How is rubella transmitted? Rubella Transmission Routes

In this article we will talk about how rubella is transmitted, as well as the specifics of the spread of this disease. In addition, we consider the nature of the disease and its types. We will pay special attention to preventive measures, because if they are done on time, infections can be avoided.

how rubella is transmitted

What is rubella?

Before answering the question: β€œHow is rubella transmitted in adults?”, You need to give a complete description of this disease.

Rubella is an acute infectious disease characterized by a strong fever, runny nose, a slight cough, swollen lymph nodes and their soreness. The main symptom is the appearance of rashes on the skin. The danger of pathology is that the incubation period can last almost a month. But at the same time, the infected person is the carrier and spread of the virus. People of all ages are affected, however, children under 10 years of age are most often infected.

Rubella definition

As already noted, rubella is a viral disease. From the point of view of diagnosis, this pathology is quite difficult, as it has the same symptoms as measles, fever with a rash, parvovirus B19, dengue fever, herpes viruses, Coxsackie, as well as scarlet fever.

In childhood, it can be completely asymptomatic or with mild signs. It is much harder for adults, the symptoms appear brighter. Moreover, the first signs appear even before the rash begins. Typically, the lymphatic posterior cervical and occipital nodes are seriously inflamed. This is the main sign of the onset of the disease. In adults, more often than in children, complications arise. Things can even go to encephalitis.

how rubella is transmitted in adults

Types of rubella

It is very important to know how rubella is transmitted in adults, since the type of the disease, and therefore its further treatment, can depend on this. So, two types of rubella are distinguished:

  • Congenital (CRS) - in this case, infection occurs in utero, the reason is infection of the mother during pregnancy. A very dangerous variety, as it threatens with serious pathologies in the development of internal systems and organs of the fetus.
  • Acquired - infection occurs after the virus enters the human body. The course of the disease in this form is characterized by a moderate condition and a quick recovery.

Rubella prevalence

Before the rubella vaccine was developed , people around the world suffered from it. The disease was at the level of endemicity, and epidemics flared up every 5-10 years. And all due to the fact that rubella is transmitted by airborne droplets.

By 2002, nearly 60% of all countries on earth included rubella vaccination in their national immunization programs. Most of them use a two-dose regimen. Thanks to this, rubella is practically eradicated in these countries. Nevertheless, the viruses of this disease are not completely eradicated, and it is very easy for a person who has not been vaccinated to get it. Therefore, local outbreaks of the disease sometimes occur, especially in the cold season.

Reservoir of disease

How is rubella transmitted? Only a sick person can become a source of the disease. In this case, it will not be infectious all the time the course of the disease, but only in the first weeks. At this time, symptoms may not yet appear, and he may not even realize that he is sick and infects others. This is especially true for children, they are much easier to tolerate rubella, but adults are not so lucky. And the disease can permanently disable a person. Various complications are especially dangerous.

Transmission ways

How is rubella transmitted?

So, how is rubella transmitted in children? We list the main options for transmitting the virus:

  • The airborne method, the most common and famous. Everyone probably heard of him.
  • Through direct contact, that is, handshakes or objects that a sick person passed on to a healthy person.
  • Nasopharyngeal secretions can also be excellent guides for the virus.

The average incubation period (the time when the disease does not manifest itself) on average lasts from 14 to 17 days. In some cases, this period may be extended to 21 days.

How rubella is transmitted from child to adult

The mechanisms of infection are no different from those described above. The only thing to consider is that infected babies often secrete a large number of pathogenic bacteria along with urine and pharyngeal secretions. The virus is able to maintain vital activity outside the host organism for a rather long period, so you can get infected by contacting only with various secretions of a sick patient.

In this regard, all the diapers and clothes of the child must be processed after contact with the baby. Disposable disposable hygiene items may not be thrown into public trash bins. Usually the nursing staff takes care of this, but if the child is undergoing treatment at home, the care will be taken by the parents.

Rubella: how is it transmitted through third parties?

This question most often concerns pregnant women and those who are just planning a pregnancy, but have no opportunity to vaccinate.

So, is it possible to get infected from your friends who have school-age children? From a theoretical point of view, this is entirely possible. It’s not necessary that your girlfriends become infected either. If they have strong immunity, they have already had rubella or have been vaccinated, then nothing threatens them. But the objects with which the child was in contact can become a time bomb. Simply pick up the pen or toy that was in the hands of the infected person, and the virus will enter your body.

There were times when children from different classes who visited the same rooms at different times, but did not contact each other, became infected due to the fact that they were sitting at the same desk.

Also, a pregnant woman can come to a friend whose infected child is currently not in the house, but to catch rubella. Therefore, it is better to avoid communication even with those who may become an indirect cause of the disease. After all, the danger is that you can communicate with the child and not know that he is already infected.

how rubella is transmitted in children

Degree of susceptibility to the disease

Now we know whether rubella is transmitted through third parties. Now let's talk about how susceptible people are to this disease and how long the patient remains contagious after infection.

