Boiled pasta: a technological map of the original and variations

Oddly enough, this sounds, but even for such a simple dish as boiled pasta, you need clear instructions for cooking, in other words, a technological map. This is a mandatory document for those who work in the food industry, in particular in catering establishments, institutions or in stores that have their own cooking department.


Boiled pasta

The routing of this cooking dish provides an indication of the proportions of the necessary products for its preparation, as well as a description of the sequential actions of the work itself.

If you are guided by the basic norms, then you can take the technological map below as an example.

Name of ingredient

Gross Amount (g)

for 1 serving

Net Amount (g)

for 1 serving


Cooking process

Bring salted water to a boil, lay pasta and cook until tender. Cooking time can vary from 4 to 20 minutes, depending on the total number of servings, type and size of pasta. During cooking, pasta increases in size by about 3 times, and in order to avoid sticking it requires constant stirring. After the pasta is cooked, they are thrown into a colander and seasoned with half the rate of melted butter, mixing thoroughly. The rest of the oil is added immediately before serving.

The shelf life of the dish is 2 hours from the time of its preparation.

If in an institution it is customary to cook a certain type or variety of pasta, then in the technological map, boiled pasta indicates a more accurate cooking time.

Boiled pasta

Added product - changed the dish

Even if minor changes are made to the dish, a new masterpiece is already obtained. This feature is very important to consider when creating the menu, developing new technological maps, since this affects not only the taste (for the consumer side), but also the material side - costs (for the seller or performer).

In particular, the flow chart for boiled pasta with butter and boiled pasta in the composition of the ingredients is one and the same. But depending on the purpose of their use in the future, the cooking process itself will differ.

So, there are drain and non-drain methods. The first is used when pasta is cooked as an independent side dish. The second is used for cooking pasta for pasta and casseroles.

Technological map of boiled pasta with vegetables

If you add vegetables to the composition of the dish, then it turns out to be more satisfying, fresh and has a pronounced aroma.

Boiled pasta with vegetables

In standard collections, the recommended routine of boiled pasta, which are supplemented with vegetables, is as follows.

Name of ingredientsGross per serving (g)Net per serving (g)
Ready-made boiled pasta250


Green peas3120
Fresh carrots2520
Tomato Puree2020
Table margarine0ten

How to cook

All vegetables except peas are peeled, washed and cut into strips. In a heated frying pan, sauté until golden brown. After that, add tomato puree and sauté for another five minutes. At the same time warm green peas. To freshly prepared pasta (the technological list of boiled pasta is presented above), add sautéed vegetables, warm peas and mix. The dish is ready to serve.

It should be borne in mind that any changes in the components of the dish should be made in the routing.

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