Menu for pancreatitis as an important component of treatment

Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are found in almost every second adult. This is primarily due to violation of the regime and quality of nutrition, frequent stresses and many other social factors.

menu for pancreatitis

The most common of these are gastritis and pancreatitis. They are manifested by a lack of digestion. But the menu for pancreatitis or any other gastrointestinal disease requires a special diet. However, often patients do not pay due attention to their health, and this leads to progression of the disease. Although in the first stages it is possible to eliminate gastrointestinal upsets by returning to proper nutrition. The correct menu for pancreatitis is especially important, since it is a disease of an organ that is extremely sensitive to incoming food. It also helps to half cure an existing disease along with appropriate therapy.

We make a menu for every day

pancreatitis diet sample menu
The correct menu for pancreatitis should include only sparing food: boiled, steamed or stewed. It is recommended to reduce the intake of fatty foods, especially those prepared during the process of roasting, smoking or using the grill. So, the key to successful treatment is a pancreatitis diet. An example menu might look like this. In the early morning - porridge on the water or with a small addition of milk and one steam cutlet. Lunch at 11, a cup of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of green tea are allowed. At two o’clock, lunch: a vegetarian soup, a slice of steam fish and a 60-gram serving of beetroot salad. The next meal at 4 o’clock - afternoon tea. We eat an omelet from two proteins and drink it with carrot juice, preferably fresh and cold. Dinner at 7 o’clock is a steam vegetable stew with 30 g of boiled lean meat and a glass of dried fruit compote. And finally, at 9 pm, 2 hours before bedtime, we drink only 200 ml of low-fat kefir. But the menu for acute pancreatitis is even stricter: in the first four days, fasting is recommended and only then a gradual return to healthy food.

How to cook

menu for acute pancreatitis

For every day, you can cook light potato soup. For him, you first need to boil low-fat chicken, drain the primary broth and put the pan on the fire again. Now we add the potatoes cut into small cubes into the secondary one and, while it is boiling, we pass the carrots with onions on a small piece of butter. Then add the frying to the soup, salt a little and throw a bay leaf.

Mucous rice puree soup will also be very helpful. To prepare it, first you need to boil in ¼ cup of water peeled and sliced ​​carrots in thin slices, add 0.5 tbsp to it. butter, a little salt and sugar and simmer for 5-10 minutes until semi-softened. Then pour there ¾ Art. washed rice, pour another 5 tbsp. water and cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes with a closed lid.

menu for pancreatitis
When it is ready, set aside 2 tbsp. Ready rice for garnish. Mash the rest in mashed potatoes, slightly dilute with milk, salt to taste. Return the rice to the plate and serve with bran bread.

For pancreatitis, steam cutlets are also perfect. For them, using a meat grinder, we twist 0.5 kg of chicken breasts into minced meat, add 100 g of bread, soaked for 5-10 min in milk (not white), one egg, slightly salt and shape the cutlet. This composition will be quite sticky. To eliminate this, roll products in flour or breadcrumbs. Now put on a slow fire a pan, a third or even a quarter filled with water, bring the latter to a boil. Next, we install a colander into it, into which we place our meatballs. Tightly close the lid and cook for a couple of minutes 15. Serve better with rice or mashed potatoes.

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