Soaked apples: the benefits and harms of the product

Apples are, no doubt, not only a tasty, but also quite useful product. And many people are interested in questions about how to preserve these fruits in the winter. Naturally, there are many options for storing this product, but soaked apples are becoming more popular - the benefits of such a dish are really huge. Many doctors and nutritionists recommend including this product in the diet, as it helps to get rid of a lot of problems and is an excellent preventive measure.

Soaked apples: calorie content and composition

why soaked apples are useful
Of course, such a dish has a very pleasant taste. But there are other facts that you should know if you are going to cook soaked apples. The benefits of regular use of such a product really are.

It is immediately worth noting that the content of proteins and fats in such a dish is quite low. But carbohydrates, in particular, complex, that is, indigestible plant fibers, are present in large quantities. In addition, apples retain their vitamin composition during urination - they contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, B vitamins (thiamine, B12, B5, B6, B2, B9), as well as vitamins A, E, D and biotin.

There are also necessary minerals, in particular iron, calcium, potassium, aluminum, vanadium, cobalt, silicon, iodine, sodium, nickel, sulfur, selenium, titanium, phosphorus, strontium, chromium and zinc.

The caloric content of this product is relatively low. 100 g of soaked apples contain from 40 to 69 kcal (depending on the products used for the marinade).

Soaked apples: beneficial properties

soaked apples good
In fact, many experts recommend introducing a similar product into the diet from time to time as a prophylactic product. So what are soaked apples good for?

To begin with, it is worth noting that, like many other fruits, these fruits are rich in plant fibers. Fiber, in turn, is a natural mechanical stimulator of intestinal motility. That is why apples are recommended for people suffering from digestive problems, in particular, from constant constipation.

There are other medicinal properties that soaked apples possess. Their benefit lies in the bactericidal properties - to some extent, such a dish is able to normalize the quantitative and qualitative properties of intestinal microflora.

On the other hand, this product is rich in vitamins. Moreover, if you use honey, fresh leaves of cherry, raspberry, currant and other plants for cooking, then the level of vitamins and minerals increases several times. Naturally, this has a beneficial effect on metabolism. And the high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) stimulates the immune system and enhances the protective properties of the body.

How to prepare apples for urination?

soaked apples healthy properties
If you are interested in how to make soaked apples, then you should know that not all varieties of these fruits are suitable for such cooking. Most experienced people recommend using the Antonovka variety for this purpose. Titovka, anise and pepin are also suitable. All apples must be well ripened, but at the same time firm.

Do not wet freshly picked fruits - apples need to lie down in a cool and dark place for 1 to 2 weeks. Only after that they can be sorted out and washed well. In no case should you wet the fruit with damage, since even the slightest defects can lead to the fact that all apples will deteriorate!

By the way, for urination you will need a wooden barrel and oppression (a wooden circle or plate on which the load is placed). There are three types of urination - simple, sour and sweet. Choose any recipe, guided by what taste your fruits should get.

Sour soaked apples in jars

The easiest way to make sour apples is to use glass jars for urinating. To do this, rinse the apples well and put them in jars. To prepare the filling, you need to dissolve 120 g of sugar in 10 liters of water and the same amount of salt. Pour apples with the required amount of solution and cover with plastic covers. They need to be stored in a dry, dark, cool place.

how to make soaked apples

Cooking apples with cabbage

Sour apples can also be cooked with vegetables. The main ingredients are 3 kilograms of apples (it is advisable to take not too large fruits), 4 kilograms of white cabbage and 2 to 3 carrots. First chop the cabbage, grate the carrots and mix the vegetables. Add 3 tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of sugar to the β€œsalad”. Squeeze the vegetables by hand until the juice begins to stand out, and leave for 1 to 2 hours.

Now lay the products in layers - below is a layer of vegetables, above is a layer of apples, etc. The lower and upper layer is cabbage with carrots. From above, cover all with whole cabbage leaves. Pour the ingredients with squeezed cabbage juice. If it is not enough, then you can prepare the marinade - in a glass of boiled chilled water, dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and salt. In order for the apples to turn out delicious, keep them at room temperature for the first two weeks, and then transfer them to a cool dark place for another two weeks.

soaked apples benefit and harm

Soaked apples with honey and mint

Of course, you can cook sweet soaked apples. The benefits of such a product will be even greater, as some additional ingredients enhance the healing properties of fruits. For cooking you will need:

  • ripe apples;
  • green leaves of cherry, currant, mint;
  • water;
  • honey;
  • salt;
  • malt or rye flour;

To begin, lay the bottom of the container with currant leaves. Put two layers of apples on top and cover with cherry leaves. This is followed by two more layers of apples, a layer of mint and more apples. On top of the fruit you need to cover the leaves of the plants (you can use assorted here) and put two branches of fresh mint. Cover the apples with a circle and lay the load on top.

Then you can start cooking brine. In ten liters of warm boiled water, dissolve 200 - 300 g of honey, add 100 g of malt or rye flour, as well as 150 g of table salt. Pour apples into the solution without removing the load from them.

are soaked apples good for

Keep fruits in liquid for 4-6 weeks. It is desirable that a constant temperature is maintained in the room - 15-18 degrees Celsius. It is worth noting that as you urinate, the water level will decrease - in such cases, you will need to prepare an additional amount of brine. The water level should not fall below the circle with the load.

It is worth noting that there are other recipes for soaked apples. After all, you can use various spices and spices for urination, including lavender, mustard, cinnamon, etc. It all depends on your personal taste preferences.

Can apples do harm?

The high content of vitamins and minerals gives an unambiguous answer to the question of whether soaked apples are healthy. On the other hand, not everyone can constantly enjoy the taste of such a product. This dish is forbidden to people suffering from high acidity of gastric juice. It is also not recommended for gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.

The use of soaked apples should be abandoned in acute diseases of the liver, intestines, pancreas. Do not eat them during an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system. In addition, it is worth considering that only moderate use of soaked apples brings benefits - despite all the benefits of the product, abuse of it can lead to serious consequences.

Soaked apples for weight loss

soaked apples calorie content
Now we have figured out what soaked apples are, the benefits and harms of this product are also well known to us. It is worthwhile to deal with other important issues. In particular, many people are interested in whether it is possible to use such a dish for weight loss.

Indeed, such apples are characterized by low calorie content and high fiber content. Therefore, eating them during a diet is permissible. Since there are practically no proteins in the dish, it will not affect muscle growth. But fat can be eliminated with it.

As already mentioned, soaked apples contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which is extremely important during a strict diet - despite the dietary restrictions, your body will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

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