The drug "Warfarin" refers to anticoagulants of indirect action. The medicine has an excellent effect on the blocking of vitamin K-substance, which contributes to blood coagulation. Therefore, this medication is used to reduce the likelihood of blood clots.
The medicine "Warfarin." Instructions: indications
This drug is prescribed to patients in the following cases:
• embolism and thrombosis of blood vessels (for prevention and treatment);
• postoperative thrombosis;
• pulmonary embolism;
• a repeated case of myocardial infarction;
• in the treatment of thrombosis;
• recurrent cases of venous thrombosis;
• thrombosis of peripheral, brain and coronary arteries.
The drug "Warfarin." Instructions: contraindications
Before taking, it is necessary to consult with your doctor so that he gives the go-ahead for the use of this drug, since in some cases undesirable health problems may arise.
This medicine is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:
• diseases in which the patient is prone to bleeding;
• with pathological changes in the blood;
• if there was a craniocerebral operation shortly before the reception;
• ophthalmologic operations;
• various surgical interventions;
• gastrointestinal ulcerative lesions;
• diseases of the genitourinary system;
• cerebrovascular hemorrhages;
• diseases of the respiratory system;
• aneurysms;
• exudative pericarditis;
• pericarditis;
• bacterial endocarditis;
• problems with the liver or kidneys;
• acute DIC;
• severe hypertension.
It is especially contraindicated and forbidden to take medicine after an abortion or during pregnancy.
That is, you can not take the drug in cases where there is at least some predisposition to bleeding.
The drug "Warfarin." Instructions: overdose
Due to the fact that the drug, as it were, “dilutes the blood” in order to prevent thrombosis, with its overdose, severe bleeding can begin, which will be very difficult to stop. That is, with drug abuse, increased bleeding begins to develop.
The medication "Warfarin." Instruction: side effects
There are a lot of side effects. Usually they appear when the patient neglects contraindications and takes the drug on his own.
Side effects include:
• blood coagulability: bleeding, anemia, hematomas, skin necrosis;
• dermatological reactions: bullous rash, dermatitis, alopecia;
• CNS: fatigue, asthenia, dizziness, lethargy, headache, taste disturbances;
• digestive system: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cholestasis, hepatitis, jaundice, unstable liver enzymes;
• cardiovascular system: vasculitis, chills, toes turn purple, sensation of cold, paresthesia;
• respiratory system: the appearance of tracheal or, possibly, tracheo-bronchial calcification;
• allergic reactions: edema, urticaria, skin rash, fever, skin itching.
To avoid side effects, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only he will determine exactly whether you need to take "Warfarin" and if there will be any problems and complications in your health condition.
The medicine "Warfarin": reviews
The reviews for this tool are basically all positive. There are cases when there were some health problems, but in the end it turned out that the reason was not in this medicine, but in a completely different one (the use of other drugs, the presence of some diseases, poor nutrition, etc.).
The drug "Warfarin": analogues
This drug has analogues that are very similar in composition. These include:
• Warfarin nycomed;
• Marevan;
• Warfarex.
Additional Information
When taking the drug by people of advanced age or by persons with mental disorders, additional supervision is required.