Nerve injury can occur in different parts of the human body. In the lumbar region, this is a violation of the functions of the radicular nerve, which causes painful sensations that give into the leg. Injury of the nerve in the wrist leads to numbness in the fingers and hand, significant pain. The most common pinched nerve endings in the spine, in which these roots are squeezed by the vertebrae located next door, muscles (spasmodic) or a hernia. This also includes pinched nerve in the neck and pinched sciatic nerve. This process can be caused by an exacerbation of a disease such as osteochondrosis, possibly by hypertonicity of the spinal muscles, spasm of which only exacerbates the process of impeding the nerve endings of the brain of the back with intervertebral discs.
Injury of a nerve by spasmodic muscles leads to a simultaneous pinching of blood vessels, resulting in reduced slow circulation, lack of oxygen in the body.
With all types of pinching, the main series of symptoms can be noted:
- Sensitivity decreases, numbness is observed.
- Significant pain, acute, spreading to other areas of the body. If the nerve (pinched) departs from the spinal cord, then even mild coughing causes unbearable pain.
- Tingling in various parts of the body.
- Muscle twitching, weakness at the site of the affected nerve.
- A feeling of weakness in the limbs (arms, legs).
A pinched nerve in the neck area is characterized by significant pain with tension in the muscles of the neck (during movement, with a long stationary position). The reason for this may be osteochondrosis, protrusion, or subluxation of the cervical vertebrae.
See your doctor at the first symptom of a nerve infringement. Treatment begins with a thorough diagnosis of the affected area. Treatment can be carried out without surgical intervention and without the use of medications, for example, manual therapy (gentle technology).
A massage of the problem area is prescribed, which helps relieve stress in the affected area. In this case, the cause of the disease is removed.
From physiotherapeutic methods, electrophoresis is used that improves blood circulation and relieves pain.
During the recovery period, acupuncture is used.
In order to support the tissues of the affected area and nourish them, ozone therapy is prescribed.
In the event that a nerve infringement has taken you by surprise, try the following:
- Take a painkiller.
- Lie down gently on a flat surface.
- With severe pain, a warming agent will help.
- Call a doctor at home.
What else can help in this situation? Bath with non-hot water, massage with a washcloth of the affected area, warming preparations (ointments, creams, gels). When a nerve is pinched, heat will be a good help, which will relieve pain. Wrapping a sore spot with a woolen scarf or shawl will also help relieve acute bouts of pain.
Limit physical activity, try to move as little as possible. It is very important to relax the muscles that are adjacent to the pinched nerve.
Along with professional doctors, traditional medicine offers its own recipes for alleviating the condition with nerve infringement.
Take a glass of vodka and eighteen medium-sized laurel leaves. Put everything in a jar and close it with a tight lid. Leave for three days in a dark place. After this, laurel tincture can be rubbed into the affected areas. After three to four treatments, you will feel a positive result.
Potato sprouts will also help. Take a glass of potato sprouts and pour 500 ml of vodka. We insist the mixture for fourteen days, after which you can do rubbing. We rub in the morning, apply a bandage and remove it only in the evening.