Description of the Plastov painting "In the Summer". The work of Arkady Plastov

It's nice to contemplate beautiful paintings, admire the scenery. The description of Plastov’s painting will help you mentally transfer to the artistic canvas. In the summer, especially in its second half, there are a lot of mushrooms, berries. These gifts of the forest, but not only them, were displayed by the artist on his canvas. Learn more about the painting "Summer", about the work of the author, his biography, art lovers will be able to right now.


strata artist

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov was born in 1893, January 19, in the village of Prislonikha. Now this is the territory of the Ulyanovsk region. His ancestors were peasants. The artistic gift went to the boy from his grandfather, he was an icon painter.

Arkady received an initial three-year education at a rural school, and then continued his studies at the Simbirsk Theological School and Theological Seminary. The young man received art education from 1912 to 1914 at the Imperial Stroganov Central Art and Industrial College. Then Plastov the artist also became a sculptor, having completed the corresponding department.

In 1917, he returned to Prislonikha, where he painted mainly from nature.

Creativity: The Beginning of the Way

Plastov is an artist who depicted on his canvases the life and life of post-revolutionary residents of the countryside. No wonder he is called the "singer of the Soviet peasantry."

One of the first significant paintings by Arkady Alexandrovich are: “Bathing horses”, “Collective farm holiday”. Their artist painted in 1937. The first - especially for the exhibition, which was dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Red Army (Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army). The second canvas was created for the exhibition, which was called the "Industry of Socialism". Next is a brief description of the Plastov painting.

In the summer, in the fresh air, in the open, a large team celebrating holidays is a pleasure. In this picture, tables are drawn on which samovars are standing, there are treats grown, self-made, livestock products.

strata in the summer

Upstairs, above the podium, is a portrait of the head of state of that time - I.V. Stalin. People are festively dressed, here are children, adults and old people. This work of the artist can be found by looking at the photo. It is warm in the summer, so these holidays were held right in the open.

In 1938, Plastov painted the picture “Collective Farm Herd”. On it an elderly shepherd grazes cows.

The military and postwar period of creativity

The times of World War II were also reflected by the artist in his work, writing in 1942 the painting “The Fascist Has Arrived”. In 1945, he creates the work "Haymaking", "Harvest". They reflect the heroic work of the elderly, children and women who worked on collective farm fields. The young woman from the painting "Spring" was nicknamed "Northern Venus", the artist so beautifully conveyed the beauty of the female body on the canvas.

In 1952, Plastov created a canvas called "Spring". Look at the picturesque creation, which is presented in the photo. In summer, you can walk in the village in a light dress, barefoot, like the heroine in the picture. The artist was able to convey the movement of water, the focus of the girl filling the buckets. In the background, a light breeze barely sways the leaves of the bush. All this is clearly visible on the canvas.

summer picture

Arkady Alexandrovich also acted as an illustrator to the works of A. S. Pushkin, N. A. Nekrasov, A. P. Chekhov, L. N. Tolstoy.

Description of the painting by Plastov "Summer"

This picture refers to the post-war work of the artist. He painted a picture in 1952. It depicts a woman and a girl who collected forest gifts, are tired and are now resting.

The action takes place in the summer, the picture clearly conveys this. On birch leaves are green, the grass is the same color. Bells and other flowers adorn the grass carpet, adding bright colors.

description of the reservoir in the summer

A woman and a girl left the house early in the morning, because at this time there was still no heat and it was more likely to find forest gifts when they came to them first. Until noon they wandered through the forest, and their efforts were rewarded. Mother and daughter scored a whole basket of snow-white breasts and a second, slightly smaller, strong boletus.

Mushrooms and berries

In those days, mushrooms were a great help for the family. Therefore, when there was time, the peasants did not miss the opportunity to go into the forest for prey. The mushrooms were soaked and then salted in large wooden barrels. They did the same with white (mushrooms) or dried them, and in the winter they cooked aromatic soup.

photo in summer

But not only mushrooms were collected by local residents in the summer, the picture shows that the berries were also a welcome prey for a “silent hunt”. Previously, raspberries were not grown in vegetable gardens and orchards, but went after it into the forest. They made jam from it, dried it, enjoyed it in the winter, or gave it to the sick to cure a cold. The miners gathered a whole jug of red berries, and the girl, even at a halt, plucks fragrant gifts of the forest from twigs.

Description of the main characters of the picture

During these years, peasants had almost no cash, so shoes often had nothing to buy. In the winter, people hoarded or felted shoes themselves from sheep's wool. In the summer, they mostly went barefoot, only they wore shoes to the church.

So the girl is sitting barefoot. They didn’t go with their heads uncovered, it was indecent. In addition, scarves in the summer well saved from heat. Therefore, both the woman and the girl have scarves on their heads.

The woman, tired of the long walk, fell asleep with her hand under her head. The artist found the girl at the lesson - she picks berries from a twig. Description of the painting by Plastov “In the Summer” goes on to the story of the place of the halt.

Mother and daughter came out of the forest, found a comfortable meadow and made a halt under two birches. Trees well save from heat by covering travelers with their branches, which give coolness. Immediately in the shade, people set baskets with mushrooms, an earthenware jug with berries, otherwise the heat could spoil the forest gifts.

A dog is resting next to the girl. She serves travelers as protection. If they had gone astray, a faithful dog would have easily found her. That he is faithful to his masters is obvious. After all, the dog lay at the feet of a young mistress and does not leave her anywhere. So painted A. A. Plastov. In the summer, it’s good not only for people, but also for pets, dogs. There is an opportunity to run around freely in the open, to catch a small prey in the form of an animal or bird. There is still a way back, so the animal and people are resting.

Here is a picture painted by A. A. Plastov. In the summer, the gentle sun pleases, there are berries, mushrooms, all this was reflected by the artist in his work.

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