"Protargol" for adenoids in children: from what age, instructions for use, contraindications and side effects

In young children, the body is not yet strong enough, their immune system does not work at full strength, so they are much more susceptible to various infectious and viral diseases. Even a common cold in babies can be accompanied by a stuffy nose, severe runny nose, cough, and sore throat. In addition, in most cases, inflammation of the tonsils is observed, which only exacerbates the symptoms and condition of the child. Today, there are many medications prescribed for children with adenoids. Protargol is considered one of the best because it combines high efficiency, safety and affordable cost. Let's see how these drops are so good and how to use them correctly in the treatment of bacterial infections.

general information

protargol with adenoids in children

When prescribing "Protargol" to children, the instructions for use must be studied before use. The drug is sold in the form of powder and tablets intended for the preparation of nasal drops. Dilute the medication in a special solution that comes with the drug. The manufacturer also took care of the convenience of performing medical procedures, and put in a box a special ampoule equipped with a pipette.

The main advantage of the medication is not only high efficiency, but also the almost complete absence of side effects. This is due to the unique chemical formula of the drug. The active substance is colloidal silver, which has a disinfecting effect and adversely affects pathogenic microflora. The powder for the preparation of a medicinal solution does not contain any additional components, and additional binders may be present in the tablets. The role of the solvent is played by ordinary distilled water.

It is worth noting that in some pharmacies you can buy a ready-made drug if Protargol drops are prescribed for adenoids in children. However, when buying them, be sure to pay attention to the label. It should indicate the date of preparation and expiration date. The solution has a brown color and a bitter aftertaste, and the smell is completely absent.

Operating principle

treatment of adenoids with protargol

"Protargol" with adenoids in children is considered one of the best medicines, since it contains colloidal silver. This component has an antiseptic, bactericidal and disinfecting effect. Getting on the mucous membrane of the sinuses, silver ions combine with the DNA of microbes, preventing further reproduction and inhibiting their vital activity. Thus, the immune system is supported, and it begins to function more efficiently.

According to research results, Protargol acts on a huge number of microbes and viruses, including moraxella, staphylococci, streptococci and many others. In addition, the solution inhibits all known fungi, so that after treatment, children do not have dysbiosis. "Protargol" in children with adenoids is also good because it relieves swelling and inflammation. Immediately after the start of its use, babies have better breathing, and a barrier is created on the walls of the nasopharynx that protects them from pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the further spread of the disease.

Indications for use

In the treatment of infectious diseases of the ear, throat or nose, a 2% Protargol can be used for children. Many ENT doctors prescribe drops to patients with the following diagnoses:

  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • acute pharyngitis;
  • rhinovirus infection;
  • purulent inflammation of the middle ear;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • rhinitis.

In addition, the drug can be used to treat many gynecological and urological diseases in men and women. As for inflammation of the adenoid, Protargol is prescribed most often, since it has a higher efficiency compared to other drugs on sale today. Colloidal silver dries out the mucous membrane, normalizes respiration, relieves inflammation and reduces the likelihood of many serious complications.

Age restrictions

protargol at what age can

What you need to know about this? At what age can Protargol drip sick? According to the manufacturer, the drug has no age restrictions, since colloidal silver is completely harmless and safe for the body. It is acceptable for use even for infants, however, it is not recommended to start using drops on their own without prior consultation with a profiled specialist.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug, in comparison with other analogues, is notable for its safety. However, any drugs have certain contraindications and side effects. Protargol was no exception. It is strictly forbidden to use for people with hypersensitivity to colloidal silver. To check the patient for compatibility, it is necessary to apply a small amount of solution on the arm. If after 15 minutes the treated area of ​​the skin turns red or a rash appears on it, then the drops are not suitable. As for the side effects, they appear only in case of individual intolerance to the active substance. Among the most common are the following:

  • urticaria;
  • itching and burning;
  • mucosal irritation;
  • atopic eczema;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

It is worth noting that side effects when using Protargol are extremely rare. According to doctors, in almost 99% of cases they arise due to non-compliance with the prescribed dosage or exceeding the duration of treatment. If you experience any negative manifestations, you must immediately go to the hospital for consultation with your doctor.

How to use the drug

protargol instructions for use for children

Even as prescribed by a doctor, before starting therapy, you must carefully study the instructions for use of "Protargol" for children. In the treatment of any otorhinolaryngological diseases, a medicinal solution is used for nasal instillation. The duration of the course and dosage is selected by the doctor for each patient individually and depends on the diagnosis and the clinical picture of the patient. In pharmacies, an 8 percent drug is sold. For children, drops with a colloidal silver content of not more than 2 percent can be used. For one procedure, the drug is applied to each nasal passage in an amount of 1 to 5. But it is important to understand that treatment depends on the group of the disease and the severity of its course.

