"Trusopt" (eye drops): instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Nowadays, units can boast of healthy eyesight. Someone suffering from myopia, some farsightedness, some have congenital pathologies of the eye, others have acquired like strabismus, for example. All these ailments are not the simplest. But the most complex eye disease that a person has encountered in the process of evolution is glaucoma.

trisopt eye drops instruction
There are many reasons for the development of this ailment, but there is no clear definition of what exactly provokes its development. Modern medical luminaries attribute this disease to the category of chronic.

Glaucoma is a lesion of the optic nerve due to increased intraocular pressure. The influence of such a process on the pupil leads to its complete death and expansion, due to which it spreads, closing the eyeball, forming a bluish-green veil.

An effective treatment for glaucoma is possible ...

Glaucoma leads to complete loss of vision. This ailment is very ancient and our ancestors did not know how to treat it, not like now. Modern methods and drugs can help prevent all the undesirable consequences of glaucoma, if its development is detected at the very initial stages.

If the disease is started, then either surgical intervention or medical support for vision is possible, which is less effective in a timely manner of treatment.

And you can detect glaucoma only regularly visiting an optometrist. Have you visited this specialist for a long time? Surely you suffer from redness of the eyes, their fatigue after working with computer equipment, and a lack of sharpness.

trusopt analogues
The health of your eyes depends only on your vigilance - this is what all eye doctors say. And they are really right. After all, we always turn to the doctor when it is difficult to help influence the cause of the disease, justifying ourselves by the lack of time, money, and all this is called a careless attitude to our well-being.

Although the treatment of glaucoma has advanced several times today compared to previous years, the process of treating it is not so simple. There are not so many medicines that help from this ailment.

One of the few effective drugs for glaucoma, which many patients say today, is Trusopt eye drops made in America. You can buy them today in almost every pharmacy.

trussopt reviews

New drug Trusopt

This medicine directly affects the reduction of intraocular pressure of the eye, due to which it is possible to achieve a balance in the physiological work of all its components and not to endanger the dangerous extinction of the optic nerve. The new Trusopt eye drops are characterized by a smaller set of side effects compared to other drugs, which is why they are so common in doctors' appointments. Medical luminaries today, for the most part, respond positively to this medicine.

Drops "Trusopt" is a transparent medicinal fluid, produced in bottles called droppers, in the amount of five to ten milliliters. They are very convenient to use in practice. The drip dispenser allows you to clearly dispense the solution, which is very convenient when instilling the eyes of the patients themselves.

trisopt eye drops analogues
An effective carbonic anhydrase inhibitor allows you to slow down the physiological processes of intraocular fluid production, due to which a factor of intraocular pressure disturbance is not created.

The medicine "Trusopt" when applied does not cause visual defects, such as blurred eyes, loss of sharpness. The pupil does not narrow.

The medicine "Trusopt": instruction

This remedy can be found on sale under the name "Dorzolamide." You need to know this when asking Trusopt medicine (eye drops) in pharmacies. The instruction of the drug indicates that the main active substance of the treatment solution is precisely the dorzolamide element.

Auxiliary components of eye drops are sodium citrate, water, sodium hydroxide, mannitol, hydroxyethyl cellulose.

The medicine “Trusopt” describes the instructions for use as a means unsafe for general health. His admission should be consistent and only under the supervision of a competent oculist. Self-treatment of glaucoma with this drug, as well as, by the way, by others, is contraindicated.

Trusopt medicine

Application sequence

The drug "Trusopt" (eye drops), the instruction recommends using in the following order:

- if the bottle with drops is new, it is necessary to check the integrity of the protective strip, if there is no damage, remove it and open the drug solution;

- the top cap of the bottle opens according to the direction of the arrows indicated on it;

- after which you should tip your head back, pull the lower eyelid down so that a recess forms between the eyeball and it;

- turn the bottle down with the dispenser, direct it into the notch and drip the eye with one drop of the solution, without the need to touch the dropper tip to the surface of the eyeball and eyelid;

- if the dose of the drug is prescribed more, the action must be repeated;

- after the instillation procedure, the bottle is tightly closed with a cap;

- you should know that it is impossible to increase the tip opening in order to speed up the therapy process, since it is possible to disrupt a clear dosage of the medicine;

- Drops should be carried with you during the appointment and carry out the procedures strictly on time.

