Tupac Amaru Shakur, undoubtedly, is an extraordinary, outstanding and incredibly talented person. His work has conquered millions of hearts around the world. Documentary films and reports have been shot about him many times, but there has not been a full-fledged artistic biopic for a long time.
And now, 20 years after his tragic death, the full-length film "2pac: Legend" was released, the reviews of which are very mixed.
The film’s actions are based on the life of rapper Tupac himself, who, although it was quite short, is full of events. He began his career in the early 90s and a couple of years later became a world-famous celebrity.
He gathered huge concert venues, his albums on CDs sold millions of copies. In addition to rap, he actively starred in films.
All these achievements were reflected in the film. Other important events were also shown. However, due to their richness, almost everything that happened to him was shown only in passing.
The film "2pac: Legend", which is mostly negative, is designed in such a way that Tupak himself partially tells about the life of the rapper, who is interviewed by a reporter while 2pac is in prison.
The influence of Tupac's creativity on world culture
His harsh statements, sometimes cruel and full of rudeness and immorality, were not so because Tupac was such a person. With these tracks, he tried to demonstrate the real life of the African-American ghetto, where lawlessness, crime and poverty reign.
He lived only 25 years, and studied music for only a few years, but during this time he managed to leave such a bright mark in history that millions of people still listen to him and the number of fans of this rapper reaches tens of millions of people in all countries of the world. And this is 20 years after his death.
He was so productive, he recorded so much material during his career that even after the death of the musician, the studio continued to release his albums and mixtapes for another ten years.
Of course, about such a brilliant man and the film had to be shot no less brilliant. Unfortunately, the creators of "2pac: Legend", according to numerous reviews by fans and ordinary viewers, did not succeed.
Movie "2pac: Legend": viewers reviews
Despite the fact that the film was shot quite qualitatively: a nice picture, an excellent caste of actors, the plot corresponded to real events in the life of the rapper, the film was criticized by both spectators and professionals.
About the movie "2pac: Legend" reviews on the Web are mostly negative. Of course, there is little in favor of the film, but they are usually left only by ardent fans of the rap artist who do not pay attention to the minuses of the tape. And there are a lot of them.
It is worth noting that in the West the film was adopted much cooler than in Russia. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in America there are much more fans of Tupac and people are more familiar with his work and life. In the Russian Federation, the audience turned out to be more loyal, however, there is still more negative than positive.
The opinion of the audience
The main claims to the film are based on the fact that it turned out to be too boring and superficial. Indeed, although the film is filled with facts from the life of the stars of hip-hop and cinema, but in this many just spotted the main mistake.
The biopic “2pac: Legend”, according to the viewers who watched it, turned out to be too oversaturated with facts, because of the abundance of which there was absolutely no “soul” and atmosphere of the feature film in the film. He turned into some kind of semi-documentary film, where there are no emotional experiences of the protagonist. Due to his dryness and weak disclosure of almost all heroes, even Tupac himself is not too empathetic.
The film "2pac: Legend": reviews and reviews
The opinion of professional film critics is not too different from the audience. Most critics also point out that the film turned out to be unnatural, a kind of pursuit of listing facts about Tupac.
However, the huge flow of negativity is not justified by the fact that the film turned out to be openly average, but overly high expectations. After all, about the legendary rapper and the tape should have turned out no less worthy.
In general, the picture came out not bad, but not worthy of the Tupac level. Of the advantages, not only a colorful picture and good camera work, but also an excellent casting cast, stand out. Actor Demetrius Schipp Jr., who played the main character, played his part well, and his outward resemblance is so great that you unwittingly start to think that you have a real, lively Tupac Shakur.
The other actors also played well. Many noted, as a plus, that Jamal Woolard was invited to the role of BIG, who in 2009 performed him in the film dedicated to the rapper. This is largely why the Tupac film is compared to the film Notorius (2009), which was much better received by the public.
The opinion of critics
Based on the reviews of "2pac: Legend" and the feedback from the audience, it can be concluded that the film is generally not bad, but because of the high expectations and cult character of the character that the film talks about, the creators had a huge responsibility. Unfortunately, they could not cope with it.
The film might not have had so many bad reviews if it had not told the story of Tupac. But to the legendary rapper is too much attention to this day, therefore, every flaw in the tape was doubly criticized.
Biopic has extremely low ratings on many popular resources with reviews and films. For example, on the most famous Russian-language platform about cinema, the site "Kinopoisk", the film has a rating of only a little more than 6 out of 10 possible. Moreover, among the ratings of film critics - only 18% positive. The remaining reviews are negative or neutral.
It is not surprising that with such a reputation, the film gained only 44 million dollars at the world box office with a budget of 40 million. As a result, the film did not pay back the costs of its production. Moreover, now he is considered one of the worst biographical films of the year.
A lot of different documentary films, TV shows, articles and books have already been shot about Tupac. This is an outstanding person, whose work has had a huge impact on contemporary culture and art.
The film "2pac: Legend," according to critics and fans of his work, was too simple and weak to reflect the genius and significance of the character he is talking about. The tape has many problems that are explained by many factors. The main problem, because of which the film could not be made at the proper level, is the constant change of the crew.
Fans of Tupak’s work have been waiting for a full-fledged film about him for a very long time and had high hopes for him, however, “2pac: Legend”, according to reviews, is not the film they were counting on. Therefore, now they can only wait that someday the film about this outstanding musician and actor will still be shot at a decent level.