Lavash rolls with different fillings: recipes with photos

When unexpected guests are already on the doorstep, it becomes necessary to prepare quick snacks. As a rule, in such situations, the pita bread, which can be purchased in the store, is especially saving. From it you can make not only tasty, but also very bright beautiful rolls.

Lavash rolls - the appetizer is very diverse, it can be prepared with fillings consisting of different products. Practice shows that the most common are fish and meat. However, in fact, their spectrum is wider. So, we will consider several options for recipes (with photos) of pita rolls, which can be easily applied in practice at home.


Very tender and tasty rolls are prepared with cheese filling. They can be whipped up using the minimum amount of ingredients.

To prepare the filling, you must take at least three different types of cheese in equal proportions. In fact, cheese and mold, hard and processed, are perfectly combined with each other. Instead, you can use any others.

Each sheet of pita bread should be covered with a uniform layer of sour cream, and then sprinkled with a thin layer of a mixture made from cheeses. They must first be crushed, for which you can use a grater or do it with a knife. After all the ingredients are laid out, you need to roll a layer of pita bread into a roll and tightly wrap it in cling film. In this form, it is sent to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. After the specified time, the snack should be taken out, rolled out and cut into portions with a sharp knife.

Sliced ​​lavash rolls with cheese

Pita rolls stuffed with cheese are ready. Now they need to be laid out on a serving plate and sent to the guests.

"Festive fantasy"

Lavash rolls prepared according to this recipe will look very bright on any holiday table. This appetizer is quite simple to make, and they eat it at the table very quickly.

To prepare a bright and very tasty filling for one pita bread, you need to take 100 g of slightly salted salmon and cut it into very thin and small plates. After that, you need to add the same amount of sausage cheese to it, which you should first grate on a fine grater. To these ingredients add 2-3 finely chopped onion feathers. All components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed and set aside for a while.

Next, take pita bread and grease it with a thin layer of mayonnaise. After that, a mixture made of fish and sausage cheese should be laid on the surface, and then carefully wrap everything in a roll.

Pita rolls with crab sticks

The appetizer must be tightly wrapped in cling film and sent to infuse and soak in a cold place. After 40 minutes, you need to get the snack, remove the film and cut into portioned portions. Now a roll of pita bread stuffed with salmon and sausage cheese can be offered to guests. Garnish the appetizer with dill or parsley.

"Crab Paradise"

No seafood fan will refuse such an appetizer. Pita rolls with crab sticks are pretty simple and quick to make. In order to create them, you need a minimal set of ingredients. The general technology of cooking the dishes completely coincides with those described above, so we will only consider the stage of preparation of the filling.

To create a filling, you need to take 100 g of crab sticks and, having cleared them of cellophane, grind with a knife. Some chefs prefer to do this with a blender - so the mass turns out to be more uniform and airy. After this, it is necessary to grind on a fine grater 100 g of processed cheese. After you need to cut thin plates or slices of 100 g of small pickled champignons.

Lavash stuffing rolls

In a separate bowl, mix 2-3 crushed cloves of garlic and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. This mixture should be well lubricated pita leaf. Sprinkle the layer with finely chopped dill or parsley or their mixture. Next, lay a layer of mushrooms and crab sticks. Grated cheese is on top of everything . If you want to make ready-made rolls more juicy, you can put a small amount of mayonnaise on top, but this is not necessary. Now the pita should be tightly wrapped and left for some time in the refrigerator. In just 40 minutes, the snack will be ready. This recipe for pita rolls stuffed with crab sticks is definitely useful for hostesses who want to surprise their households and invited guests.


The taste of this appetizer is somewhat reminiscent of dishes of the Soviet era. Perhaps this is because during this period, sprats were always on the holiday tables, which are among the ingredients for filling these pita rolls.

To prepare the filling for such a simple and very savory snack, you need to take half a standard can of sprat, remove oil from them. Each fish is cut lengthwise into two parts. The field of this must be prepared cheese. Take 100 g of any hard cheese (parmesan, cheddar, etc.) and grate it on a medium-sized grater. The same should be done with hard-boiled two eggs.

