During the onset of cold weather, respiratory infections of an infectious nature are not uncommon. Runny nose and nasopharynx pain in medicine is called rhinitis. In the absence of adequate treatment, rhinitis becomes chronic and flows into sinusitis or adenoiditis. These are quite dangerous conditions, which in the absence of timely treatment lead to the need for surgical intervention. The use of Isofra (nasal spray) can stop the chronic inflammatory process and bring the patient significant relief in a short period of time.
Composition and form of release
The drug "Isofra" is a spray for nasal use. The composition includes an antibiotic. The drug can be used to treat children, but only after consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist. With an overdose, there is a high risk of side effects.
The main active component of Isofra is framycetin. This ingredient is a topical antibiotic.
The antimicrobial spectrum of the drug includes both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (when injected into the nose). The instructions for use of Isofra report that, with regular use, the symptoms of acute ENT diseases are alleviated on the second or third day. However, the full course of treatment is at least seven days.
Storage conditions and shelf life
The instructions for use of the Isofra spray report that if the storage conditions of the drug are violated, the degree of its effectiveness decreases. The bottle should be stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ยฐ C, in a dark place, tightly tighten the lid and prevent sunlight from entering it.
Shelf life on condition of a closed vial is 1 year. After opening, the shelf life is one month. If you use the medicine after this period, then the therapeutic effect may be absent altogether. In addition, side effects may be present. The appearance of allergic reactions often worries precisely those patients who neglect to follow the instructions and use the drug after the expiration date.
pharmachologic effect
The composition of the drug includes a local antibiotic. Refers to the drug group of aminoglycosides. They are actively used to treat diseases of the throat and nose. The instructions for use of the Isofra spray report that framycetin acts on the cell membrane, promotes the penetration of ions into the cytoplasm. As a result of this process, the death of pathogenic microbes is achieved. Framycetin is active against staphylococci, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci. As part of other drugs, framycetin is capable of exerting a destructive effect on Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella.
Isofra is one of the most modern and safe drugs for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx provoked by microbes.
Indications for use
Injection of the drug must be carried out in the nose. The instructions for use with the Isofra spray report that the indications for its use are as follows:
- chronic and acute sinusitis;
- pharyngitis of a bacterial nature;
- sinusitis of bacterial etiology;
- prevention of infectious pathologies after surgical interventions;
- rhinopharyngitis.
It is optimal to use the drug only after consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist. Despite the fact that in almost any pharmacy you can buy Isofra without a prescription from your doctor, some conditions require constant monitoring by a qualified specialist. However, many patients, at their own risk, prescribe a dosage for themselves. As a result, therapy may be less effective, and side effects may appear, such as itching, irritation, pain in the mucous membrane.
The instructions say that the contraindications for the use of Isofra are as follows:
- children's age up to one year;
- individual intolerance to framycetin;
- allergic reactions to any component in the composition of the drug.
Some parents at their own risk use Isofra to treat chronic rhinitis in babies up to one year old. If none of the other drugs had a therapeutic effect, then use "Isofra" for children under one year of age is possible only after examination by an otorhinolaryngologist and consultation with him. In some cases, the drug is diluted with saline, and then instilled into the nose. This method allows to reduce the concentration of the composition, as a result of which the mucous membrane of the child is guaranteed not to get a burn.
Recommended Dosages
The use of Isofra spray is intranasal, that is, injections should be made directly into the nasal cavity. The dosage when prescribing the drug to adults differs from that used for the treatment of childrenโs nose.
The instructions for use with Isofra report that for adults, the optimal dosage is from 4 to 6 injections into each nostril per day. The more pronounced the symptoms of the disease, the more often injection should be made. Moreover, the maximum amount per day is six. On the eighth to tenth day of treatment, you can reduce the number of injections to three to four. The optimal duration of drug therapy for adults is ten days. If you use it for less than five days, then it is likely that the symptoms of the underlying disease will return very quickly.
Children should not take more than three injections per day into each nostril. In this case, the minimum amount is one injection into each nostril. The use of Isofra for children should not be carried out for less than five or more than seven days.
The duration of treatment and the number of injections per day should be determined by the attending physician depending on the state of the nasopharynx and symptoms. As a rule, with chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, the duration of treatment differs to a greater extent. In chronic rhinitis, as a rule, the duration of therapy for adults is a week, for children - five to six days.
Possible side effects
In the instructions for use and in reviews about "Isofra" it is reported that the following side effects may occur:
- dryness and itching in the nasopharynx;
- allergic reaction;
- irritation of the nasal mucosa.
Patients note that usually the drug is tolerated relatively well. If there are symptoms of an allergic reaction (severe itching, tearing, sneezing), then it is better to abandon the use of Isofra and choose a more suitable drug.
Reviews on the use of sinusitis
The causes of sinusitis are various, but most often it is advanced chronic rhinitis. Patients with chronic sinusitis complain of periodically occurring pains in the nose, constant nasal congestion and inability to breathe. In this case, the voice becomes hoarse, may cause sore throat.
Using "Isofra" allows you to get rid of all these symptoms. In reviews of the use of Isofra, it is reported that the drug is effective in both acute and chronic sinusitis. Relief occurs on the second or third day of using the spray. Pain in the bridge of the nose disappears on the fourth day. Of course, depending on the stage of the disease, the result of drug therapy may vary. In some cases, otorhinolaryngologists, in addition to Isofra, also prescribe a number of other drugs with analgesic and antimicrobial effects. There are practically no negative reviews about Isofra with sinusitis. If patients respond to the drug in a negative way, then this is usually associated with improper dosing and use of the drug.
Reviews on the use of pharyngitis
Pharyngitis is an acute or chronic process that affects the nasopharynx. The patient may confuse him with sinusitis or rhinitis. For an accurate diagnosis, consultation and examination by an otorhinolaryngologist is necessary. Often, just a few days of therapy using Isofra is enough for the patient to feel relief from pharyngitis. Often the disease in acute form is accompanied by side ailments - in this case, the otorhinolaryngologist can prescribe a number of other drugs to combat negative symptoms.
Reviews about "Isofra" with pharyngitis are positive. Since with this pathology the patient experiences not only nasal congestion, but also often a sore throat, suffers from dry mucous membranes, the duration of therapy should be maximum and the frequency of use should be relatively high. If possible, then you should not engage in self-medication, but visit a doctor - often taking antimicrobials for the pharyngeal cavity is often required.
Lateral pharyngitis is one of the forms of the chronic course of the disease, characterized by hypertrophy of lymphadenoid tissues located inside the pharyngeal lateral folds behind the palatine arches. "Isofra" with lateral pharyngitis has a rather weak effect when used independently, therefore, it is also necessary to rinse the throat with solutions. The reviews say that with lateral pharyngitis, "Isofra" copes with nasal congestion, but it does not help much from sore throats.
Prophylactic use of Isofra
Prophylactic use is justified if the patient has experienced surgery in the nasopharynx. Often, after such operations, inflammatory processes develop in the nose and throat. Therefore, for prevention, otorhinolaryngologists prescribe Isofra.
In the reviews, patients report that after removing adenoids, the drug is often prescribed for both children and adults. In parallel, they receive treatment with sprays and drops with a disinfecting and moisturizing effect. As a result of such therapy, it is possible to avoid complications and restore the state of the mucosa and healthy breathing as quickly as possible.