Bacterial conjunctivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Today, bacterial conjunctivitis is considered a very common disease. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva), which is associated with the activity of pathogenic bacterial microorganisms.

Many people are looking for information about this disease. What is the cause of inflammation? Are there any risk factors? What to do if a child has been diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis? Is such a disease dangerous? Answers to these questions are important to many readers.

The main causes of the development of the disease

Causes of Bacterial Conjunctivitis

This disease is very common in ophthalmic practice, and most often diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis in children. Treatment in this case is necessary, since the disease is very contagious and spreads rapidly (for example, among children in kindergarten, at school, etc.).

The cause of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eye can be any pathogenic bacterium. But as statistics show, in most cases the causative agent is E. coli, pneumococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Chlamydia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Haemophilus influenzae. Gonococcus can also lead to the development of conjunctivitis (bacterial conjunctivitis in adults sometimes develops against the background of gonorrhea).

In most cases, infection is transmitted during contact with a sick person. It is possible to spread bacteria in the household way (for example, when using the same towel, toys and other items). A newborn baby can become infected by the mother while passing through the birth canal.

Are there any risk factors?

Symptoms of conjunctivitis

It should immediately be said that the mucous membrane of the eye is constantly in contact with certain pathogenic microorganisms. But, as you know, tear fluid has antibacterial properties, as it contains lysozyme, immunoglobulins, beta-lysine, etc. The likelihood of developing an inflammatory process increases with certain risk factors. You should familiarize yourself with their list:

  • strong local or general hypothermia of the body;
  • stress conditions (lead to a change in the hormonal background and disruption of the immune system);
  • decreased immunity, increased susceptibility to various infections;
  • the presence of pathologies of ENT organs (bacterial conjunctivitis often develops against the background of otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis);
  • previously transmitted infectious diseases that weakened the body;
  • the presence of multiforme erythema in the patient;
  • wearing contact lenses.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

In fact, the disease is accompanied by clear symptoms. As a rule, at first there is a slight irritation in the eye. Patients complain of burning and itching in the eyes. Conjunctivitis is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and eyes.

Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis

Viscous, turbid discharge from the conjunctival cavity quickly appears. They are mucopurulent in nature, have a gray, yellow or greenish tint. Allocations are plentiful enough, their production does not stop at night. That is why during sleep, the patient's eyelids stick together - in the morning it is difficult to open his eyes.

Patients are concerned about the constant sensation of a foreign body in the eye. There is profuse lacrimation, increased sensitivity to light. Examination of the eyes reveals small, punctate hemorrhages.

In more serious cases, conjunctivitis is accompanied by systemic symptoms. Patients sometimes complain of weakness, drowsiness, headaches. The infection can spread to the upper respiratory organs. Body temperature can rise to subfebrile values.


Bacterial conjunctivitis of the eyes can occur in different ways. There are three main forms of this ailment:

  • Lightning fast - accompanied by very bright symptoms. The incubation period rarely exceeds 1-3 days. Disorders associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane progress very quickly. In this case, it is extremely important to start therapy on time, since there is a high probability of corneal damage.
  • The acute form is characterized by less severe symptoms than fulminant bacterial conjunctivitis. The disease is accompanied by the release of copious amounts of pus. Therapy, as a rule, lasts about 10-14 days.
  • The chronic form of inflammation in most cases is associated with tissue damage with Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in this case are blurry, patients complain of discomfort in the eyes. Chronic conjunctivitis is often associated with blepharitis and is difficult to treat.

How to distinguish viral conjunctivitis from bacterial?

How to distinguish viral conjunctivitis from bacterial

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye develops against the background of the penetration of both viruses and bacteria into the body. The nature of the pathogen will be determined by the doctor during the diagnosis. By the way, treatment largely depends on this (for example, antibiotics will not have an effect in case of viral inflammation).

Of course, there are some differences in the clinical picture. For example, bacterial conjunctivitis is accompanied by the appearance of copious purulent discharge. At the same time, discharge against the background of viral inflammation is sometimes practically absent. On the other hand, virus invasion is accompanied by severe burning, swelling, itching, and small bleeding, as a result of which the eyes turn red. With bacterial inflammation, such symptoms are less pronounced.

Possible complications

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in adults and children in most cases ends with a complete recovery. Nevertheless, the likelihood of complications still exists, especially if the patient refused the therapy or it was carried out incorrectly. The consequences of the disease can be very serious. Their list includes:

  • bacterial keratitis (the inflammatory process extends to the cornea);
  • the result of a serious inflammatory process is clouding of the cornea;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • inflammation of the tissues that are located behind the orbital septum;
  • ulcerative keratitis is an ailment that is accompanied not only by inflammation, but also by ulceration of the cornea (in the absence of treatment, this ailment leads to partial or complete blindness).

And of course, it is worth mentioning that in some cases the inflammation goes into a protracted form. Chronic bacterial conjunctivitis is much more likely to cause certain complications, and is also much more difficult to treat.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of bacterial conjunctivitis

As a rule, a general examination of the patient by the doctor is enough to determine the presence of conjunctivitis. In the future, the specialist will necessarily collect information for the anamnesis (for example, it is important to determine whether the development of the disease is associated with an allergic reaction, etc.). Diagnostics includes some procedures.

