How to get rid of swollen eyes: causes, treatment methods, effective methods, reviews

Women see swollen eyelids more often in the mirror than men. This unaesthetic cosmetic effect can only be due to too much salty food, liquid, or a short sleep. Often, this symptom is accompanied by an inflammatory disease of the connective tissue surrounding the eye. How to quickly get rid of swollen eyes? Why do tissues swell? Could this be a sign of illness?

Causes of edema in adults

Swelling can occur due to external and internal causes. Redness and visible swelling can cause both chronic lack of sleep, and too long sleep, hours of work at the computer, stress and tears. Sources of problems can be the abuse of alcohol the day before, water and salty foods, too late dinner. In adults, eyes may swell when using poor-quality cosmetics, an allergic reaction, improper eyelid care, ignoring personal hygiene rules and so on. Often this is a symptom of ophthalmic diseases and / or various disorders in the functioning of internal organs. More often, the eyes swell in women (especially pregnant women), the elderly and patients with cardiac diseases.

Edema causes the intake of certain drugs, especially diuretics, vasodilators, antiallergic drugs. Antibiotics that are used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other respiratory viral diseases are worsening. Promotes swelling of the tissues around the eyes, prolonged crying, especially before bedtime or just in the evening. Concomitant symptoms in this case will be apathy, headache and drowsiness. Crying can be caused not only by emotional shocks, but also by the body's reaction to garlic, onions, and other aggressive foods. Allergies and the wearing of contact lenses provoke the problem (swelling will occur if you do not remove them at night).

how to treat swelling of the eyes

Why do children have swollen eyes?

Often the reasons are general, but several of the most common diagnoses for children can be distinguished. For example, in children under 10-12 years of age, allergic edema and Quincke edema are more common. This is due to the fact that the children's body is more susceptible to the aggressive effects of various factors. The same statement applies to injuries: they are more common in children than in adults. The main causes of edema in children are usually the following:

  1. Impaired kidney function. Eyes swell with severe intoxication, pyelonephritis, sand and salts in the kidneys, insufficiency. It is accompanied by inflammation and pallor, expressed by itching of the eyelids. Edema is more pronounced after prolonged sleep on one side.
  2. Eye injuries. In case of injury, a bruise will appear first, then swelling will occur.
  3. Abscess of the lacrimal sac. Tears and pus abundantly stand out from the eyes, redness and swelling of the eyelids, soreness and fever appear. This disease is a consequence of congenital or acquired dacryocystitis.
  4. Phlegmon eye sockets. Purulent inflammation of the fiber of the mucous membrane, which is accompanied by severe nausea, visual impairment, migraine, fever, limited mobility of the eyeball, redness of the eyelids.
  5. Allergy after an insect bite. Health can be threatened by flies, mosquitoes, wasps and bees, bugs. The affected area may be the neck. The problem area becomes inflamed and blushes.
swelling around the eyes after lack of sleep

Associated symptoms

The clinical picture depends on what disease caused the problem. With infection, the eyelids will itch, may become covered with red spots. An allergic reaction to cosmetics causes severe itching and burning. With conjunctivitis, Quincke's edema, or phlegmon, vision may be impaired. If the cause is an injury, then the tumor is preceded by a bruise. There is discomfort and a feeling of numbness, the skin temperature rises locally, it can hurt to touch the area around the eye, and the patient may be disturbed by increased lacrimation. Often the eyes are filled with blood, a veil appears in front of them.

How to get rid of puffy eyes?

An ophthalmologist should deal with the problem if it is caused by an allergy or related diseases, as well as a general practitioner and other narrow doctors in identifying any abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs and systems. Antiallergenic, blood circulation and steroid medications may be prescribed. In some cases, folk remedies are effective.

how to get rid of swollen eyes after tears

How to get rid of puffy eyes? If the problem is of an infectious nature, then it is advisable to undergo treatment with drops of Sulfacil within a month. The drug is effective in the first stage of the disease, with the help of drops it is possible to suppress the activity of bacteria, cure blepharitis and conjunctivitis. Three drops are instilled in one eye three times a day. Manipulation is performed in a prone position, but with a raised head. During the first 10 minutes after instillation, the mucous membrane may slightly bake, but this is considered a normal option.

