Wheat porridge in the Redmond slow cooker: cooking secrets

Not everyone loves wheat porridge because of its fresh taste. But if you add spices and other ingredients to it, you get a fragrant and mouth-watering dish. Today you will learn how to cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker. We are ready to reveal culinary secrets.

Wheat porridge in the redmond slow cooker

general information

A great addition to wheat porridge is butter. Put it in a piece on each plate. Then the porridge will not be dry and fresh. If you cook it in fasting when animal fats are prohibited, you can add a little vegetable oil.

Porridge is served on the table both as an independent dish and as a side dish (for example, cutlets or sausages). In this case, the oil can be omitted.

Wheat cereal porridge is ideal for breakfast. We cook it in milk or water, put it on plates and sprinkle with pieces of fruit. To give the dish a pleasant aroma, sprinkle it with vanilla.

Wheat porridge with vegetables

Grocery set:

  • one carrot;
  • medium squash;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 2 cups wheat cereal;
  • one onion;
  • spice.
    Wheat porridge in the Polaris slow cooker

The practical part:

1. Turn on the slow cooker. Peel, rinse and chop carrots and onions. We send them to the bowl. Pour a little oil there.

2. Getting started processing zucchini. We clean it from the peel and cut into cubes. We start the "Frying" mode for 10 minutes. Make sure that the vegetables are not burnt. You can salt and sprinkle with pepper.

3. After the beep, spread the browned vegetables in the plates. We will add them to the already prepared porridge.

4. Pour wheat groats into a bowl , rinse with water and send to the crock-pot. Of course, you must first drain the liquid. Wheat porridge in the Redmond multicooker is prepared in only one mode. It is called "Cooking Express." We set the timer for 40 minutes.

5. When the beep sounds, you need to combine the porridge with vegetables. Put them in a bowl with fat. Mix the ingredients with a special spatula. We give porridge a little insist. Then we lay it out on plates, putting a piece of butter on top. You can sprinkle with chopped herbs. Enjoy your meal!

A simple recipe - wheat porridge in a Redmond slow cooker


  • butter;
  • 4 multi-glasses of water;
  • spice;
  • 1 multi-glass wheat groats.
    Cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker

Wheat porridge in the Redmond slow cooker is prepared as follows:

1. To begin with, we explain why the amount of cereal is not measured in ordinary glasses. The fact is that the porridge foams and boils, clogging the lid. And this, in turn, can lead to damage to the valve of the device. Back to the cooking process. Take the cereal, pour into a bowl and rinse several times. Then we send to the bowl of the multicooker. Salt and add aromatic spices (it is better to take rosemary, basil and caraway seeds). Mix the ingredients well.

2. To make wheat porridge in the Redmond multicooker cook faster, fill the appliance with hot water. Mix everything again.

3. Run the regime “Cereals / milk porridge / buckwheat / rice”. We set the timer for 1 hour.

4. Given the amount of water used, porridge can turn out to be slightly liquid. If you want to achieve a thicker consistency, you can do this as follows. First, pour less water into the bowl than indicated in the recipe. Secondly, after cooking is complete, put the slow cooker into heating mode for 25-30 minutes.

Wheat porridge in the Polaris multicooker

  • 0.5 kg of meat (we took pork);
  • one onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup wheat groats;
  • spice;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • 2 glasses of water.
    Recipe for wheat porridge in a slow cooker

How to cook wheat porridge in the Polaris multicooker:

1. We wash the meat, put on a paper towel and wait until the liquid drains. We remove the veins. Cut into small cubes.

2. Getting started peeling garlic and onions. Grind them (preferably cubes).

3. Turn on the slow cooker. Spread the pork. We start the mode of "Roasting meat" for 10 minutes. Add the garlic and onion. Pour wheat groats into the bowl and fill with water. Now you can throw the remaining ingredients. Choose the mode "Porridge" or "Pilaf". There is not much difference between them.

4. We wait for the sound signal, then put the device into heating mode. After 15 minutes, porridge with meat can be served.


We hope that you will adopt the culinary secrets announced in the article. You can choose any recipe and start the practical part. With strict observance of the instructions, you will get tasty and fragrant wheat porridge in the Redmond or Polaris multicooker.

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