How to fry potatoes in a pan with onions, mushrooms or meat?

It would seem that everyone knows how to fry potatoes in a pan (with onions, for example). However, how many disappointments happen! It turns out steamed, not fried, then a crust forms some slurred, then the taste is vague ... People sometimes even refuse their favorite, albeit not very healthy, dishes.

how to fry potatoes in a pan with onions

Do not make such sacrifices! You just need to figure out how to fry potatoes in a pan, take into account mistakes made earlier and make your family happy with a wonderful dinner! Moreover, there is nothing complicated in the rules. Mastering them is quite simple.

How to fry potatoes in a pan

First of all, pay attention to the existing pan. You can immediately set aside Teflon for something else, since it has a too thin bottom, and normal frying will not work. The best frying pan is cast iron, but another, only a thick-bottomed one, is quite suitable.

We go further. Before frying potatoes in a pan (with onions, mushrooms or in splendid isolation), it must be dried with paper towels. Moisture released from tubers prevents the formation of a treasured crust. But contributes to their quenching.

Another secret is how to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust: put the slices only in well-heated fat or oil. If they did not have time to heat up, the slices will stick, and in the future, again, they will begin not to fry, but to steam. Another very common mistake is the use of a cover. They covered a frying pan - they got soft pale stewed potatoes.

how to fry potatoes in a pan

To get a beautiful and strong crust, you need to start frying on high heat, and with its grasp, reduce it to medium. And in no case do not interfere too often!

And finally, the potato itself. You should not use young tubers - they can also produce quite decent fried potatoes, but still not juicy and rich. Plus, proper salting: salt is added at the very end, as it also prevents browning.

Classic recipe

For starters, consider how to fry potatoes in a pan with onions. Here, the most frequently made mistake is throwing vegetables into the dish at the same time. The result is deplorable: the tubers are falling apart, the onion is actually spread over the straw, the taste is dubious. The following algorithm will be correct:

  • The potato, of course, is peeled, cut (the form of slicing is not important, but it is better to make slices thin) and dried.
  • The oil poured into the pan is heated.
  • Potatoes are poured and fried in accordance with all the rules until a comprehensive golden crust is obtained.
  • Slices are raked to the sides, and crumbled onions are poured into the center.

how to fry potatoes with mushrooms in a pan

When the second ingredient is gilded, everything is mixed and salted.

Fry alternatively

No matter how you try, there is always a risk that the juice released from fresh onions will lead to the breakdown of potato straws, and the frying will not get the desired color. Consider how to fry potatoes in a pan with onions in an easier way. Tubers should be cooked in one dish and onions in another. When both components reach the desired condition, they are combined and left for a couple of minutes on fire for mutual soaking with juices of each other.

Potato with forest mushrooms

This clarification is very important, as you can fry potatoes with mushrooms in a pan in two different ways. Mushrooms that are collected in the forest must be pre-prepared: if necessary, peeled, then boiled. Next we do this:

  • We process the tubers in the manner described above with the obligatory drying.
  • We heat the oil in a thick-bottomed bowl and fry the straws, slices or circles until almost ready. The crust should cover them from all sides, and inside the potato should remain a little damp.
  • Butter (chanterelles, honey mushrooms) are chopped, poured to the main product and roasted together for about five minutes. At the same stage, the dish is flavored with spices and salted.

how to fry potatoes with meat in a pan
To enrich the taste, you can add a couple of spoons of sour cream to the pan and mix everything until it dissolves. Dinner is served!

Potatoes with champignons

Here the approach will be different. "Home" mushrooms do not need to boil. And you can’t lay it right away, since frying potatoes with mushrooms in a pan at the same time means getting some kind of porridge. Therefore, do not be lazy and use two dishes at once. In one pan, by all rules, potatoes are fried, in another, onions are first stewed, and then crumbled champignons are poured. When both of them are ready, the components are combined in a larger pan, mixed and left for a couple of minutes under the lid with the fire turned off, so that they take aromas and juices from each other.

Since champignons themselves are quite tasteless, many housewives advise adding roasted garlic and / or herbs to them when frying.

Potato and pork

Want to get a full and satisfying dish - learn how to fry potatoes with meat in a pan. Stepwise cooking is also preferred here. It is better to take pork from the fat parts of the carcass, then you can do without additional oils, and the potato will absorb its spirit.

how to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust

A slice of meat of four hundred grams is cut with cubes. They are placed in a dry frying pan, and at first the fire is made slow so that fat is melted. When the pieces are covered with a golden crisp, they are transferred to a separate dish and replaced in a frying pan with a finely chopped large onion. The grill is cooked to a juicy brownish color and sent to the company for meat.

Now potatoes are cut into strips - seven pieces (average size) will be required for the indicated amount of pork. If fat is already low, it can be diluted with sunflower oil. Potato slices are brought to ruddy readiness, after which they are combined with delayed ingredients. Salted, pepper and sprinkled with herbs, the dish can be served on the table.

Delicious Patties

Many housewives are not ready to bother with baking. A very simple recipe is suitable for them. How to fry pies with potatoes in a pan quickly and tasty? Here is a very simple dough that even a novice cook can manage to make, as well as a simple filling. The result is just wonderful! First, let's take a look at the insides. For them, approximately 500 g of potatoes are boiled in salted water, after which they are heated up to the state of mashed potatoes with a spoon of butter. Fry is made from a pair of onions, and both components are evenly combined. A quarter of a liter of low-fat kefir is mixed with a little soda, two eggs, a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of refined oil and a spoonful of sugar.

how to fry pies with potatoes in a pan

A dense, but soft dough is kneaded (the flour will leave about a half kilogram). Balls roll out of it, which are kneading into cakes. Pies are formed. Sunflower oil is well heated in a pan, in which a culinary miracle is fried. When an even blush is obtained, the container is covered with a lid, and the pies languish under it for several minutes.

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