When buying food in supermarkets, each of us draws attention to the fact that in the composition of most products there are many substances starting with the letter "E". it
additives without which the food industry cannot work now. One of the most common is E211 - a preservative. To increase the shelf life of products, all manufacturers add it. Sometimes this name is replaced by the words "sodium benzoate."
What is this preservative?
This is a salt of benzoic acid, which is obtained by its interaction with sodium hydroxide. It was first created in the late 19th century. Scientists were looking for a replacement for salicylic acid, which was widespread at the time, but was expensive to manufacture. Sodium benzoate proved to be readily available and inexpensive in price; therefore, it became used in industry. Then it turned out that in small quantities it is found in cranberries, apples, cinnamon, cloves and prunes. They thought that it was safe, and began to use it in food production.
E211 (preservative) is a substance that is a white powder that dissolves rapidly in water. In this form, it is easy to introduce into any products. The powder has a mild sweetish taste and is almost odorless. Therefore him and
add in the production of food, because its taste and aroma from this does not change. But then a very important quality for trade is acquired - a long shelf life. This is a very stable substance - it does not break down when boiled.
Benzoic acid itself is also a preservative and is marked with the letters E210. When interacting with potassium, calcium and sodium, salts are formed from it, which are also used to increase the shelf life of products. These are food additives E212 and E213. They are used much less frequently.
Why is this substance used so often?
E211 - a preservative that suppresses the vital activity of mold bacteria and yeast. It has antibiotic properties and inhibits the ability of cells to produce enzymes. Because of this, microbes die, and bacteria do not multiply. But in this and
E211 is harmful because it inhibits the activity of cells and their ability to break down fats and starch. So it acts not only on bacteria and microbes, but also on all cells of the body.
But food manufacturers use E211 (a preservative) very often. It not only allows you to save sauces, canned goods and confectionery products for a long time, but also improves the taste of stale and spoiled food. Therefore, it is often used in the manufacture of convenience foods.
Where is sodium benzoate used?
This preservative is used in the food industry, pharmacology, cosmetics and perfumes. It helps create a loud sound when starting firecrackers, and is also used to prevent tobacco mold in cigarettes and to protect aluminum parts in industry.
E211 can be found in shampoos, toothpastes and shower gels. But especially there is a lot of it in food: all canned goods, preserves, sausages, sauces, confectionery and sweets, as well as carbonated drinks, must contain sodium benzoate. What is this preservative, you need to know, because it is added even to baby food and cough syrups. It prevents food spoilage and is used as a color enhancer.
What products contain E211
The composition of the following products includes the described preservative:
- cheeses, sausages and meat products;
- fish caviar, canned and preserved food, shrimp and salted fish;
- jams, jams, jellies and other fruit and berry convenience foods;
- all soft drinks or with an alcohol content of less than 15%;
- mayonnaise, margarine, ketchups, sauces;
- spices and seasonings, mustard;
- pickled or salted vegetables;
- confectionery and sweets;
- all ready-made salads;
- milk based desserts;
- chewing gum and chocolate with filling;
- diet food and products for weight loss.
Is this additive harmful?
In most states, this preservative is banned for use in the food industry. But in Russia and even in some countries it is actively used without warning the population about the dangers of eating it. The World Health Organization recognized its harmlessness only in acceptable quantities. But she noted that allergic reactions and genotoxicity are possible even from such a minimal use. Due to the fact that in recent years people have become interested in their health and are increasingly talking about how harmful the E211 is, its production is gradually declining. But still, it is still included in a large number of products lying on the shelves of our stores.
Sodium benzoate: effects on the human body
This substance has the same effect on human cells as it does on microbial ones: it inhibits redox processes, especially the breakdown of fats and starch. This causes hives or other allergic reactions, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases. Sodium benzoate can also cause neurodegenerative diseases, as well as Parkinson's disease or even liver cirrhosis.
The acceptable dose for safe use is 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. But this substance is able to accumulate in the body. And a large concentration of it in the most common foods leads to the fact that even children consume large amounts of sodium benzoate. The effect on the human body is also harmful because it damages an important part of the DNA. This part provides the cell with energy. Due to the effect of this substance, it malfunctions.
The use of E211 with ascorbic acid
Especially great harm sodium benzoate manifests itself when combined with some other additives. Often it is used together with ascorbic acid - E300. Reacting with it, sodium benzoate forms benzene. This substance, when ingested, causes cancer. Its release is enhanced in the presence of citric acid and at high temperature.
When a dose of benzene is exceeded, a person feels nauseous and dizzy, and other symptoms of intoxication appear. And in the case of the constant use of these food additives together, it accumulates in the body and causes cancer. It is believed that benzene acts especially strongly on the blood. It is the cause of a lack of hemoglobin - anemia and leukemia - blood cancer.
The combination of sodium benzoate with other additives
It is very rare that dietary supplements are consumed separately. Typically, several preservatives, colorants and other substances are added to the products. Often they interact with each other or enhance the action of some substances. For example, sodium benzoate is often added to dairy products along with potassium sorbate, because lactic acid bacteria are more inhibited . And in combination with lactic acid, the preservative effect of E211 is enhanced.
Sodium benzoate: effect on the body of the child
Modern children in large quantities consume foods containing this preservative. In addition, they include many other additives. The UK Food Standards Agency conducted a 2007 study on the effects of sodium benzoate on children's hyperactivity. The combination of this preservative with certain dyes, for example yellow, red or tartrazine, causes
violations in the behavior of the child.
It is believed that it can cause attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Of course, this is not the main reason for such behavioral disorders, but Professor Jim Stevenson advised parents to remove foods containing E211 (preservative) and various dyes from their baby's food. Many food companies are looking for an alternative replacement for sodium benzoate and intend to abandon its use in the near future.
Preservative E211 in cosmetics
Benzene enters the human body not only with food. Its penetration through the skin and respiratory organs is very harmful. Besides the fact that we breathe it in a lot with air, most cosmetics also contain E211 (preservative). The harm caused to them after penetration through the skin has been proven by many scientists. After all, along with the fact that he
inhibits the vital activity of harmful microorganisms and increases the shelf life of cosmetics, it is able to kill beneficial bacteria that ensure healthy skin. It can cause allergies and cancer. In addition, the use of sodium benzoate with rapid aging has been proven.
Whether to use products and cosmetics containing E211 is up to everyone. But the fact that many countries of the world have already abandoned its use, while the rest are looking for an alternative replacement for it and reduce its release, indicates the harmfulness of this substance to humans. And if after eating foods containing sodium benzoate, you do not feel worse, this does not mean that it is safe. Accumulating in your body, this substance gradually destroys the cells. This is especially harmful to women and children, as it causes gene mutations.