How to improve bowel function with constipation: exercises, drugs, diets

It is difficult to find a person who, even if only once in his life, would not suffer from a feeling of heaviness in his stomach, flatulence and the impossibility of complete bowel movement. This problem is rather delicate, but requiring immediate resolution. After all, the normal functioning of the intestine is an indispensable condition for a healthy life. What should be done to avoid such a problem?

Causes of Bowel Dysfunction

The rhythm of life of modern man makes him eat dry food and on the run. At the same time, of course, the food he prefers is a semi-finished product, and not cooked hot lunches at all. That is why almost 90% of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from pathologies of the gastroenterological type. Particularly relevant is the problem of constipation, or constipation. The main sign of this pathology is the absence of bowel movement for two days. A similar phenomenon is accompanied by pain in the intestines and its bloating. Sometimes a prolonged retention of the stool is a sign of a dangerous disease.

How often will the intestines empty? It directly depends on the lifestyle that a person leads, on his habits and nutrition. The causes of constipation can be:

  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • the inclusion in the diet of a large number of fried and fatty foods;
  • neurosis, stress and depression;
  • chronic as well as acute ailments of the digestive organs.

How to solve a problem

If constipation occurs, seek help from a specialist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. After all, with the development of chronic forms of pathology, the immune system decreases, the mood drops and the skin condition worsens. If the problem arises constantly, then it is impossible to solve it with a single method of laxatives. The body will gradually get used to such help from the outside, and it will become impossible to restore the intestines without medications.

First aid

How to improve bowel function with constipation? In case of emergency, you will need to take medications. However, it should be borne in mind that the frequent use of such funds, as well as their overdose, are not only undesirable, but also dangerous. The intestine will constantly be waiting for artificial stimulation, which will lead to the need to increase the dose of drugs. That is why the use of medications should be made only with the ineffectiveness of all other methods.

Health rules

How to improve bowel function with constipation? To do this, you need to find out the cause of failures in his work. Intestinal motility is directly dependent on nutrition and lifestyle, as well as on the health of the nervous system. Often, you can get positive results if you abandon bad habits, observe the daily regimen and eat balanced. Subject to all these conditions, an act of defecation will occur at the same time and will not cause a person any inconvenience.

To normalize the work of the intestine, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • Do not suppress the natural urge to defecate;
  • develop the habit of visiting the toilet at the same time;
  • Do not be distracted in the process of defecation (by solving crosswords, talking on the phone, etc.).

In addition, you must try to avoid stressful situations. Negative emotions negatively affect bowel function. They contribute to the occurrence of muscle spasms, which leads to constipation and can cause a violation of cardiac activity.


How to improve bowel function with constipation? The fastest way to fix the problem are medications. They are intended to provide a laxative effect, which facilitates the condition of the patient.

woman holds her hands on her stomach

Preparations for the intestines with constipation are available in various forms. They can be in the form of tablets, syrups, suppositories and drops, as well as chewing lozenges. Their main advantage is the speed of exposure. So, taking such a drug in the evening, its laxative effect can be obtained in the morning. This is made possible due to the increased flaccid peristalsis of the colon due to chemical irritation of its receptors. But it is worth keeping in mind that with prolonged use of such drugs (more than 10 consecutive days), the development of nerve tissue degeneration, intestinal agony, as well as an imbalance in the electrolyte composition of the blood is possible.

Laxatives have a list of contraindications, including:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased anal fissures;
  • perforation of the stomach;
  • stomach ache;
  • peritonitis;
  • imbalance of water-salt metabolism;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • cystitis.

How to normalize the bowel with constipation? Laxatives may be prescribed for this . Consider the most effective substances due to which the stool is diluted, as well as those drugs in which they are included as the main components.

  1. Bisacodyl. Based on this substance, drugs such as Lixacodyl, Stadalax, Pirilax, Laxatin are produced. These tablets are recommended for patients to prepare for intestinal endoscopy, as well as for patients in whom the problem develops after surgery. Drugs with this active substance are also used for constipation resulting from dietary nutrition. Such laxatives are prescribed, usually 1 tablet at bedtime. In the absence of the proper effect, the dosage is doubled.
  2. Sennosides A and B. Drugs with this active substance are Tisasen, Senada, Laksana, Gerbion, Regulaks. The same group of laxative medicines includes Senna chewable pastilles. Such drugs are created on a plant basis. The main component of their composition are the leaves of narrow-leaved and holly senna. Reception of such funds is not addictive. They are prescribed for hemorrhoids, as well as constipation, resulting from a sluggish intestinal motility. A similar laxative is used only once during the day, usually before bedtime. The effect of its administration occurs after 6-12 hours.
  3. Sodium picosulfate. This group of laxatives includes drugs such as Slabilen, Guttasil, Regulax, Guttalax. Medicines, the main component of which is this substance, have no smell or taste. Their effect extends to the area of ​​the colon, as a result of which there is an increase in peristalsis of the entire organ. Due to the action of these drugs, the level of absorption of electrolytes and water is reduced. Consider, for example, “Weak”. Instructions for use, reviews and price indicate that it is quite popular in patients with stool problems. Created on the basis of sodium picosulfate, this tool excites receptors of the large intestine mucosa, helping to increase its peristalsis. The necessary effect after taking the drug occurs after 10-12 hours. The tool regulates stools with cracks in the anus, proctitis and hemorrhoids, is used in the process of preparing the patient for surgery, as well as for x-ray and instrumental examination. Such indications are contained in the instructions for use. "Weak" reviews about the price is only positive, consumers indicate its availability. The cost of such a laxative starts from 180 rubles. The drug "Guttalax" for constipation also allows you to get a fairly quick effect. Taken in the evening in the form of tablets or drops, it promotes complete bowel movement in the morning. In this case, the use of this tool is possible regardless of the factor that caused the constipation.
  4. Glycerol. On the basis of this active substance, candles are produced ("Glycerin", "Glycelax"). Such preparations lubricate hardened fecal masses, which ensures their easier passage through the intestines, causing a person to want to empty. Laxatives are recommended as a prophylaxis for people who should not strain during bowel movements due to hemorrhoids, anal fissures. They are used after a heart attack, as well as in the case of anorectal stenosis.