In a separate bowl, combine 2-3 cloves of garlic crushed with a press, as well as half a glass of mayonnaise. After this, the ingredients should be thoroughly mixed to a uniform consistency and apply the mixture in an even layer on a sheet of pita bread. On top of the created sauce, evenly distribute the grated cheese, then cover it with another sheet of pita bread. Now you should smear the second tier of dough, lay eggs and sprats on top of it, evenly distributing them over the entire area.

After all the described actions are completed, it is necessary to roll both sheets of pita bread in one roll and, wrapping in a film, send it to marinate in the refrigerator for an hour. After this time, a roll of pita bread with cheese, eggs and sprats can be served to the table, cut into portions beforehand.


The rolls prepared according to this recipe will surely appeal to all lovers of nutritious and nutritious snacks, because their filling combines the most interesting ingredients, the taste of which harmoniously complements each other.

To prepare this filling for rolls, you need to take 200 g of fresh champignons, wash them thoroughly, remove all unnecessary and cut into small slices. Fry in a hot pan with vegetable oil. In the process of frying, they should also add the chopped onion head. After the mushrooms acquire a golden hue, the mass must be salt, mix well and remove from the stove.

Separately, cut 100 g of smoked chicken breast or ham and grate the same amount of hard cheese on the smallest grater.

Lavash roll with champignons

After all the products have been prepared, you can begin to process pita bread. Using kitchen scissors or a sharp knife from the formation, cut a square or leave it as is and trim the roll later (before serving). Smear a loaf of cake with cream cheese. Next, lay grated hard cheese on top of it and cover with another layer of pita bread. Both tiers should be pressed tightly against each other so that air voids do not form between them. The final layer of spicy and original filling - mushrooms fried with onions and finely chopped balyk or chicken breast.

Making roll

All components must be carefully folded into a tight roll, let it soak for 30 minutes. After that, rolls of pita bread with the filling according to the recipe with the photo presented here will be ready. They can be served on the table.

For a change, try baking the roll in the oven for literally 10-15 minutes, pre-lubricating it on the outside with mayonnaise or another sauce to taste. In addition, you can lightly burn it on the grill.


Such colorful rolls can be served not only to the festive table. This is a very interesting and easy option for a picnic snack. To create them, you need to take 50 g of feta cheese and grate it on the smallest grater in a separate bowl. After this, it is necessary to add three tablespoons of homemade sour cream and a little chopped dill. The ingredients should be mixed well until a smooth, smooth mass is formed.

Then very finely chop the crab sticks, which are recommended to take at least 100 grams.

With a mass prepared from feta cheese and sour cream, grease a sheet of pita bread. Spread the chopped crab sticks evenly over the sauce layer. Now pita should be tightly wrapped, wrapped with cling film and left to soak in a cold place. Lavash rolls with a filling made on the basis of feta cheese and crab sticks will be ready in 15 minutes, you just have to cut them and serve them to the guests.

Deja vu

Lavash appetizer is very popular at various feasts. Considering the recipes (with photos) of pita rolls with different fillings, you can judge their diversity, however, in fact, the leaders in popularity among hostesses are those that are made on the basis of crab sticks. Consider another version of the filling for rolls, the basis of which is this semi-finished product.

To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of sticks and chop them very finely in any convenient way. If desired, you can grind the semi-finished product to a paste-like consistency.

Grate 100 g of cream cheese in a separate bowl, for which it is advisable to use the smallest grater. There, add hard-boiled hard-boiled chicken egg similarly chopped. Season the ingredients with a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, add a small amount of salt and black pepper to them, and then mix thoroughly until smooth. At the output, the cheese mixture should not be too liquid, but not too thick. It should not spread on a sheet of pita bread, but it should easily fasten the base.

After the cheese mass is ready, it must be evenly spread on a sheet of pita bread. Lay crushed crab sticks on top of it and wrap everything in a tight roll. After a half-hour stay in the refrigerator, the rolls will be ready. They need to be cut into portioned pieces and, decorated with greens, served to guests.

"Five minutes"

The fastest filling for pita rolls can be prepared from products that do not require pre-processing. The basis of this recipe is made in Korean ham and carrots.