With advanced edema, doctors prescribe Phloxal, Albutsid, Allergodil. "Phloxal" is used for injuries, barley, corneal ulcers. The drug is effective against staphylococcus, streptococcus and other pathogenic microorganisms. The product is available in tubes of 5 ml, enough for a week. It is recommended to apply three times in ten days.

"Albucid" helps with keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis. For one course of treatment, at least two packs of the drug will be required. In the acute phase of the disease, drops are used up to six times a day, and as they recover, they are transferred two to three times.

"Allergodil" is prescribed to eliminate itching, allergies to cosmetics, food or aggressive factors. You can use drops to treat children from four years old. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The therapy lasts for two weeks, then take a ten-day break. In addition to the pronounced therapeutic effect, there is an improvement in vision, the elimination of redness and veil in front of the eyes.

how to quickly get rid of swollen eyes

Masks for eliminating puffiness

How to get rid of puffy eyes in the morning? Home masks with aloe juice, chamomile broth, green tea, cottage cheese, sour cream will help eliminate puffiness, soothe, improve blood circulation, and relieve inflammation. It is recommended to produce such products immediately before use, and they can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Before use, the mask stored in the refrigerator must be warmed up.

How to get rid of swollen eyes after a sleepless night or tears? You can grate one potato, add to the gruel a decoction of calendula prepared from one tablespoon of raw material into two tablespoons of water. The mixture must be put on the skin around the eyes, leave for ten minutes and wash. Another recipe is an aloe mask. Grind and grate one leaf of the plant, add one tablespoon of honey. With this mixture, lubricate the problem areas with your fingers, rinse off after twenty minutes, after which moisturize the skin with any oily face cream.

how to get rid of puffy eyes after


How to quickly get rid of puffy eyes in the morning? In addition to other methods, compresses and lotions can be made for quick results. A good result is shown by tea, mint, a decoction of chamomile and oak bark. In addition, they are useful in conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other ophthalmic and dermatological diseases. How to get rid of swollen eyes after tears? You can pour three tablespoons of dry raw materials (chamomile) 150 ml of boiled water and pour the composition into the recesses in the form for ice. Every night before bedtime or as necessary, you can apply the tool to the eyelids. Another such procedure is well refreshes and tones the skin.

Ointments for edema in the eye area

How to get rid of puffy eyes? When edema appears on the eyelids, doctors recommend oxolinic ointment, hydrocortisone or heparin. Drugs are recommended to be used before applying drops for a period of a week to a month. A more noticeable effect can be achieved by applying a blindfold after the end of the procedure. Oxolinic ointment helps with keratitis of a viral nature or conjunctivitis. Due to the deep penetration into the tissue, the ointment eliminates irritation, redness of the mucosa, and itching of the skin. The tool is used once a day for two weeks.

how to get rid of puffy eyes in the morning

Tetracycline ointment has antibacterial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to apply the product to the lower eyelid for adults and children from five years from three to five times a day. In difficult cases, the course of treatment is a month. When using the ointment, a decrease in visual acuity is possible, so it is advisable not to drive while undergoing therapy. In some cases, dryness of the mucous membrane and sensitivity to light may appear. In addition, this method of therapy is not suitable for pregnant women.

how to get rid of puffy eyes

Patient reviews for treatment

All of the above methods for eliminating puffiness around the eyes are called effective by patients. After tears or lack of sleep, compresses and lotions help well. In other cases, treatment is usually necessary, so do not dispense with the use of ointment or drops.

How to get rid of puffy eyes? Before using any drops or ointment on your own, consult your doctor. Perhaps some drug is not suitable in a particular case. The specialist will select the optimal treatment regimen taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the medical history.

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