How to drip "Protargol" to a child with adenoids? In order for the treatment to proceed normally and no side effects occur, it is necessary to adhere to the following nuances:

  1. Before instillation, rinse your nose with saline. It can be bought at any pharmacy or prepared independently at home. Next, the passages are cleaned from snot using an aspirator.
  2. After preparatory procedures, the baby is laid on its back in a horizontal position on a flat surface and the required number of drops is instilled into each nostril from a pipette.
  3. If treatment is required for the baby, then a cotton pad is moistened in the treatment solution, with which the mucous membrane is treated.
  4. The procedures are best performed in the mornings immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed.

The duration of the course of therapy is calculated for each patient individually. In this case, the form, stage and severity of the disease, as well as the response to the drug from the child's body, are taken into account. It is worth noting that colloidal silver is not addictive, however, it is not recommended to use the drug for too long, since silver ions are removed from the body for a long time, and their accumulation in soft tissues can lead to the development of various health problems. If you believe the doctors, then one week is enough to completely cure most ENT diseases.


protargol contraindications and side effects

When drawing up a therapy program, a qualified specialist calculates how much to take Protargolum for a child with adenoids. If you follow all the instructions, then nothing bad will happen and no side effects will occur. Drops have a local effect, so an overdose is extremely rare. If the treatment was prolonged and too many silver ions accumulated in the baby's body, then his sensitivity increases, which is accompanied by burning and itching in the sinuses. If you encounter this, then do not try to fix the problem yourself. Go to the hospital right away for professional medical help. But be very careful when performing procedures for children under the age of three years. Exceeding the dosage during the treatment of Protargol adenoids, established by the doctor, can cause severe poisoning, which poses a serious threat to the health and life of the baby.

Features of sale and storage

Powder, tablets and ready-made solution are dispensed without a prescription. The cost of the drug depends on the form of release, region and manufacturer. The average price is 130-140 rubles per package. Drops have a limited shelf life, so if you have prepared a solution, you need to use it as soon as possible. Powder and tablets remain effective for three years, and diluted only a few years. But here it all depends on where to store the Protargol. Pharmacists advise keeping the medicine in a place protected from sunlight at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. The best option is a refrigerator. If the solution has become heterogeneous or a characteristic silver precipitate has formed on the walls of the vial, this indicates that it is no longer suitable for use.


drug analogues

If the doctor prescribed a 2% Protargol for children, but you could not find it in the pharmacies of your city, then replacing the solution with other drugs will not be difficult. Today, a huge number of medicines with similar pharmacological actions that are widely used to treat various infectious and viral diseases of the nasopharynx are on sale. Among the best analogues, doctors distinguish any drugs from the Sialor line. They are sold in tablet form along with a solvent ampoule, and silver protein is the active ingredient. The package also has a special measured bottle, with which you can prepare a medicinal solution with a 2 percent consistency at home. It has a dropper on it, so adults and children will not have any problems with nasal instillation.

Since both drugs have a similar composition, the scope and optimal dosage are the same for them. "Sialor" helps a lot with prolonged rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids, as well as many viral infections. The following medicines are also good, although less effective:

  1. Miramistin. One of the best and inexpensive antiseptics designed to treat the mucous membrane, skin and eyes. Suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and quickly kills them.
  2. Isofra. It is made on the basis of eucalyptus, which is a natural antiseptic. The composition includes components of exclusively natural origin, which allows you to use the medication to treat babies.
  3. Chlorophyllipt. In its composition and properties, it is very similar to the drug described above. However, it can be used only as prescribed by doctors and after checking the baby’s body for sensitivity. For the treatment of infants, a 2 percent solution is intended.

It is worth noting that any analogue, like Protargol itself, can be used only as directed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that for effective treatment it is necessary to correctly diagnose, and snot in one-year-old children is not always caused by inflammation of the tonsils. There are a number of diseases with similar symptoms. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, and if you have any health problems, immediately go to the hospital.

What consumers say about Protargol

This drug appeared in our country and has been used in medicine for quite some time. In most cases, the use of Protargol for adenoids in children is positive. According to the mothers who used it to treat their babies, the solution effectively fights with many ENT diseases of viral etiology, and also does not cause side effects. And given the low cost, this drug can be considered one of the best to date.


how much to drip protargolum for a child with adenoids

With adenoids in children, Protargol is a really powerful tool that quickly removes the symptoms of a runny nose and inflammation of the tonsils, creates a protective barrier on the mucous membrane of the nasal canals and speeds up the healing process. But, like any other medication, you can use the solution only as directed by your doctor. Therefore, if your baby has a runny nose, do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy for drops. Better show the child to the doctor, and he will choose the most suitable treatment program.

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