Informative is biomicroscopy of the eye, which involves examining an organ using a special slit lamp. During the procedure, the doctor can detect the presence of foreign bodies or inflammation in the eye, assess the depth of the pathological process, examine the conjunctiva, iris, cornea, lens, eye fundus.

A conjunctival swab is also taken. The obtained samples are used for bacteriological culture. Such a procedure lasts several days, but it allows you to accurately determine the pathogen of inflammation (or pathogens), as well as to check the degree of their sensitivity to certain drugs.

Bacterial conjunctivitis of the eye: treatment

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis with drops

If there are disturbing symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. How to treat bacterial conjunctivitis? Patients are prescribed antibacterial agents. In most cases, drugs in the form of eye drops are used.

  • Effective is Albucid. Drops, as a rule, are recommended to be used three times a day.
  • "Levomycetin", "Gentamicin" - drops for the eyes, which have pronounced antibacterial properties. The drugs quickly eliminate the main symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis.
  • Effective are drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones, in particular Lomefloxacin, Ofloxacin.
  • Drops such as Tobrex and Phloxal are used even if there are no symptoms of conjunctivitis, but the culture of the pathogen is still detected during bacteriological culture.

Of course, do not forget about the rules for the use of drops. The tip of the dropper during the procedure should not come into contact with the mucous membrane, as this can lead to reinfection. Doctors recommend burying two eyes at once (even if the symptoms of inflammation are currently present on only one side).

In addition, patients are often prescribed special ointments for the eyes. Antibacterial drugs are considered effective, which include antibiotics such as tetracycline, gentamicin, chloramphenicol. Ointments are considered more effective, since they create a large concentration of antimicrobial substances on the mucous membrane of the eye, which ensures a quick recovery. Nevertheless, doctors recommend the use of such medicines at night - in the daytime it is better to use drops.

Patient Care Rules

Regardless of whether the patient was diagnosed with viral conjunctivitis or bacterial, it is worthwhile to understand that this is an infectious disease, and pathogenic microorganisms can spread rapidly. That is why you need to follow some safety precautions.

If possible, the patient should be isolated from contact with others. For example, if bacterial conjunctivitis was diagnosed in a child, then during the treatment it is necessary to refuse to attend kindergarten, school and other institutions.

The patient needs to allocate their own dishes, towels, bed linen. Clothing and other textiles with which the patient is in contact should be changed daily and washed at high temperatures.

To apply drops or ointments, you need to use disposable sticks or pipettes. If reusable devices are used, they must be regularly sterilized.

Patients are advised not to wear contact lenses during therapy. It is necessary to monitor the sterility of optics, containers and solutions for storing lenses.

Infection often passes from one eye to another, so both eyes need to be treated with drugs.

After contact with the patient, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly.

Folk remedies

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis with folk remedies

Many people are interested in information about whether bacterial conjunctivitis can be treated at home. Of course, traditional medicine offers a lot of effective remedies.

For example, folk healers recommend wiping the eyes with tea leaves - for this you can use the leaves of both black and green tea (of course, without sugar and other additives). To treat each eye, you need to use separate cotton swabs. The eyes are rubbed over the closed eyelid from the outer edge to the inside - this way you can cleanse the mucous membrane from purulent discharge.

For eye treatment, a concentrated decoction of pharmacy chamomile is often used. This plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, helps get rid of itching and other unpleasant symptoms. Every day you need to cook a new tool.

Useful is scarlet. Juice from a fresh leaf of the plant should be applied to a clean cotton swab, which is then applied to the eye for 10-15 minutes. Aloe has a lot of useful properties and helps to quickly deal with inflammatory diseases.

Of course, in no case should you use such drugs on your own - you must first consult a doctor. In addition, you need to understand that home remedies help eliminate the symptoms of conjunctivitis and speed up the healing process. It is impossible to refuse medications, since there is a high probability of the transition of inflammation into a chronic process.

Preventive actions

It is immediately worth noting that a specific drug that helps prevent the development of bacterial conjunctivitis does not exist. Nevertheless, if you follow some recommendations, then the probability of infection can be reduced:

  • Most often, bacteria enter the mucous membranes of the eye when in contact with dirty hands. That is why it is worth observing the rules of personal hygiene.
  • It is important to have your own towel, use only your own decorative cosmetics (for example, mascara, eyeliner).
  • People using contact lenses should remember that such optics require proper care. Wash hands before removing and putting on lenses. The container for storing lenses needs to be changed periodically.
  • Avoid eye damage.
  • Since conjunctivitis in adults is often associated with sexually transmitted infections, do not forget about periodic preventive examinations. All sexually transmitted diseases should respond to therapy in a timely manner.
  • Do not forget about strengthening the immune system. Doctors recommend spending time in the fresh air, eating properly, taking vitamins from time to time, and maintaining the body in good physical shape.

If any symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, especially if it is a question of bacterial conjunctivitis in children. Treatment in this case is necessary immediately, since otherwise there is a high risk of various visual impairments.

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