Sago groats - an artificial product that is made from various types of starch

Most of us love a tasty meal. But no matter how tasty the dishes are, sooner or later they bother, I want something new. And from the point of view of usefulness - nutrition should be varied. Sago krupa is one of the few foods few know about. It is of artificial origin and is prepared from various starch.

sago groats
Natural sago groats come from Southeast Asia, Malaysia and India. Here the eponymous palm tree grows, from which this product is prepared. Sago palm bears fruit once in a lifetime, by which time the maximum amount of nutrients and starches accumulate in its trunk. Before flowering, the locals cut it, the core is processed, crushed and dried. After that, the sago groats are ready. First and second courses, puddings are prepared from it, used as a filling or as an independent dish. This "multifunctionality" is due to the fact that sago groats do not have a pronounced taste and smell, but they perfectly absorb the taste and smell of other dishes.

This product is also extracted from some other types of palm trees, but all these plants do not grow in our climatic conditions. If you import ready-made cereals, it will be quite expensive, so in our country it is made from high-quality potato or corn starch. The technology is quite complicated, because the cost of the product is also quite high.

sago groats
The exact chemical composition of this cereal is difficult to indicate: it all depends on the production technology and the source material. But absolutely, sago groats contain quite a lot of calories (300-350 kcal per 100 grams of product), most of which are carbohydrates (up to 85% of them).

Features of the production process led to an almost complete absence of complex proteins in sago. This made it possible to use it in diet with protein intolerance (celiac disease or phenylketonuria). Dishes

croup saga
cooked from this cereal are absorbed quickly and have a high calorie content. Therefore, it is often recommended after suffering serious illnesses, to restore weight and strength, as well as for baby and adolescent nutrition.

Natural sago groats are prepared simply, but you should be careful with a product from potato or corn starch. If cooking rules are not followed, problems can arise: porridge can stick together in one lump, or dissolve into a jelly-like mass.

High-quality groats have the appearance of balls of milky white color without foreign inclusions or lumps. Some manufacturers add burnt sugar to the composition , then the cereal is yellowish brown. Pay attention to the smell of sago - cereals should have a non-moldy and not musty aroma. To taste - foreign tastes, bitterness or acid are unacceptable. The product is often affected by barn pests. In this case, the saga groats are warmed up, dried, pests are separated. After opening the package, this product is best stored in a sealed container (glass jar with a tight lid) to avoid absorption of extraneous odors.

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