Osteochondropathy of the spine: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Osteochondropathy of the spine is called the pathology of cartilage and bone tissue, which develops mainly in children and adolescents. The main causes of vertebral destruction are increased physical activity and lack of nutrients. Most often, boys living in places with a humid and cold climate are affected. We will talk more about this disease below.

Features of the disease

The disease occurs in children and adolescents aged 11 to 18 years. It is quite difficult to diagnose and treat at an early stage, but if the therapy is timely carried out, it is completely cured. Osteochondropathy of the thoracic spine is most common, but there are also disorders in the lumbar and cervical regions.

Pathology is the destruction of the discs and body of the vertebrae. There are several types of diseases:

  • Scheuermann's Mau disease (spinal osteochondropathy). There is inflammation of the muscles in the area of ​​attachment to the vertebrae, which are deformed and change shape. In this regard, the chest area is bent and kyphosis develops.
  • Chondropathy. In another way, the destruction of the vertebra itself. This ailment is called Calvet's disease. It is characterized by a decrease in vertebrae in height and their expansion. The spinous process sticks out strongly, when it is felt, painful sensations arise.
  • Inflammation of the body of the vertebra itself is called Kyummil's disease. This pathology most often occurs after a spinal injury. With this type of osteochondropathy, it bends back.

Classification by location

spinal osteochondropathy
  1. Osteochondropathy of the thoracic spine. The signs of this disease are similar to those of other pathologies, which significantly complicates the diagnosis. The thoracic region is less mobile than the rest, so in the early stages of chondrosis does not appear. The main symptoms of this pathology are pain in the region of the heart and between the shoulder blades, resembling pain in an ulcer of gastritis of the stomach.
  2. Osteochondropathy of the cervical spine. It is localized at the level of the cervical segment. This is due to the fact that this region of the spine is most mobile, and therefore more vulnerable to various diseases. In academia, the ailment is called slipping of the intervertebral disc. The main symptoms are headaches when moving the head forward, a decrease in the motor function of the head, a neurological disorder, drops in blood pressure, loss of consciousness and dizziness.
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  3. Osteochondropathy of the lumbar spine. It is provoked not only by dystrophic processes, but also by lifting heavy objects from the floor. Frequent load on the back injures her, which causes the destruction and loss of weak vertebrae. Symptoms are pain in the lower back, which can give in the groin, legs and lower abdomen. Patients cannot bend, get out of bed, raise objects, since any movement in the lumbar region causes pain attacks.
  4. Lumbosacral region. Pathology occurs against the background of a degenerative-dystrophic process in the area of ​​intervertebral discs. A feature of the pathology is deep damage to the nerve plexuses, in connection with which problems with the act of defecation and urination (false desires) may occur. In addition, the possibility of fractures and dislocations increases, the gait is impaired, the amplitude of movements in the legs (in the hip joint) and in the lumbar region decreases.


symptoms of osteochondropathy of the spine

The destruction and necrosis of bone tissue most often occurs due to a violation of the blood supply. The following factors can provoke this disease:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Severe infectious disease.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Violation of the absorption of calcium.
  • Congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system.
  • A large load on the spine and frequent microtrauma.
  • Impaired blood circulation.

Signs of osteochondropathy

osteochondropathy of the lumbar spine

It is very difficult to detect pathology, especially in the initial stages, when there are no obvious signs. When conducting a tomography or X-ray examination, signs of destruction of the cartilage and bone tissue are detected. To start therapy on time, parents need to be more attentive to the health of their children. If one of the following symptoms occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • In the beginning, the child complains of mild pain that disappears after rest.
  • Muscle weakness, fatigue and muscle asymmetry appear.
  • With the progression of the pathology, the pain becomes stronger.
  • Due to bone destruction, spinal deformity occurs.
  • At the site of damage to the vertebrae, the spinous process is palpated.
  • Most patients with spinal osteochondropathy have difficulty tilting the head and body forward.
  • In the later stages, chest deformation is possible.

How is it treated?

The most common complication that occurs with untimely treatment is kyphosis. Due to bone necrosis, frequent fractures are possible. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment immediately after the appearance of a complaint of pain in the spine.

The main goals of treatment are:

  • Posture correction.
  • Restoration of the correct bends of the spine.
  • Relief of pain.
  • Restoring the functions of the discs and vertebrae, as well as the mobility of the body;
  • Prevention of osteochondrosis.

With osteochondropathy of the spine in children and adults, it is important to restore the function of the spine and correct posture. The treatment includes:

  • Massage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods.
  • Taking medications prescribed by a doctor.
  • Exclusion of physical activity. Sometimes a complete restriction of mobility, bed rest, a hard bed is prescribed.
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With vertebral deformity and severe pain, traction is used with a load under water or on an inclined plane. Water activities for osteochondropathy are very useful, especially therapeutic baths and swimming. Also, therapy includes proper nutrition, eating foods high in vitamins B, A and calcium.

In the case of a running course of the disease, surgical intervention is used.

Drug treatment

Osteochondropathy of the spine causes tissue destruction and pain attacks. In this regard, drugs are prescribed that save the patient from these signs:

  • Painkillers - Ketanov, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  • Anti-inflammatory - Aertal, Nimesil, Dexalgin.
  • Vasodilating - Actovegin.
  • Multivitamins with calcium.
  • Preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora. They are needed for better absorption of trace elements from food.
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Physical exercise

The main in the treatment of osteochondropathy of the spine is a course of physiotherapy exercises. Heavy physical activity should be excluded, especially jumping and lifting weights. In the absence of severe pain, special gymnastics is performed with a gradual increase in the number of exercises and the number of repetitions. Gymnastics should be done two to three times a day.

It is very useful for all patients to walk or sit using a special proclaiming stick, placing it at the level of the thoracic spine. The stick is covered at the back by the elbow bends. Other exercises are prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account the characteristics of the development of the disease. Physical education is an important condition for the return of spinal mobility.

Pain in children often occurs after physical exertion or prolonged sitting at the table. Therefore, it is recommended that you do some homework while lying down. In addition, a chair with a high back curved forward should be used for sitting. The berth should be rigid, it is best to put a wooden shield under the mattress. Osteochondrosis often develops after an illness in adulthood. To prevent the destruction of bone tissue of the spine, it is important to form a muscle corset, prevent serious physical exertion, normalize metabolism and eat right.

spinal diseases


Osteochondropathy of the spine is a completely treatable disease if it was diagnosed in childhood, when the human body is actively developing. But to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner is very difficult, since the symptoms are very similar to the signs of other pathologies of the spinal bones. Lack of treatment can lead to pathological fractures and disability. In some cases, even with timely treatment, osteochondrosis develops at an older age.

To avoid complications, you must constantly visit an orthopedist. The specialist will be able to detect the disease in time and prescribe the appropriate treatment. To prevent complications, the child needs to do gymnastics, which strengthens the muscles of the back, do not overload the spine and eat right.

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