What to do with a blister from a burn? Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Burns are skin lesions that occur when in contact with hot. They can be obtained during cooking, with prolonged exposure to the sun, from contact with fire and hot surfaces. Most often, blisters appear in their place, which give a person painful sensations and discomfort. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what to do with a blister from a burn.

Types of burns

Doctors distinguish several of their species. These include:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • ray.

what to do with a blister from a burn

These types of burns must be distinguished for proper first aid.

What to do with a blister from a burn? This is very important: in no case do not open it!

Thermal burn

This burn is considered the most common type of injury that occurs due to the effects of high temperatures on the skin.

These include:

  • water over 70 degrees Celsius;
  • boiled oil;
  • Fire;
  • very hot items.

In addition to the skin, thermal burns can damage the airways, larynx and stomach, as well as the eyes and mucous membranes. This happens when a person is in a room with a high temperature and while eating too hot food.

burn bubble

The people who received it, the question arises: what to do with a blister from a burn? If a person has a lesion of the third or fourth degree, then he is shown urgent hospitalization. At the first and second stages, first aid is necessary, but the bladder from a burn should never be opened!

First aid for thermal burn

First of all, it is necessary:

  • rinse the affected area with water (cold);
  • treat this area with an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • do not open blisters after a burn;
  • place a sterile bandage on the damaged area.

Do not use oily preparations or products that have no therapeutic effect.

Chemical burn

This burn occurs when exposed to active chemicals on the skin. Sometimes a blister from a burn may appear. It can occur in contact with acids, alkalis, salts of heavy metals, as well as volatile oils and chemical compounds. Sometimes you can get a burn from contact with some household chemicals. Such a burn damages the proteins contained in the skin and deeply injures.

Such injuries must be distinguished for first aid, because it depends on the remedy that caused the damage.

blisters after sunburn

Alkali dissolves the cellular protein located in the epithelium, after which necrosis appears with the release of moisture. Acid superficially injures the skin and provokes the appearance of a scab without moisture.

First aid for a chemical burn

But not everyone is able to distinguish between them and do not know what to do when blisters from a burn appear. Treatment primarily begins with treatment. Remove the substance that caused the injury. To do this, it is best to use the washing of the wound under running water for 10-14 minutes, however, if the burn occurred in contact with sulfuric acid or quicklime, then washing is prohibited. These substances come in contact with water and damage the cover even more.

burn blisters treatment

Each substance has its own neutralizer. Lime is removed with a sugar 20% solution, carbolic acid is neutralized with milk of lime or glycerin, hydrogen-boron compounds can be removed with ammonia, and phosphorus is neutralized only by mechanical treatment, followed by the application of a bandage moistened with 5% copper sulfate. Alkalis are neutralized with the usual 1% solution of acetic acid. In case of chemical burns, the victim must be taken to a medical institution as soon as possible.

Radiation burns

This type of burn appears with prolonged contact with sunlight (ultraviolet). This is the most common type of skin injury. But in most cases it does not cause severe damage, and a person can cope with them on their own. The affected skin becomes painful, red, and bubbles appear with water - these are blisters after a sunburn.

First aid for radiation burns

Unfortunately, not many people know what to do with a blister from a burn. In case of sun damage, cool the affected areas. This can be done by taking a cool shower, spreading them with cool sour cream or treating with special products. Do not open blisters after a sunburn . Do not go out in the sun and do not visit the baths and steam rooms, as the condition may worsen.

blisters after a burn


Therapy after burns is carried out with antibacterial ointments, sprays and creams. It is also necessary to use disinfectants and wounds. They are applied to the wound and applied with sterile dressings.

If large areas of the skin are affected or the wounds are too deep, then the person is placed in a hospital for treatment and constant monitoring.

Folk remedies

You can treat mild burns at home, using traditional medicine.

Water and soda

Immediately after injury, immediately moisten the affected area and sprinkle it with ordinary soda (baking soda).

Ivy infusion

Take a tablespoon of shredded ivy. Pour it with 600 ml of boiling water and cook a little. Then insist 24 hours. Strain and make lotions.

Sea buckthorn oil

Before using the product, it is necessary to clean the wound from dead skin. Then apply sea buckthorn oil to the sterile dressing and apply it to the burn. Change 2-3 times a day.

Oak bark

You will need 45 grams of chopped oak bark. Pour in 300 ml of boiled water and cook for 13 minutes. After that, cool and strain. Make lotions out of this broth.


Gather the inflorescences of meadow clover, then pour 2 tablespoons of them with boiling water. Brew in a glass for 45 minutes. Strain. After cooling, do lotions.

St. John's wort, lily, blueberries and calendula

Take one tablespoon of each plant (previously chopped) and pour all 600 ml of sunflower oil. Insist 10 days in a place where light does not penetrate. Use for burns.

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