestinal tract and turns into so strong that it is impossible to endure. The patient cannot stand, move. If you put a person, he will constantly lean on his right side, unconsciously trying to reduce the power of sensations. In the supine position, the patient marks the center of the syndrome as the right half of the body. If you try to roll on your left side, the feeling becomes stronger. At the same time, nausea is observed. The stool changes, most have constipation, although diarrhea is possible. The overall body temperature rises. Tears some once.

Trying to understand what caused the pain on the right side of the lower abdomen, some do not even consider appendicitis as a possible cause, because there is an erroneous stereotype: with such a disease, symptoms appear suddenly and sharply, and are immediately localized in the lower abdomen. In fact, everything is not so obvious. The localization of pain is determined by the anatomy of a particular person, and the location of the appendix varies quite widely in different people. If you experience symptoms similar to appendicitis, you must call an ambulance and deliver the patient to the clinic. The doctor will check the patient’s condition using special devices, and if an inflammatory process is detected, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment - usually an operation.

It hurts, oh, it hurts!

Since there are many possible causes of pain in the lower abdomen, they even introduced a special term in medicine - “acute abdomen”. This is a general descriptive concept applicable to a wide range of diseases, the course of which provokes the occurrence of severe severe pain. An acute abdomen is formed not only in patients with appendicitis, but also accompanies pancreatitis, peritonitis. Various causes can provoke such inflammatory diseases. With acute pancreatitis, the soreness becomes intolerably strong, while the center may be located on the right, although this is not necessary. The person in need of help is in serious condition, he is in a fever, vomiting overcomes attacks. Suspecting pancreatitis, you need to immediately call an ambulance team. The patient is hospitalized, sent for emergency surgery. If urgent measures are not taken in the acute form of the disease, there is a likelihood of serious complications up to death.

pain on the right side of the abdomen

Causes and consequences

There may be different causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the right. Why it hurts in the right side in a particular case, only a doctor with the knowledge, experience and tools to examine the patient’s condition will say. A detailed study can help diagnose an infectious acute disease localized in the digestive tract. It is possible to diagnose colitis, that is, such an inflammatory process in the intestinal tract, in which foci of ulceration are formed. If the intestinal walls in the ileal region become inflamed, ileitis is diagnosed. Severe pain can trigger Crohn's disease. This severe pathological condition covers several parts of the intestinal tract at the same time. If the pain is accompanied by loose frequent stools, perhaps the reason for this was infection with parasites. There is a possibility that these are worms, protozoa, amoeba.

Worried about the pain in the lower right abdomen? The doctor will tell about the causes of the symptom and how to deal with it. It must be remembered that sensations can be triggered by squeezing the parts of the nervous system that feed the spinal column. The localization of pain in this case indicates which part of the body is affected. In some cases, the syndrome is explained by herpes, deprive. Perhaps the formation of stones in the bladder, the passage of such formations along the internal ducts. Women should be especially attentive to pain. A similar area of ​​localization may indicate diseases of the reproductive system, improper fastening of the fertilized cell, rupture of the cyst. Endometriosis can initiate pain.

Reproductive function and pathological conditions

The cause of pain in the lower abdomen to the right or left in a woman can be pregnancy. If the pain resembles contractions, nausea worries, it is urgent to consult a gynecologist. There is a chance of incorrect fixing of the egg, rupture of the pipe. Currently, an ectopic pregnancy is the most typical pathology of the reproductive system for women, requiring urgent surgical intervention. If the fertilized cells are fixed in the fallopian tube, it ruptures approximately 5-6 weeks after conception. Around the same period, tubal abortion may be initiated. The key initial symptom is a sharp and severe pain, provoked by a rupture of the pipe. Within a few weeks before this, manifestations of pregnancy can be observed - chest aches, anxiety toxicity, menstrual cycle is disturbed. Spontaneous interruption is accompanied by pains resembling contractions, the strength of which is becoming more and more. As the condition progresses, discharge containing blood can be seen.

If the cause of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen in a woman is pregnancy, the pain gives to the perineum and responds in the intestinal tract. Discomfort covers the genitals of the external organs. It is noted that with ectopic pregnancy at the end of the term for bearing pain, it is a fairly frequent companion of the expectant mother. Mostly they are physiological, occur from time to time, have a pulling character. Stretching of the uterus is accompanied by an increase in the volume of ligaments, as a result, pain should not be too strong. This often worries in the first half of the gestation period.

stomach pain right why

Weak sex: nuances of state

The cause of pain in the lower right abdomen of a woman can be natural processes that occur in the body during the gestation of the child. In the first third of this period, the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the generation of progesterone, is activated in the ovaries. The production of the hormone by this organ may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations localized in the lower abdomen. They are usually characterized as aching in the stomach can pull.

