How is respiratory failure manifested?

Currently, there is a category of people whose body is in such a state that the breathing process does not provide the full flow of oxygen, so breathing becomes more frequent to maintain a normal level of functioning of the respiratory system. This pathology is called respiratory failure and includes disorders of the gas exchange process between the environment and the body, hypoxia, impaired transmission of gases from the lungs to the cells of the body, a change in hemoglobin level in the blood, and disturbances in cellular respiration.

So, respiratory failure is often observed in people suffering from asthma, pneumonia and RDSV.

There are various classifications of this disease, and they depend on the causes of the manifestation, course of the disease and its severity. Considering the causes of the formation of the disease, centrogenic, neuromuscular and thoracodiaphragmatic, as well as bronchopulmonary respiratory failure are distinguished.

In general, respiratory failure is of two main types:

1. Parenchymal failure, the causes of which can be pneumonia, pulmonary edema and RDSV. In this case, the development of hypoxemia is observed

2. Ventilation failure, which is the result of respiratory muscle weakness, chest bone defect, and obesity. In this case, hypercapnia appears.

The response of the body to hypoxemia and hypercapnia is erythrocytosis, an increase in the oxygen volume of the blood, an increase in the blood circulation speed, which enhances tissue respiration and oxygen metabolism in the human body. However, not in all cases, such reactions can normalize breathing.

This disease can occur in two forms:

1. The acute form of the disease develops rapidly, manifests itself in a violation of hemodynamics and is a danger to human life.

2. The chronic form of the disease develops for a long time and can periodically worsen.

Considering a disease such as respiratory failure, the degrees are distinguished in an amount of three. Depending on the degree of the course of the disease, methods for its treatment are being developed.

So, respiratory failure can give symptoms such as:

- the appearance of shortness of breath;

- hypoxemia and hypercapnia;

- weakness of the respiratory muscles;

- the development of tachycardia;

- hypotension;

- insomnia and tremor;

- tense breathing.

Typically, the treatment of respiratory failure is carried out comprehensive, which includes the elimination of violations of the gas exchange of the human body and acid-base balance. Treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating the causes of its occurrence, if it is impossible to eradicate a person, auxiliary breathing is required in combination with therapy. Also, doctors carry out the prevention and treatment of bronchi with any degree of respiratory failure. Pay attention to the location of the patient. So, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for his stay in the ward, with a certain humidity and air composition.

For the treatment of a disease such as respiratory failure, analgesics, painkillers, pathogenetic therapy, as well as symptomatic agents are used.

With the elimination of the causes of the disease, the prognosis may be favorable. In the event that a respiratory coma occurs, a fatal outcome is possible . In frequent cases, the disease leads to disability, and in the presence of a third stage of respiratory failure, a person needs a lung or heart transplant , otherwise he dies. In any case, treatment depends on the type of respiratory failure, its form and severity. Avoid self-medication, because this disease can be confused with other conditions.

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