Pancakes without flour: recipes

Can pancakes be made without flour containing gluten? Of course you can. There are several substitutes for wheat flour that do not contain gluten. In some cases, you can cook products with reduced calorie content.

flourless pancakes recipe

Gluten-free and lactose-free option

These beautiful, light, crunchy and thin pancakes can be rolled up with the filling, garnished with fruit or eaten with a little sugar and lemon. They are very tender and delicious. These pancakes without gluten flour are suitable for sweet or savory toppings. The most suitable options are:

  • banana and melted chocolate (carefully study the composition of products if you follow a gluten-free diet);
  • maple syrup and crispy bacon (oddly enough, this is a tasty combination);
  • peanut butter, maple syrup and blueberries (or any other berries);
  • sugar and lemon slices;
  • strawberries, honey and crushed hazelnuts.

So, to cook such pancakes without wheat flour, you will need:

  • 110 grams of corn flour;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 220 ml of milk without lactose, nut, soy milk or water;
  • cooking oil.

How to do it?

Pour cornmeal into a bowl. Break two large eggs into it and beat together until smooth. Gradually add milk or water while whipping. Continue mixing until you get a smooth batter. Pour it into a jug or other narrow-necked jar. After that, such pancakes without flour in water or lactose-free milk can be baked immediately.

Heat a small amount of oil in a pan. Pour a little batter and tilt the pan to spread over the entire surface. Fry on each side for about 30 seconds. Repeat this step until you have used all the dough. Add any filler of your choice and serve.

pancakes with milk without flour

Rice flour and starch option

If you do not tolerate gluten, but love pancakes, you do not need to deprive yourself of your favorite dish. You can make them from gluten-free flour and a small amount of potato starch. Finished products may not be as “airy” as they are from ordinary wheat flour, but they will still be very tasty. So you will need:

  • half a glass of rice flour;
  • half a glass of potato starch;
  • 2 tsp arrowroot powder;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 liter including baking soda;
  • 1 liter Art. Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 eggs whipped;
  • half a glass of buttermilk;
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 2 l Art. hemp oil.

How to cook rice pancakes without flour: recipe with photo

In a medium bowl, combine rice flour, potato starch, arrowroot powder, baking powder and baking soda. Add sugar, salt, eggs, buttermilk and vanilla to a bowl, beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth. Heat the hemp oil in the microwave (just a few seconds) and pour into the pancake dough.

pancakes without wheat flour

Heat the pan (preferably with a non-stick coating) over low heat with two tablespoons of vegetable oil (any, odorless). When it is hot, you can start cooking pancakes without wheat flour. It’s best to pour a little dough and distribute it throughout the pan so that the products are thin. About two tablespoons of pancake batter should be enough.

Fry each batch of dough on one side until it begins to bubble on top and the edges become dry. Turn the product over very carefully. Remember that these pancakes are more tender and fragile than wheat. They will be ready when both sides turn golden brown.

pancakes without flour recipe with photo

Useful recipe notes

These gluten-free pancakes can be served with any syrup or fruit of your choice. Pour them best with a combination of maple syrup or honey, strawberries and whipped cream.

If you don’t have arrowroot powder, you can replace it with xanthan gum. It is important to use a mixture of rice flour and potato starch with the addition of one of the above ingredients to provide an “airy” and “lace” texture for pancakes.

If you cannot find buttermilk for sale, add a teaspoon of vinegar, lemon juice or lime juice to regular milk, in which case it will perform the same function. Pancakes with milk without wheat flour will turn out no worse.

Rice flour option with honey

These pancakes are made from rice flour. They are simple, healthy and tasty. To prepare them, you will need:

  • 3 eggs, separately proteins and yolks;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 1 liter Art. vegetable oil;
  • 1 liter including vanilla extract;
  • 1 liter Art. honey;
  • a glass of rice flour;
  • ½ liter including salt;
  • ¼ l including baking powder;
  • 1 liter including baking soda.