Dosage of eye drops

The drug from glaucoma "Trusopt" (eye drops), the instruction recommends that you take it strictly as prescribed by the doctor. You cannot adjust the dose yourself, because you can harm your well-being.

The duration of treatment for each patient is individual. Often drops are prescribed to be taken three times a day. Perhaps the use of the drug with other eye solutions.

You can’t instill Trusopt drops and another medicine at the same time, the interval between their intake should be at least ten minutes.

If the prescribed dose is skipped in time, but the hourly break is not too long, you need to immediately instill a solution, if the gap is large, treatment is continued in the same dose, in no case doubling it.

If the dosage of the medicine is violated, you should consult your doctor, who, after eye examination, will recommend further actions.

trusopt instructions for use
Initiated therapy should not be interrupted until there is an improvement in eye health.

Prescribing the drug

Attached to the effective in the treatment of glaucoma drug “Trusopt” (eye drops), the instruction recommends that it be prescribed in cases of need for a prolonged decrease in pressure inside the eyes. In primary glaucoma, it is attributed unambiguously, but in secondary glaucoma, thorough eye examinations are necessary to obtain reliable data on their health in order to prevent visual impairment.


The drug "Trusopt", reviews of patients and doctors about which confirm its effectiveness in regulating intraocular pressure and lowering the risk threshold for dying of the nerve endings of the eye, is not recommended for people with kidney, liver, and intolerance to the constituent elements of the drug.

trusopt instruction
The effect of the drug on the fetus of a pregnant woman has not been investigated, therefore, it is not prescribed to women in position. If such a moment is unavoidable, then the attending physician compares the risks of loss of vision or harm to the child in the womb.

The drug is prescribed for nursing mothers, but breastfeeding during the period of taking this medicine is highly not recommended.

During the treatment of glaucoma with drops “Trusopt” do not drive on their own, because there is an additional strain on the eyes, they do not perform work that requires special attention. Eye-strain is not recommended for adults or older children.

A therapeutic solution is not prescribed for children up to the age of three.

What should I look for when using drops?

During treatment with Trusopt, the patient should be monitored by a doctor who monitors the content of K +, the amount of electrolytes in the blood, as well as its pH.

With caution should take drops of a person wearing contact lenses, it is better to abandon their use during therapy.

The risk group for complications from taking Trusopt drops includes elderly people, often they have hypersensitivity to the main substance of the drug.

Feasible side effects

The drug "Trusopt" (eye drops), analogues of this drug can also cause significant side effects. These include the following:

- tear;

- severe burning or itching in the eyes;

- severe irritation of the eyelids;

- progressive conjunctivitis;

- frequent headaches;

- skin rash;

- disorder of the central nervous system;

- nausea caused by bitterness in the mouth;

- manifestation of renal failure.

The reviews of those people who have undergone therapy with this agent indicate that one has to unequivocally feel at least one of the listed side effects. There are pronounced manifestations of poor health, after which the drug is canceled in the appointments, and it happens that the ailments are of an unstable fleeting nature.

Trusopt drops: analogues

What remedy can replace the eye drops in question? Trusopt has the medicine analogues, but there are not so many of them. These include the following drugs: Betoptic, Dorzopt, Dorzopt Plus, Azopt, Cosopt, Timolol, Azarga, Fotil.

The above are drugs "Trusopt" analogues that can replace it. But it should be borne in mind that there are more auxiliary components, in addition to dorzalamin. Therefore, these are not analogous drugs according to the composition of the Trusopt drug. Analogs on the effect on the physiology of the eye are much cheaper, but the effect of them is also less pronounced.

Drug price

The cost of a bottle of Trusopt eye drops on average is five hundred rubles. This is a relatively expensive drug in the market of foreign medicines. Despite the high cost, it is quite popular among those people who are struggling with a severe eye ailment, and oculists, who had the repeated opportunity to study the effect of these eye drops on the restoration of a full vision of patients.

The treatment of eye diseases should never be postponed until later. Always take care of your eyesight regularly by visiting an ophthalmologist.

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