Restaurant "Cottage" in Dzerzhinsk is known to many residents. The institution is located on Tsiolkovsky Avenue. Here you can have a good rest from city noise and domestic problems. Employees of the institution are trying to make every visitor comfortable and cozy here. We suggest you familiarize yourself with what the Dacha restaurant in Dzerzhinsk offers. After reading the article, you will find out the exact address of the institution, features of the menu and feedback from visitors. Let's start now.
Perfect place
Many people prefer to celebrate birthdays and family holidays in good restaurants. When choosing a suitable place, several factors are taken into account: convenience of location, quality of service, variety of dishes on the menu, as well as the level of comfort in this institution. Restaurant "Cottage" in Dzerzhinsk meets the highest requirements of numerous visitors. Roomy rooms, delicious and varied food, exquisite interiors, convenient parking area for cars and much more.
One of the distinguishing features of the Dacha restaurant in Dzerzhinsk is that here you can celebrate not only holidays for adults, but also for children. For this, the institution has all the conditions. Check them out:
- children's banquet hall with play houses;
- great cooks;
- confectioners who can make a cake with the image of their favorite cartoon characters.
Many visitors consider the Dacha restaurant one of the best establishments in the city. Real professionals work here. You can come here at any time. In the morning, you can have a delicious and satisfying breakfast in the restaurant, enjoy business lunch at lunch, and in the evening, to the sound of pleasant music, having a glass of wine, enjoy a delicious dinner and pleasant communication with relatives or friends.
The menu of the restaurant "Cottage" (Dzerzhinsk)
In this catering establishment you can taste dishes of Russian and European cuisine. The following dishes are very popular with visitors:
- Light salad with squid and grapefruit.
- Pumpkin cream soup.
- Russian salad with tongue and chicken.
- Okroshka with salmon and scallops.
- Chips with porcini mushrooms.
- Salad with salmon, squid and baked vegetables.
- Risotto with pesto.
- Caesar salad with chicken.
- Tuna Pepe Verde.
- Dorado with celery sauce.
- Cod liver salad with avocado.
- Seafood Tomato Soup.
- Tempura made of vegetables.
- Marbled beef steaks.
- Crispy pancakes with meat.
- Deep-fried tiger prawns and calamari.
- Pancakes with mushroom julienne.
- Beef with charcoal.
- Duck breast with quinoa and vegetables.
- Grilled beef tongue with tartar sauce.
- Seafood fettuccine in creamy tomato sauce.
- Black pancakes with red caviar.
- Fruit smoothies.
- French apple pie.
Employees of the institution will also offer you delicious and unusual desserts: pineapple and strawberry carpaccio, apple strudel, baked pear with strawberry sauce and a sorbet ball, berry souffle, poppy seed biscuit, chocolate fondant and much more.
Address and opening hours
We introduced you to the restaurant "Cottage", now it remains to talk about its location. Remember or write down the full address. The institution is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk, Tsiolkovsky street, house 65 A. Opening hours: 12.00 - 00.00, except Friday and Saturday, these days until 02.00.
Many readers will be interested to know about prices at the Dacha restaurant. The average check at the institution is from 1500 rubles and above. There is cash and bank transfer. The institution also has its own parking zone.
Restaurant "Cottage" (Dzerzhinsk): reviews
The level of the institution and the quality of service is best judged by the statements of people who have already been here. Let's see what they write in the reviews about the restaurant "Dacha", which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the city of Dzerzhinsk.
- One of the best places in the city, which is not ashamed to invite visiting friends for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The chefs cook excellently, the waiters serve the tables perfectly and very quickly bring the ordered dishes.
- Pleasantly pleased with the variety and price of business lunches. For only 350 rubles you can order a hearty salad, hot soup and a fragrant second. As well as a drink.
- Music in the institution sounds unobtrusive and does not interfere with long conversations of visitors.
- Here, even an ordinary dinner can turn into a festive event, of which only the most pleasant memories will remain.
- In order to have a good time with friends, you need several components. Delicious food, friendly service and a cozy atmosphere. In the restaurant "Cottage" all conditions are created so that your meeting will be remembered for many years and will certainly be repeated.
Restaurant "Cottage" in Dzerzhinsk deservedly enjoys the love of visitors. Here you can celebrate any event and have a great time both together and a large friendly company. Each visit to the institution is remembered for a long time, because the employees of the restaurant "Cottage" are able to properly organize the leisure of visitors and create a comfortable atmosphere.