Cooking Sweet Rice Pancakes

Beat egg whites until hard peaks form. In a medium-sized container, add all the dry ingredients, starting with rice flour, then put salt, baking powder and baking soda. Shuffle. Then add the remaining ingredients, starting with egg yolks, pour in the liquid vanilla extract, milk and vegetable oil. Using a whisk, mix everything together thoroughly. Add beaten egg whites to the dough and mix well.

kefir pancakes without flour

Cover the bowl with adhesive film and let stand at room temperature for an hour or refrigerate overnight. To make pancakes without flour, lightly oil a non-stick pan over low heat.

Pour into a quarter cup of batter, distribute evenly. Fry for 1-2 minutes, then turn over and cook, until the product is browned on the other hand, for another minute.

Repeat these steps with the whole test. Serve pancakes warm with fresh fruits, pour maple syrup or honey.

Buckwheat Flour Option

This recipe for pancakes without flour offers to cook a tender and magnificent appetizer. Thanks to the xanthan gum in the composition, these products are soft and porous. In them you can add an absolute variety of different fillings. So you will need:

  • 1.25 cups of buckwheat flour;
  • 1/4 tsp xanthan gum;
  • 1 liter Art. white sugar;
  • 1/4 tsp salts;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1.5 liters Art. melted unsalted butter;
  • 1.25 cups of milk.

Cooking Buckwheat Pancakes

In a large bowl, mix the buckwheat flour, xanthan gum, sugar and salt. Add eggs, melted butter and half a glass of milk. Beat well until you get a smooth, thick batter. Gradually add the remaining milk, whisking constantly. If necessary (if there are lumps of flour), pass the dough through a sieve.

Heat a non-stick pan, as soon as it cools down, lightly grease. Add half a glass of batter and twist the pan in your hands to evenly distribute it.

pancakes on the water without flour

Cook over low heat for one minute, or until the pancake stops sticking to the pan and becomes golden brown below. Turn the product over and cook another 30 seconds - 1 minute, then put on a plate to cool. Repeat the same with the rest of the batter.

Option on kefir

These are diet pancakes without wheat flour. They are well suited for those who have recently discovered gluten intolerance, and therefore the intestines are in an irritated state. The dough includes kefir, which is a natural probiotic that can restore the balance of the digestive system. If you want to make pancakes taste interesting, replace it with “live” yogurt with any fruit supplement. In addition, you can freeze these pancakes and then just warm them up. So, you need the following:

  • 2 cups gluten-free universal baking mixture;
  • a quarter cup of sugar;
  • half a glass of milk or water;
  • 2 eggs, slightly beaten;
  • 2 glasses of “live” kefir or yogurt;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.


Pancakes without flour on kefir are simply prepared. In a small bowl, mix the gluten-free universal baking mixture and sugar. In another bowl, beat eggs, kefir, and milk or water. Pour this mass into a mixture of dry ingredients and stir. Sugar should completely dissolve, and the mixture should become homogeneous.

Heat the pan and spray a little oil on it. Pour half a glass of dough on it and fry until bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the product. Turn the pancake over and fry another minute. If desired, put sweetened cottage cheese or jam on the finished products and roll them with rolls. Such pancakes can be frozen for up to two months.

flour-free diet pancakes

Oatmeal pancakes

Gluten-free, quick-cooking, dietary pancakes without flour are all feasible. To do this, you just need to beat a few simple ingredients in a blender, pour them a little into the pan and fry. Then add any filling to taste and serve. In total you will need:

  • 2 large eggs;
  • a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 2 l Art. butter unsalted, melted;
  • 1/4 tsp salts;
  • 1.25 cups gluten-free oatmeal;
  • 1/4 tsp xanthan gum (not necessary if your flour already contains xanthan gum);
  • half a glass of sugar.

Cooking Oatmeal Pancakes

Combine eggs, milk, water and melted butter in a blender until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients, mix with a spoon several times, and then beat at minimum speed until smooth.

Heat a large frying pan over moderate heat. Pour about a quarter cup of dough on it in the center and spread over the entire surface. Fry until the pancake is almost fully cooked and just a little wet on top. Carefully turn it over and prepare the other side. When finished, put the product on the dish and repeat this process with the remaining batter. Place a piece of parchment or wax paper between the pancakes when you remove them from the pan so that they do not stick together.

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