Tasty and healthy: what vitamins are found in strawberries

For a long time no one argues about the benefits of fresh fruits and berries. They are necessary for any person. Thanks to a large number of vitamins and minerals, they strengthen our health, return energy and even preserve beauty. Here is one such wonderful tool that we will talk about. About strawberries. Its aroma alone is already capable of invigorating and giving a good mood. And what can we say about this scarlet drop of summer! Trace elements and vitamins contained in strawberries strengthen immunity, help with cardiovascular ailments, improve the digestive tract and even can prevent cancer. But first things first. What vitamins are found in strawberries?

what vitamins are found in strawberries

First of all, it is worth mentioning about vitamin C. After all, this juicy berry contains it even more than citrus fruits. She loses in this only kiwi and guava. And what does vitamin C give us? It supports our body in the most unpleasant weather conditions, preventing us from catching a cold, strengthens the immune system, so that a person can fight various infections. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant that can slow the development of malignant tumors. It also dilutes blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and helps the absorption of iron.

Understanding what vitamins are contained in strawberries, one can not help but say about folic acid (vitamin B9). Here, this berry has no equal. Folic acid helps with anemia and heart disease. It is necessary for all people. But especially pregnant women need it. This is because folates play an important role in cell division. Their lack can lead to congenital anomalies. Therefore, ladies during the period of conception and bearing a baby should not neglect such a useful berry, especially since it tastes good and can improve your mood, which is extremely important for expectant mothers. However, you don’t need to get involved too much. After all, strawberries quite often cause allergies, so it is worth putting it into the diet carefully.

What vitamins are in strawberries yet? Vitamin A. It is not so much as, for example, in the liver or red caviar, but, nevertheless, it also fulfills its function. It fights cancer cells, improves eyesight, preserves youth and beauty.

vitamins contained in strawberries

If we talk about this, then we must not forget about vitamin E - the "vitamin of beauty." A small amount is also found in strawberries. Why is it needed? It has a beneficial effect on complexion, strengthens hair and nails, improves skin condition.

Of course, considering the question of what vitamins are contained in strawberries, it is worth mentioning vitamin K. It helps to improve blood coagulation and the formation of red blood cells.

As you can see, the high content of vitamins in strawberries contributes to the healing of the body. Although it still makes sense to say about contraindications. So, allergies, people with gastritis or an ulcer, suffering from diseases of the urinary system should not get carried away with berries.

vitamin content in strawberries
But all others can enjoy treating themselves to a juicy and healthy berry. For example, you can please your family with such a simple and tasty salad. Cut 250 grams of strawberries, half a banana and half an apple. Season with a teaspoon of honey mixed with 50 grams of yogurt or sour cream. Bon appetit and be healthy!

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