In the article, we will consider how to wash glands at home.
In the treatment of diseases such as tonsillitis and tonsillitis, the procedure for washing the tonsils is considered mandatory, because, despite the advanced achievements of pharmaceuticals and medicine in general, such a procedure has still not lost its relevance, it successfully helps get rid of the symptoms of the disease and speed up the healing process.
What are tonsils?
Large palatine tonsils are designed to protect the body from infections. In addition, they are responsible for the formation of immunity and consist of a large number of ducts (gaps) and pockets. During the development of an inflammatory or purulent process in them, the glands become a source of infection with an infection of the entire human body and cease to fulfill their basic functions.
How to wash glands at home is interesting to many.
Thanks to the procedure, you can eliminate the formed purulent plaque and plugs. Rinsing is recommended in specialized medical institutions, but if this is not possible, this is done at home.
When to wash glands?
Tonsil lavage is an effective and obligatory procedure for tonsillitis, as well as for chronic tonsillitis. Tonsils are composed of lymphoid tissue and retain pathogenic microorganisms that enter through the nasopharynx and oral cavity. The surface of the glands is lined with gaps. If the infection enters, it is quickly destroyed by lymphocytes. If the tonsils successfully cope with their protective functions, then their shape and size remain the same.
In the presence of some unfavorable factors, the body's defenses are reduced, and pathogens in the glands are not completely destroyed. Microbes begin to accumulate, and purulent contents are formed, which, when condensed, forms plugs on the tonsils. As a result of this, signs of intoxication develop due to the release of decay products into the blood.
The patient has soreness in the throat, lymph nodes increase, the temperature rises, there is a strong and constant weakness. Such symptoms indicate the development of chronic forms of tonsillitis. In this case, it is necessary to wash the tonsils, which, if timely and correct, will help prevent the removal of the tonsils.
How the tonsils are washed from traffic jams, it is important to find out in advance.
Benefits of the procedure
The procedure cleans tonsil tissue from pathological secretions and provokes tissue regeneration processes. At the same time, not only the pathogenic microflora is destroyed, but also local immunity is strengthened. The main advantage of this physiotherapeutic method is accessibility and simplicity. This is the safest procedure in which the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and tonsils are not injured. Rinsing is recommended for patients of all ages, even during pregnancy. This therapeutic technique is hypoallergenic and does not contribute to the development of allergic reactions.
Chronic forms of tonsillitis cannot be completely cured with medications. Regular washing helps eliminate swelling of the larynx, helps to remove pus and prevent the occurrence of relapses of the pathological process.
So, we will figure out how to wash glands at home.
Medicines and solutions for cleaning the tonsils
The most effective ways to clean the glands from pus and plugs is to rinse them with various medicinal solutions. Such drugs include "Furacilin" - an antiseptic solution that is most effective in the treatment of throat diseases. It is most often used for washing at home and in stationary conditions.
What is used more often?
For this procedure can also be used:
- "Chlorophyllipt" (alcohol solution);
- Chlorhexidine solution.
After washing the area of ββthe inflamed glands, it is necessary to apply some antiseptic drug, for example, Hexoral, Iodicerin, Rotokan, Iodinol, etc. These medicines often contain iodine, which helps to treat angina in the early stages of its development after washing.
How to wash the tonsils at home, you can check with your doctor.
Review of the best rinse
The most prescribed rinsing agents are:
- Furatsilin. If this drug is used in tablets, then one tablet is dissolved in 100 ml of water.
- Saline solution - used in pure form.
- "Chlorophyllipt" is a herbal product that is characterized by antibacterial properties. For washing, dilute a spoonful of this solution in Β½ cup of water.
- Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic intended for external use. To wash the tonsils, it is diluted in water in the same way as the previous medication.
These are antimicrobial and bactericidal drugs that exhibit high activity against the bulk of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, they destroy the pathogenic microflora and contribute to the rapid healing of affected tissues. All medicines before the procedure must be diluted in water, which is done to prevent allergic reactions and the occurrence of chemical burns of the mucous membrane.
There are almost no contraindications to the implementation of this sanitizing procedure, but it must be remembered that some pharmacological preparations still have restrictions on their use. When choosing a medication for washing the tonsils, you should definitely consult an ENT doctor.
In addition to special medicines that can be purchased at the pharmacy, various folk recipes are widely used to wash glands and cleanse them of pus plugs. For example, you can independently make a solution of water, salt, soda and a few drops of iodine. Various herbal infusions, such as chamomile and sage, are also used.
How to wash glands with an irrigator?
Special devices for washing tonsils at home have appeared on the modern market of medical equipment. Such devices are called irrigators. In order to prevent tonsillitis, such a device is simply invaluable. During its use, an antiseptic solution is supplied through a special tube to the glands and is directed by a stream to the affected area. If there is a need for constant cleansing of the mouth and tonsils, but there is no possibility of visiting the clinic, then the procedure for cleansing tonsils with an irrigator will be much more effective than regular rinsing.
When choosing such a device, one should take into account the minimum jet pressure of no more than 200 kPa and the ability to smoothly increase such pressure in order to choose the most comfortable one for oneself. Portable models are not suitable for this, since their minimum pressure is 300-450 kPa, which is traumatic for tonsils. In addition, such devices do not have a pressure adjustment function. To cleanse tonsils, the stationary Waterpulse V700Plus device, which has smooth pressure control and six pump operation levels, is well suited.
How to wash tonsils with tonsillitis irrigator?
When cleansing tonsils you need:
- turn on the device;
- open the tank and fill it with solution;
- adjust the pressure of the jet - first set the minimum, then gradually increases;
- the tip is inserted into the mouth and the device is turned on by pressing a button.
Under the pressure of the stream, purulent masses are quickly removed from the pockets and gaps of the glands. In the irrigator, you can not use herbal infusions and soda, but only medical solutions. For many people, rinsing causes a gag reflex. To avoid this, it is recommended not to eat or drink 2 hours before the treatment procedure.
Below we also describe how to rinse the tonsils with a syringe.
Syringe rinse
Washing inflamed or purulent glands, as well as removing plugs, can be done at home with a syringe. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the required sterility, carry out the procedure carefully so as not to injure the tonsils.
How to wash glands at home with a syringe?
For such washing, it is necessary:
- Wipe the tonsils with an antiseptic solution.
- Open your mouth as wide as possible and extend your tongue.
- A stream of medication is sent to the tonsils in the areas of suppuration, which may include furatsilin, salt, decoctions of herbs.
- Breathing during the procedure is recommended superficially, by mouth or nose.
- If a gag reflex occurs, the washing should be interrupted for a while.
- Every few seconds, the treatment solution must be spit.
- After the completion of the therapeutic procedure, it is recommended to rinse the mouth thoroughly.
We examined how to wash glands at home.