Urotol tablets: Russian analogues and reviews about them

An overactive bladder can cause a lot of problems to the patient, significantly reducing the quality of his life. A person suffers from frequent urination, frequent nightly trips to the toilet and discomfort in the lower abdomen. To regulate this process, doctors prescribe medications that lower the tone of the bladder. One of the most affordable means of this category is the drug "Urotol". Reviews, analogues and instructions for its use - we will consider these topics in our article.

Release form and composition

This drug is available in the form of white or yellow tablets. The medicine is produced by the Czech pharmaceutical company Zentiva. In pharmacies, it comes in white cardboard boxes. One package contains 2 or 4 blisters of 14 tablets. Its cost is usually 600-800 rubles, varying depending on the region.

urotol analogues

How does the instructions for use describe the composition of the drug "Urotol"? It is worth noting that the manufacturer produces 2 versions of this tool, which differ in the concentration of the active substance. It is tolterodine hydrotartrate. The yellow tablets contain 1 mg, and the white ones already 2 mg. Auxiliary components are microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, sodium stearyl fumarate. Tablets are available in a round biconvex form. They are coated with a coating of talc, hypromellose, macrogol and titanium dioxide. Yellow pills additionally contain food coloring.

Indications for use

It is possible to be treated with the Urotol drug, the analogues of which have similar indications for use, only after consultation with a specialist. As a rule, doctors prescribe it for violations of the urinary system, causing frequent and uncontrolled urination. Often it is prescribed if the patient is unable to retain fluid in the body. In this case, before using the drug, it is necessary to exclude possible organic causes of urination, since Urotol will not be able to cope with them. This medication gradually stimulates the tone of the muscles of the excretory tract, which helps to stabilize the process of deurination.

urotol instruction


This drug, unfortunately, is not suitable for all patients. Since the Urotol tablets are described in the manual as a medicine that slows down the excretory system, it should not be used by patients suffering from difficulty urinating. If the deurination process is delayed, then, most likely, the medicine will only aggravate the situation. Do not take medication for children under 18 years of age. Doctors quite rarely prescribe it to pregnant women, because the safety of the drug in relation to the developing fetus has not yet been proven. It is recommended for use only if the benefits of therapy exceed the possible risks. It is categorically contraindicated to use "Urotol" during breastfeeding.

urotol reviews analogues

It does not recommend taking "Urotol" instructions for use for people suffering from severe ulcerative colitis. Closed glaucoma, which is not treatable, and myasthenia gravis (fatigue of muscles) are two more reasons why patients will have to choose another drug for treatment. With caution and in small quantities, the drug is prescribed to patients with neuropathy, kidney, liver and stomach problems.

Side effects

The risk of side effects is an integral part of taking any drug. Urotol was no exception. Its analogues, as a rule, have similar concomitant symptoms. If they appear, you need to stop taking the medicine and seek the advice of your doctor. According to statistics, most often patients are subject to the following side effects:

  • a variety of allergic reactions, and in rare cases, the appearance of Quincke's edema;
  • disturbances of consciousness, expressed in increased nervousness, drowsiness, dizziness and headaches, hallucinations appear much less often;
  • growing dry eyes and the appearance of false myopia;
  • tachycardia (palpitations), a feeling of tightness in the chest, less often - arrhythmia;
  • dry mouth and regular abdominal pain, and subsequently vomiting, flatulence and constipation;
  • dry skin;
  • urinary retention and the appearance of edema of the limbs;
  • with prolonged use, a significant increase in body weight can be observed.

Urotol Russian analogues

Tablets "Urotol": instructions for use

Before taking the medicine, you need to visit a doctor who will tell you in detail how to properly drink the tablets. The general procedure for using the drug is also described in detail in the instructions for use. "Urotol" can be taken regardless of food intake in the morning and evening, 2 mg at a time. The patient should swallow the tablet whole with a little water. When identifying an individual intolerance to the drug or in case of impaired kidney and liver, the dosage is reduced to 2 mg per day, that is, 1 mg at a time. Drink the medicine in courses, repeating them approximately every 2-3 months.

urotol analogues are cheaper

Due to the side effects that Urotol causes, the use of it makes it impossible to drive the car sick. Doctors also recommend women of childbearing age to carefully monitor the contraceptives used while taking the drug.

