Hypolipidemic drug "Simvastatin": instructions for use

simvastatin instructions for use
The tool "Simvastatin" describes the instructions for use as a lipid-lowering drug, which is part of the statin group and is an inhibitor of reductase type HMG-CoA. This medication is a prodrug, because in its structure there is a closed, so-called lactone ring, which, after entering the human body, is hydrolyzed. Taking the drug "Simvastatin" (instructions for use focuses on this) helps to reduce the level of triglycerides and lipoproteins in the blood, as well as total cholesterol. In this case, the therapeutic effect begins to appear, approximately, after twelve to fourteen days from the start of use, and the maximum result is achieved by the fourth or sixth week.

simvastatin indications
This medicine is produced mainly in the form of biconvex round tablets. The composition of each tablet as the main active ingredient includes twenty milligrams of simvastatin. Additional components are milk sugar, polyvinylpyrrolidone, calcium stearate, citric acid, hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose, butylhydroxyanisole, ascorbic acid, corn starch, titanium dioxide, talc and macrogol 4000.

To prescribe a hypolipidemic drug "Simvastatin", the instructions for use advise, for example, for the treatment of people suffering from primary hypercholesterolemia. However, to use this tool in this case should only be in case of ineffective diet therapy. For the treatment of combined hypercholesterolemia, the drug "Simvastatin" is also excellent. Indications for use include a disease such as hypertriglyceridemia.

simvastatin medicine
Taking these pills is strictly prohibited for people suffering from acute forms of liver dysfunction, as well as severe renal failure. In case of individual intolerance to simvastatin or any of the auxiliary components, similarly, experts recommend that you refrain from taking the lipid-lowering drug "Simvastatin". Instructions for use do not allow this medicine to be prescribed to patients who have not reached the age of eighteen, pregnant women, or young mothers who are breast-feeding. With great care, patients with liver disease, arterial hypotension, or epilepsy should use these tablets. In case of chronic alcoholism and serious kidney diseases, the medicine "Simvastatin" should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, the list of relative contraindications includes increased and decreased skeletal muscle tone.

As for the possible side effects that can be triggered by the use of the drug "Simvastatin", the first thing to highlight here is the risk of developing pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy, arterial hypotension, myopathy, lupus-like syndrome, rhabdomyolysis and thrombocytopenia. In addition, convulsions, dizziness, flatulence, loss of appetite, angioedema, skin rash, hyperemia, urticaria, eosinophilia, photosensitivity, vasculitis, fever, muscle paresthesia, anemia, and alopecia can occur.

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