Valery Kuras: biography and creativity

Valery Kuras is a Russian chansonnier who is the author of the hit "Droplets". This person could choose a different path and never go on stage. He is a successful ophthalmologist who helped patients, and in his spare time he was engaged in diving and collecting rare cars. In business, he took place and received a stable profit.


kuras valery

Valery Kuras does not like publicity, he is laconic and gives only a minimum of information about himself. This person gives interviews to journalists infrequently, and one of the most popular questions concerns the nationality of the performer. Kuras is not a Russian surname. Patronymic Demizovich is even more confusing. It is known that the singer was born in 1958 in Moscow.

This happened in the maternity hospital number 6. Valery was brought up in a friendly family, his father is a geologist by profession. At the Ministry of Geology, he was the head of the design bureau. Mom realized herself as a translator from English and German. Employment of parents did not give them the opportunity to devote much time to their son, therefore, his grandfather and grandmother were engaged in his upbringing.

In addition, the chansonnier learned about life in the yard and at school. The artist said that his father was born in Ukraine. The secret of the unusual name of the pope is in the convictions of his grandfather, who was a communist. He decided the first decree of the power of the Soviets - about peace and land - to encrypt in the name by which he named his son.

In childhood, the future performer attended the school of young technicians, where he chose the ship modeling section and learned how to create ship models. At the country's first ship modeling exhibition, his nuclear-powered ship was awarded first place. In middle classes, the young man was fascinated by wood inlay, then he gave his mother items of kitchen furniture.


Kurass Valery Chansonnier

The songs of Valery Kuras were included in several albums, the first of which was released in 2005 and was called "Droplets". He also owns the following works: “The most beloved”, Grand collection, “There is still gunpowder”, The Very Best.

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