Unfortunately, rubella is a highly contagious disease. Patients are able to secrete the virus all the time before the rash and at least 4 days after it begins. Infants with a congenital type of rubella can be infectious for several months. But immunity after the disease is preserved for life.

Children born to women with immunity to the disease are usually protected from it for up to 7-9 months. But this is only provided that the child is not on artificial feeding. In order to understand how much your baby will be protected in utero and after birth, you can conduct a special test for the presence of IgG antibodies. Blood is taken from women who are already pregnant or preparing to conceive. According to the results, a risk group is identified, that is, seronegative women.

Therefore, it is advisable to pass this test to anyone planning a pregnancy. With low immunity, vaccination is necessary. Inoculation during pregnancy is prohibited. Therefore, if you have any doubts about the strength of your immunity, eliminate them before conception.

Rubella in pregnant women

We know how rubella is transmitted, and we understand that it is very easy to get it. However, the worst disease is for pregnant women, since the fetus suffers the most from the virus. In any case, the outcome of the infection will be unfavorable. Firstly, because adults, as we wrote above, carry the infection much harder, and it is not easy for a pregnant woman to cope with the changes that occur with her body. Secondly, due to intrauterine changes, viruses penetrate the placenta into the bloodstream and infect the baby. Therefore, it is so important during pregnancy to minimize all possible contacts with children if you have weak immunity. And remember, you can get infected and not from direct contact with the sick.

measles rubella pertussis transmitted by

The consequences of rubella during pregnancy

Having learned how rubella is transmitted, you need to understand why it is dangerous for expectant mothers. Let's see what consequences can be expected depending on the term:

  • Infection occurred in the first trimester. This is the most unfavorable period, since at this stage there is an active cell division and the formation of internal organs. Therefore, the percentage of birth of a child with congenital developmental pathologies is very high. This leads to disability, various disorders of the body, as well as death at a very young age. Rubella infection at this time often causes abortion. Sometimes a miscarriage occurs by itself.
  • After 21 weeks, the risk to the fetus is reduced. During this period, the woman will no longer be threatened with an artificial termination of pregnancy, even if the fetus is infected. The fact is that the risk of developing pathologies is reduced to zero.

In any case, a pregnant woman who has rubella is placed at risk and intensifies monitoring of the development of the embryo. Be sure to prescribe a course of therapy, which includes only drugs authorized by pregnant women. Among them should be antibiotics, analgesics, antiseptics.

The disease is dangerous not only for the child, but also for the mother. Therefore, observation is carried out during the entire period. But the most dangerous moment is childbirth, because sepsis, bleeding and other undesirable complications can begin. If the process went well and the child remains alive, then he will already be infected and will gain the ability to infect others.

90% of babies born to mothers who have had an infection during the first trimester are born with CRS (congenital rubella syndrome). If the disease appeared after 20 weeks of pregnancy, then the risk of giving birth to an infected baby is only 20%.

The most dangerous is rubella, which proceeded without any clinical manifestations. This, though rare, but it happens. Then the doctors are not ready to the last for the fact that the birth of a child can be accompanied by pathologies and other problems.

In addition, the harmful effects of rubella may not be detected immediately after birth. For example, deafness or dumbness are found only in 2-3 years of life. Late manifestations also include insulin-dependent diabetes.

whether rubella is transmitted through third parties


Having figured out how rubella is transmitted, you need to understand how to protect yourself from it. The most effective way is vaccination. It is usually carried out in childhood. If you have not been vaccinated, be sure to get vaccinated before pregnancy.

To avoid the spread of the virus, the patient should be isolated from others for a week from the moment the first rashes appear. There is no quarantine in kindergarten , but pregnant women are better off not contacting these children in the coming month.

Rubella vaccination is given to all children. The injection is administered subcutaneously, immunity is formed within 20 days after this and lasts for the next 20 years.

How are measles and whooping cough transmitted ?

Is rubella transmitted? Yes, of course. But what about other infectious diseases like her? Let's talk a little about measles and whooping cough. These diseases are also very dangerous.

rubella as transmitted through third parties

The mechanism of infection in whooping cough and measles is exactly the same as in rubella. That is, the virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. But it can spread through things that belonged to the infected person. One more thing unites these pathologies - they are mainly susceptible to children, and they have a rather long incubation period during which the infected person spreads the infection. Therefore, if you do not want to become infected, refrain from contact with them. This is especially true for pregnant women. All infectious diseases are extremely dangerous for the development of the fetus and can cause irreparable harm.

Measles, rubella, whooping cough are transmitted by touch, as well as by airborne droplets. In general, refrain from visiting places where young children often come. Then the risk of infection will be minimized, and you will not have to undergo treatment for this unpleasant and dangerous disease. Especially beware of dangerous places while your baby is waiting.

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