How to cook a celery stalk for a slim figure and good health?

A healthy diet with a predominance of natural foods rich in vitamins is becoming more and more popular every year. We can say that proper nutrition is a peculiar fashion trend, but you must agree that such a fashion is very useful and commendable. Among the "healthy" foods stands out green and juicy celery. This vegetable has taken a special place in both balanced and dietary nutrition. How to cook a celery stalk, which is most often used in cooking for root and leaves?

how to cook celery stalk

Celery - a storehouse of vitamins in your plate

The most useful dish will be the one in which fresh celery goes, because then it retains a maximum of vitamins and minerals. And there are a lot of them: A, B, C, PP, K, and also iron, potassium, phosphorus, carotene, folic acid and others. And a characteristic feature of celery is the organic sodium contained in it, which will adequately replace salt in your healthy menu.

Salads with celery - a combination of taste and benefits

So, what can be prepared from celery stalks without heat treatment? Of course, all kinds of salads. For example, here's an easy recipe: diced fresh cucumber and a stalk of celery, a little boiled carrot and a boiled egg. Dress the mixture with natural yogurt - a delicious and dietary salad is ready.

celery stalk soup

Meat option

For those who can not do without meat, you can offer another recipe: a celery stalk, a green apple, chicken fillet, Chinese cabbage are cut with sticks. All components are mixed and seasoned with olive oil with lemon juice or low-fat yogurt. A poached egg is laid out on top. It turns out a healthy alternative to the beloved Caesar salad.

Meet: the famous diet soup

How to cook a celery stalk for the first or second? It, like other vegetables, can be boiled, baked, stewed and fried, although the latter is less useful. Let's stop on cooking and prepare a diet soup from celery stalks. It is quite popular with losing weight. You will need a small fork of cabbage, sweet pepper, two stalks of celery and tomato, as well as several small onions. Everything is very simple: we clean and chop vegetables, pour water (2.5-3 liters) and cook until the ingredients are soft. Then cool and grind everything with a blender. You can add any spices to your taste. Such a chic soup puree will appeal even to those who don’t glow with love for healthy low-calorie dishes.

Unusual variations on the celery theme

And now let's see how to cook a celery stalk so that it is satisfying and tasty. You can, for example, fry it in batter. To do this, each stalk needs to be cut into pieces about 5 centimeters in length. Use any dough to your taste. Dip each slice into the dough and put it in a frying pan with olive oil, fry until golden brown and take it out on a napkin (so that the excess oil is absorbed). This appetizer will appeal to both adults and children.

what can be cooked from celery stalks

Original idea for adults

You already know how to cook a celery stalk. Try drinking from it now. Add celery salt to the popular Bloody Mary cocktail and use the stem when serving as a tube. This will enliven and decorate the famous drink.


Enjoy the benefits and taste of juicy stalks of celery, look for new interesting ideas for its preparation and share with others!

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