During the bearing of a child from the lower abdomen, pain occurs in pathological conditions that force an urgent visit to a surgeon. Cases of ileitis, appendicitis and other diseases are known. There is a risk of inflammation in the internal appendages, renal colic. Pain may indicate torsion of the base of the cyst.

It is necessary to navigate the causes and treatment of pain in the lower abdomen in women who have had childbirth. It is known that the feeding period is accompanied by the production of oxytocin, which initiates muscle activity and milk production. Due to this hormone, the muscles of the uterus contract. The process may be accompanied by pain reminiscent of a fight. In addition, in the postpartum period (this is especially characteristic of Caesarean section), the uterine cavity can be infected with pathological microscopic life forms that initiate endometritis. With this pathology, a woman feels pain, fever, vaginal discharge with purulent inclusions is observed. To prevent such consequences, after giving birth, it is necessary to examine the uterus and check whether there is any remaining placenta.

What else happens?

In women who have recently given birth, such main causes of pain in the lower abdomen are also known:

  • exacerbation of intestinal diseases initiated by cesarean section;
  • salpingitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • salpingoophoritis.

If the cause of the sensation is a relapse of intestinal disease, active gas formation is added to the soreness. The patient notes heaviness in the lower body. Possible constipation. This is largely due to a change in the menu, lifestyle.

After a short time after childbirth, soreness resembling contractions is possible. Examination of the condition may show the presence of a placental polyp. The muscle fibers of the uterine walls contract in an attempt to push out a foreign body, but just so the polyp cannot be removed. With polyposis, soreness is noted for a long time, does not pass on its own.

pain below women left

Hormones and health

Aching pain in the lower abdomen on the right side in women often occurs during menstrual bleeding, and also shortly after them. The syndrome is due to an imbalance in the hormone content in the circulatory system. If there is an increased concentration of prostaglandins, pain occurs both in the lower body and in the chest (not always, but often). A woman chills, feels sick and vomits. Cephalgia is possible. During menstrual bleeding and shortly after it, pain can signal uterine myoma, polyps, adhesions, chronic pathological processes in the reproductive system, foci of inflammation. Pain may indicate endometriosis. To determine exactly what exactly provokes her, you need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the patient and collect complaints, medical history. Based on the preliminary diagnosis, instrumental, laboratory tests will be prescribed to clarify what exactly provoked the pain.

Status Features

There are different types of pain. On the right, the stomach hurts, for example, against the background of intestinal disorders and the accumulation of gases. At the same time, the sensations are stitching, at the same time, bloating is observed. The cause of this condition can be poor nutrition and excessive consumption of food products, the processing of which is accompanied by the release of gases. A syndrome can develop if a person eats too fast, chews food poorly. Intense intestinal upset can trigger severe stress. Another possible cause is digestive failure.

Sometimes the syndrome indicates liver problems. This is a fairly large organ located in the upper zone, but pain in it can give off to nearby areas, including the lower abdomen. If the cause is precisely in the pathology of the liver, the pain will be localized in the side on the right. From medical statistics it is known that in an impressive percentage of cases diagnosed with fatty liver dystrophy or inflammatory process.

Another main cause of pain in the lower abdomen on the right is peptic ulcer. Foci of ulceration can unpredictably appear on the mucous membranes of the gastric system or intestinal tract, while the syndrome spreads to the lower torso zone. It is possible to suspect that the root cause in the ulcer, if at the same time the pain burns in the stomach, there is discomfort in the lower abdomen. Often this is fixed in people who overuse non-hormonal anti-inflammatory, aspirin, ibuprofen. Another common cause is Helicobacter pylori colony.

abdominal pain causes symptoms ways

Urinary and reproductive systems

A sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the right side may indicate cystitis. The term refers to the formation of an inflammation in the bladder. Usually, cystitis is provoked by pathological microorganisms, occurs against a background of hypothermia. There is a likelihood of developing an ailment due to minor injury or due to aggressive radiation. The pain that accompanies cystitis radiates to different parts of the body, often unpredictable. The lower torso area due to cystitis sometimes hurts just right side. In some, discomfort is observed in the spinal column or near the anus. Often a headache.