Consequences of an overdose

Take the medicine strictly according to the instructions. According to studies, overdose symptoms begin to occur with a single use of 12 mg of the drug "Urotol". Its analogues, by the way, have similar signs of intoxication, since they all contain the same active substance in the composition. When using a dose many times higher than the permissible norm, the following symptoms appear:

  • dilated pupils;
  • the appearance of myopia and paresis of accommodation;
  • urinary retention and frequent painful urges to him;
  • confusion, manifested by increased excitement and hallucinations;
  • tachycardia and shortness of breath;
  • cramps.

If an overdose is suspected, the doctors immediately prescribe a gastric lavage, and then give the patient to drink a large amount of activated charcoal. With convulsions and hallucinations, patients additionally take sedatives. If a person begins to suffocate, then he is connected to a drug for mechanical ventilation. It is recommended to keep patients in a dark room, as well as drip pilocarpine in the eyes. With a prolonged absence of urination, the fluid is excreted from the body using a catheter.

Analogs of the drug "Urotol"

Many drugs have several analogues at once, which practically do not differ in composition. Their main difference is manufacturer and cost. Russian pharmaceutical companies, as a rule, produce identical drugs much cheaper than import companies. Urotol, produced by a Czech company, also has several high-quality analogues. We list the main ones:

  • Driptan
  • "Detruzitol";
  • "Roliten";
  • Spazemex
  • "Cystenal";
  • Urohol.

Pills "Rolen"

Can not be called a budget drug "Urotol". Analogs cheaper than this drug can be easily found from other manufacturers. So, the cost of Roliten, produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company, is approximately 450 rubles per package. The medication is available in the form of film-coated tablets or capsules. Its side effects and contraindications are identical to Urotol, but it is forbidden to use it for pregnant women.

urotol analogues

Reviews of people taking this drug note its rapid effectiveness and affordable price. At the same time, patients become accustomed to Rolitene, after which it practically ceases to have a positive effect on the body. Due to its low cost, it is quickly sold out, so it is not in all pharmacies. In addition, fakes of this product are often found on the Russian market.

Detrusitol tablets

"Detruzitol" is an effective drug, the principle of action of which coincides with the drug "Urotol". There are almost no Russian analogues in pharmacies, but there are many similar products made in Asia and Europe. So, Detrusitol is produced in Italy. User reviews note its great effectiveness, but it is slightly more expensive than its counterparts. Its active ingredient is an improved tolterodine L-tartrate, which has a high concentration. Therefore, it is forbidden to use for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents. The drug is available in tablets and capsules. Side effects, contraindications and overdose symptoms practically do not differ from "Urotol".

urotol application

Reviews about the drug

Because of its effectiveness, Urotol is in demand among patients suffering from frequent urination. Having drunk the course of the drug, they are in a hurry to share their experience and leave reviews about the medication. As a rule, users were satisfied with this tool. They indicate the following advantages:

  • an effective remedy that helps only after a long course of treatment;
  • side effects are extremely rare;
  • the availability of the drug, you can buy it at any pharmacy, unlike analogues, which are much more difficult to find.

However, some people report low efficacy of the drug. They write that they took it for several months or six months, but the drug did not relieve them of unpleasant symptoms. A large number of side effects scares off many patients, and they prefer to choose a safer remedy. In the reviews they write that when taken in patients, dry mouth and painful redness of the eyes appear. In addition, the medicine eliminates the symptoms well, but does not cure the disease itself. Therefore, after stopping its intake, the problem returns again.

"Urotol", the analogues of which were also considered in the article, if taken correctly, can be a good remedy against rapid urination. In order not to harm yourself, you need to take it strictly according to the instructions and only after consulting with your doctor.

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