Maria Bykova. The modern language of ancient magic

It just so happened that modern Russian literature is not customary to praise. On the contrary, it is considered a good form in our society to frown and arrogantly lift up one’s nose - they say, I don’t read this - at the mention of one of the authors of the twenty-first century. But among them there are many talented people with fresh ideas, a new style, their individual style. Indeed, many of them really have something to say to the modern reader, and they say it on the pages of their books, often very good ones. So, maybe it’s time to put aside our arrogance in front of the writers of our days, and select in our library a place for the works of contemporaries?

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about the author

One of these noteworthy writers is Maria Bykova, a young and energetic girl who works with her mother Larisa Telyatnikova. Maria was born in 1992 in Omsk, where she lives and works to this day. The girl was educated as a journalist, so she addresses the word professionally.

Bykova's debut with her mother took place in 2010 - then the trilogy “Luck loves redheads” was published. Since then, the creative work of the mother with her daughter has not stopped. For such a short period of work, they managed to publish two large novels, each of which is a three-part work, and together they make "Dilogy about Yalga Yasitsa", several cycles of short stories and micro-short stories, as they call the genre - story-sketches.

Magic in books


The books of Maria Bykova are light, unobtrusive literature, reading which you sit back and relax. Works - mostly in the fantasy genre - have a simple but fascinating plot; the reader is interested in following the fate of bright heroes, whose images are clearly delineated by the author. So, the first novel, “Luck loves redheads,” is a three-part work (“The First Step”, Gaudeamus Igitur and “The Die Cast”), which tells about the adventures of students from the school of magic. Maybe Maria Bykova when writing this book was inspired by the well-known story of Harry Potter, but the plot can not be called plagiarism. For fans of adventure fiction, Bykova’s works will definitely please.

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