Oven Baked Chicken Recipe

There are delicious and delicate dishes that are very simple to prepare. The recipe for baked chicken in the oven with lemon, sour cream and the method is just such. We bring to your attention a recipe for baked chicken in the oven, which is equally suitable for those housewives who dream to impress their relatives during the feast, and those who are concerned about their health and want to eat dietary, but tasty food.

To do this, you need: 700 g of chicken meat, 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey, a mixture of pepper and salt to taste, 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Cooking method

First you need to prepare the ingredients for the marinade. To do this, melt in a water bath honey to a liquid state. Do not heat honey over an open fire, as it can burn and lose beneficial properties. Half the lemon must be cut into large pieces.

Chicken should be separated from the bones, or buy a ready-made chicken fillet. Cut the fillet into large pieces, salt and pepper them. Pour the chicken meat with honey and add lemon there. Mix marinade well with chicken slices. Leave the meat to marinate for 40 minutes.

When the chicken meat is pickled, remove the slices from the marinade and transfer them to a form suitable for baking. There is no need to pour the marinade there.

If you use a baked chicken recipe in the oven, you need to set the temperature to about 200 ° C. On top of the meat, put a few lemon slices, and also grease the chicken with a not very large amount of sour cream. Put the form in the preheated oven. Bake chicken in two steps.

First you need to hold the chicken mold for 20 minutes in the oven, which is heated to 200 ° C, then reduce the oven temperature to 175 ° C and bake for about 20 minutes.

In order for sour cream not to burn, you should cover the form with a lid or plain food foil.

Serve this dish with boiled potatoes, herbs to taste and slices of fresh lemon.

If you are already a more experienced housewife, then try the recipe for stuffed chicken in the oven.

To do this, you need: 2 eggs, a chicken carcass 1.5 kg, 300 g pork, a spoonful of flour, 2 slices of wheat bread, half a glass of milk, about 100 g butter, nutmeg, roots, salt, pepper.

The chicken must first be washed, cut the skin with a sharp knife on the back and carefully remove it, trying not to tear. Carefully separate the chicken meat from the bones and pass through the meat grinder 2-3 times along with pork. Skip the last time with white bread soaked in milk. To the resulting mass should be added eggs, milk, melted butter, flour, salt, nutmeg, pepper. Stir well. The incised skin should be sutured, the neck should be left free, and chicken skin will be filled with the prepared mass through it. Do not stuff tight. The neck needs to be sewn up. Stuffed chicken should be put on the roots (parsley, carrots), add the broth there and fry on a baking sheet in the oven for medium heat for about an hour and a half, regularly pouring the broth. When the chicken is ready and slightly cooled, it is necessary to remove the threads from it and cut it into two parts along. Put a slice on a plate, each half should be cut into slices. It can be served with apples that are stuffed with lingonberry jam and baked in the oven. Of course, this recipe for baked chicken in the oven is quite complicated and requires some skill, but the result will be amazing.

We also recommend trying the grilled chicken recipe in the oven.

For one chicken you will need - half a liter of kefir, 1 onion, half a lemon, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

We need to take a large plastic bag - so that the chicken got into it, and there was still room. The package must be durable and airtight. In a bowl separately, you need to mix: kefir, finely chopped raw onions, chopped garlic, juice of half a lemon, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, salt. All this must be well mixed and poured into a plastic bag. Gutted and washed chicken should be put there. Tie tightly and shake well so that the mixture inside and around the chicken gurgles. The most important thing is that the package does not tear. Leave the chicken in the bag for two hours so that it is well marinated. Then we take the chicken out of the bag and put it in the oven so that it is baked until crisp. As you can see, this recipe for baked chicken in the oven is very simple to implement, and in the end it turns out a very tasty dish: aromatic, juicy and tender.

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