Microflora recovery

How to improve bowel function with constipation? This requires taking medications that help restore beneficial microflora in this organ. In addition to probiotics, which contain live bacteria, prebiotics should be taken, which are drugs that create a favorable environment for the development of beneficial microorganisms. What specific medicines will need to be included in the course of treatment, the doctor will decide.

Among the drugs that restore the intestinal microflora, synbiotics are also distinguished. They simultaneously contain both probiotics and prebiotics. An example of such a tool is Algibif.


These drugs that restore intestinal microflora include living organisms such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. This list includes drugs such as Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol.

drug "Linex"

Probiotics used for intestines with constipation act differently on the body. So, lactobacilli assist in the digestion of dairy products. They increase immunity and destroy pathogens. But bifidobacteria utilize undigested food. Thanks to them, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.


Bowel treatment for constipation is also carried out with the help of drugs that create the necessary environment in which beneficial bacteria develop. They are called prebiotics. Once in the intestines, they contribute to increased immunity, activate the growth of microflora, reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria, improve its peristalsis.

Prebiotics are released in the form of candles, capsules, syrups and tablets. The most popular of them are “Maxilac”, “Dufalac” and “Lactofiltrum”.


What to do when drugs do not produce the desired effect?

man crouched

Then you should cleanse the intestines with constipation with enemas. Their main advantages are:

  • availability and speed of action;
  • bowel cleansing efficiency;
  • stimulation of peristalsis.

Enemas are of various types. Among them:

  1. Oil. For such an enema, vegetable, olive or vaseline oil is used, which is injected into the rectum.
  2. Hypertonic. These enemas are saline. When they are used, special solutions are introduced into the rectum, which facilitate the defecation process due to irritation of the intestine and activation of the reduction of its mucous membrane.
  3. Cleansing. With the help of such enemas, feces are washed out of the intestines.

Proper nutrition

Normalization of bowel movements is impossible without observing the rules of dietary nutrition. Its main goal is to restore intestinal motility. This will normalize the output of feces, which will eliminate the discomfort that has arisen. Eat should be in small portions 5 times a day. What foods are good for intestines for constipation? It is preferable to include plant foods on the menu. It contains a large amount of fiber, which is useful for peristalsis. To activate the digestive processes and increase the contractions of the intestinal walls, it is recommended to include in your diet meals that have choleretic action. But they can only be eaten by those people who do not have stones and inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.

constipation foods

If constipation is spastic, that is, the cause of its occurrence is stress, intoxication, increased physical activity or endocrine, as well as neurovegetative disturbances, then in this state you should exclude roughage from your menu. She is able to injure the intestinal wall. It is forbidden to use foods that contain a high starch content, as well as astringent properties, which will cause inhibition of intestinal motility. In the diet, the presence of vegetable fats and natural vegetable oil is important. These products will have a beneficial effect on receptors and enhance reflex motility, soften stool and activate bile secretion.

The diet with such a diet should include any vegetables except white cabbage and potatoes, lean pork, steamed or boiled poultry. The menu is important for the presence of low-fat sour-milk products, fish, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice (once every 2-3 days). The dishes should be served with rye bread or wholemeal. The presence of fruits, herbs and dried fruits in the diet is necessary.

With atonic constipation caused by sluggish intestinal motility, the diet should be based on foods containing fibers that irritate receptors. These products are vegetables and fruits. Such a diet includes beets and all kinds of cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, low-fat pork and poultry, low-fat fish. From cereals it is recommended to eat oatmeal and buckwheat. In small quantities, barley and rice are allowed. Bread should be gray, rye or bran. From fruits, figs, plums, apricots, apples are recommended. Fermented milk products of any kind, dried fruits and fresh herbs will benefit the body.

woman with apple

Diet for chronic constipation should include:

  • beets in any form;
  • dried fruits;
  • zucchini;
  • dairy products;
  • bran.

Drinking mode

Any diet will be effective only if a person will consume a sufficient amount of fluid.

girl holding a glass of water

The first glass is drunk immediately after sleep. Further, its intake is carried out every hour for 100 ml. It is advisable that this be between meals. It is allowed to drink still mineral water, herbal infusions, fresh juices, as well as a rosehip broth. Strong tea and coffee should be discarded.

Physical activity

A decrease in muscle tone is facilitated by the lifestyle of a modern person, who in most cases is sedentary. And this, in turn, is reflected in intestinal health.

man drinks water

In order to avoid problems with bowel movements, regular feasible loads are necessary. It can be jogging, fitness, swimming or aerobics. Special exercises have also been developed for bowel function for constipation. They are quite simple, but at the same time quite effective. Among them:

  1. Retraction and protrusion of the abdomen in the supine position for one minute.
  2. Performing the same exercise on one or the other side.
  3. Imitation of foot movements of riding a bicycle while lying on your back.

It is worth taking a habit and doing morning exercises. It is especially important for eliminating chronic constipation. In this case, it is enough to perform squats, inclines, as well as running in place. Useful for bowel health are walking and cycling.

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