To create delicious and very bright rolls from pita bread, you need to take a quality dough product and grease it with a small amount of mayonnaise with a high fat content. After that, boldly proceed with the preparation of the filling.

Filling for such an appetizer is done on the basis of 150 g of ham (best smoked). The meat must be cut into very thin slices or cubes. We add half a glass of Korean carrots to the ham, which can be purchased at the store ready-made. Mix the ingredients well (the mass should be as homogeneous as possible) and spread them on the prepared pita bread. After this, the product with the filling should be rolled into a strong tube and allowed to marinate for half an hour. If desired, a snack can be consumed immediately.

"Fish fantasy"

Lavash rolls

Pita rolls with fish are also very juicy and tasty, especially if you prepare the filling for them in the right way.

As in the case with the previous recipes, grease the pita with mayonnaise and leave for a while. We begin to prepare the filling. The basis of it is tuna (1 can). The fish should be kneaded with a fork and put on top of a layer of mayonnaise. After this, the mashed fish should be crushed with grated hard cheese (40-50 g) previously grated on a fine grater. Be sure to remember that all the ingredients must be evenly distributed on the cake so that the taste of the snack is uniform.

Separately, you need to wash the leaves of green salad under running water, dry and lay on top of the pita in an even layer. Now the product must be wrapped in a tube, packaged in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for an hour. After the specified time, the snack will be ready.


Lavash rolls with different fillings

Recipes of pita rolls with different fillings conquer with their variety. One of the most original among them is made on the basis of red fish and shrimp. No seafood fan will refuse such an appetizer.

To prepare it, you need to take pita bread and grease it with a thin layer of mayonnaise with a high percentage of fat content - such a sauce will not spread over the finished product.

To create the filling, boil 100 g of pre-peeled shrimp. To prepare this dish, it is best to take small seafood that does not have to be chopped for a long time. In the process of cooking shrimp, it should be remembered that the heat treatment should not last more than 1.5 minutes and they must be laid exclusively in boiling water. In order to make the product more juicy and aromatic, sometimes a small amount of black pepper, salt, and bay leaf are sometimes added to boiling water.

After the shrimps are ready, they must be chopped and mixed with salted salmon (100 g), cut into thin slices.

On a lavash, covered with a layer of mayonnaise, evenly spread processed cheese grated on a medium-sized grater (2 pcs.), And on top of it - a seafood mixture. Wrap pita bread in a tight roll and refrigerate so that the ingredients are saturated with mayonnaise.


An appetizer with such a beautiful name will certainly conquer all guests invited to the feast where it will be served. This recipe for pita rolls involves the use of simple ingredients that complement each other and will appeal to absolutely everyone.

Before proceeding with the preparation of the filling, the cake is expanded, greased with mayonnaise and left in this form. For the filling, grate two hard-boiled eggs on a coarse grater, in a similar way, grind a fresh medium-sized cucumber, avocado.

Separately, it is necessary to prepare a filet of slightly salted herring. You can buy ready-made (in oil) or pickle the fish yourself a couple of days before the proposed feast. If you choose the store option, then filet should be patted with a paper towel to remove excess oil. Cut the fish (100 g) into thin slices and sprinkle half the lemon with juice.

After all the components have been prepared, put them on pita bread. The first layer after mayonnaise should be eggs, followed by distribute the fish, avocado and cucumber. After that, roll the pita bread into a tight roll and put it in a cold place. Within 30-40 minutes, the ingredients will be soaked in mayonnaise, and the taste of the snack will become more intense and vibrant.

Culinary Tips

Lavash roll recipes

Mistresses prepare rolls of pita bread with different fillings. However, when choosing the components that will make it up, certain laws must be observed. First of all, it must be remembered that for bonding the components, they must include sauce, as such may be sour cream or mayonnaise, including home-made. To preserve the integrity of the snack, it must be tight and, as a result, fat.

Lavash rolls, photos of which you could find above, must definitely stand for a while in the refrigerator. The exposure time depends on the ingredient composition, on average it is 40-60 minutes.

All products that are chosen for the filling should be cut very finely, especially this requirement applies to vegetables. Otherwise, if the ingredients are large pieces, when portioned, the roll will simply fall apart, it will not keep its shape.

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