The appearance of soreness in the right side of the body on the side can signal the formation of stones, the focus of inflammation in the kidney on the right. Often the pain spreads to the back in the right half of the body. The stomach hurts in case of diseases localized in the appendages, the uterus. Sometimes the syndrome indicates a malformation of an internal organ. In addition to the lower abdomen, pain extends to the intestinal tract, lumbar region, sacrum. If the inflammatory process begins in the uterus, first an unpleasant syndrome is concentrated over the pubis. With the localization of pathology in the appendages, pain forms in the side or both at once. Deterioration is observed quite quickly - just a few hours after the onset of the first symptoms. Many have a strong fever.

Women: the nuances of the case

Often due to pain, the fair sex has to think about what is on the lower abdomen on the right. After the examination, the doctor can identify the root cause of the reproductive system problems. This is characteristic of recent births or termination of pregnancy. Pain can accompany the use of a contraceptive installed in the uterus, as well as an X-ray examination if the procedure involved filling the uterine cavity with a contrast agent.

However, most often the pain is due to the monthly cycle, or rather, its violation. To one degree or another, more than 50% of all women face such problems. In some, the pain comes after very heavy discharge or against the background of strong feelings, a cold. Understanding what to do if there is pain in the lower abdomen on the right, you need to understand: you should consult a doctor, since self-medication can be dangerous. Moreover, it is known that some medications provoke pain in the lower body, as they lead to a violation of the monthly cycle.

Features of the reproductive cycle

A possible cause of the syndrome may be ovulation. When a female reproductive cell matures in the ovary on the right, the condition may be accompanied by pain. It is noted that the syndrome is more often observed just in the case when maturation occurs on the right side. Experts unequivocally recommend what to do if it hurts on the right side of the lower abdomen during ovulation: immediately sign up for an emergency appointment with a gynecologist. There is a chance that the pain is caused by a large follicle, rupture of which harms the ovary and violates the integrity of the walls of the organ. This causes bleeding localized in the abdominal cavity. The patient's condition is greatly complicated, urgent surgery is needed. If such a diagnosis is identified, she will be immediately hospitalized.

First aid

If it pulls to the lower right abdomen, what to do? No need to look for the cause and methods of treatment on the Internet, it is better to seek the help of a professional. If the pain is not too severe, the person hesitates with going to the clinic to the last. Doctors believe that such neglect of one’s health is unacceptable, as it can provoke serious complications. Perhaps the root cause of the pain is such that an urgent operation is needed, and the lack of timely support provided will provoke a fatal outcome.

You need to be especially careful if the abdomen hurts against the background of constipation, muscle strain, a sharp occurrence of pain. Dangerous symptoms include sweating, pallor, frequent contraction of the heart muscle, the appearance of bloody discharge during bowel movements, and a black shade of feces. Only the doctor will be able to accurately select, against the background of the alleged causes, the treatment of pain in the lower right abdomen in a man or woman, if the condition is accompanied by profuse vomiting with blood on. The severe course of the pathology is indicated by the presence of injury, the absence of gas excretion. .

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Which drugs to use, choose based on the cause of the phenomenon. If the stomach does not hurt too much, the condition is accompanied by abundant loose stools, you can try Phthalazor, Sulgin. Both of these drugs help to somewhat reduce the invasion of pathological microorganisms, if any. To improve the stool, you can take Immodium.

If the pain arose against the background of an improper diet or poisoning, adsorbents are shown to the patient. The simplest option is activated carbon. In pharmacies, the well-known Enterosgel is sold. If the pain is caused by an ulcer, the drugs are used only under the supervision of a doctor. To alleviate an acute attack take "No-Shpu", "Almagel." With intestinal colic, they will help wait for the arrival of Dr. Baralgin, Analgin. You can use Papaverine or No-Shpu.

The appearance of acute pain syndrome against the background of severe nervous shocks, experiences. In this case, the patient is shown sedatives. You can try natural and safe products - valerian tincture or motherwort.

what to do if pain

If the cause of the condition is cholecystitis, the pain is associated with biliary colic or inflammatory processes, you should take "No-Shpu." You can use the Halidor. “Trigan”, “Dallak” preparations will come to the rescue. In some cases, it is possible to alleviate the condition while waiting for the doctor with the help of Olimetin, Allohol. Similar effects are possessed by the medicines "Cholenzym", "Hologon". Before using such tablets, it is better to first check with the doctor called if they should be used, as well as familiarize yourself with the accompanying instructions for use.

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