The film "Lion": reviews from critics

According to the reviews of film critics, the film “Lion” refers to a one-time movie, but nevertheless they say that the picture is worthy of attention. Of course, it is unlikely that he will receive the main Oscar, but a small presentation and discussion can certainly become an excellent advertisement for him. But first things first.

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The film "Lion" - what is it about?

In this film, the real story of an Australian guy from India comes up. As a child, he accidentally boarded a long-distance train. It so happened that he was lost, but he was lucky: a lucky star brought him to the house of a childless Australian couple, who took him to Tasmania. By the way, the name is boy Sarah. When he grew up, he decided by all means to find his real family.

If you imagine the structure of the film, it can be divided into two distinct halves: the first part talks about the wandering of a boy in a foreign city, the second - about his adult life and the search for his native city via the Internet. The abstract, of course, maximally reveals the essence of the film, but spoilers about the finale will not sound in this article.

This picture was shot according to the book of the same name, written in collaboration with the real Sarah. According to the reviews of the audience, the film “Lion” was so liked by many of them that it inspired to read the book.


According to critics, the film “Lion” provided a wide platform for the analysis of the cast: it includes three actors known to the audience and a lot of interesting strangers. The article will present the characters of this film.

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Dev Patel is a lanky young man known to everyone from the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”. Many have forgotten about its existence, because after filming in this film, he practically never appeared anywhere. But he again managed to hit the audience in the film "Lion". The reviews of people about him are such: he plays so well that his previous role is not a bit traced in his work, on the contrary, he is very mature, transformed thoroughly outwardly due to his beard and hairstyle. Many critics notice the progress of his acting skills. What is surprising to the English-speaking public is the fact that he does not need to hide the Indian accent, because he is actually a born British.

Nicole Kidman - this actress decided to impress the audience with her new role. Although the famous Australian actress got the supporting role, even this screen time is enough to appreciate the highest skill. It was unusual to see her in a new role, but she managed to convey her character remarkably.

Rooney Mara - the girl was written off from a real character, but in fact in the film you could do without her. She, of course, coped with her role, but, according to reviews of the film "Lion", she could easily be replaced by any actress, her image seemed so unforgettable.

Separately celebrate Sani Pavara, who played little Sarah. The choice of casting director was led by the “right hand of God” itself, as evidenced by the reviews of the film “Lion”. The film became unforgettable thanks to the participation of just this cute baby. The audience could not remain indifferent to this small talented child with a thin voice, like that of a chicken. Here he is - the guarantor of positive reviews about the film "Lion". The film, as expected, excites dramatic scenes, but, nevertheless, it cannot be attributed to pure drama, rather to the analogue of “Slumdog Millionaire,” but not with parallel, but sequential narration.

General impression

This story shows India as it really is. Someone might think that such living conditions are sheer wildness, but in reality many people around the world live just like that. The life of Indians is far from sugar. This film does not apply to the films that are usual in our understanding for Bollywood, which stamps dozens of films about beautiful life and rich families. The story of Sarah can stir up the hidden feelings of the audience and bring out anxiety about all the children that could ever be lost.

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And if the first half of the film is a touching story of a little boy, then the second is a clear drama. According to reviews of the film "Lion", it was precisely this atmosphere of the film that the audience expected after its announcement.

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No “change of scenery" did not change the fact of the drama of what was happening, although the sharp transition, of course, contributed to the appearance of some kind of dissonance among the audience. The fact is that the two parts differ not only in the construction of the plot, but also in the emotional background. It is said that the phased development of the plot resembles the movie "Moonlight", in which a man goes through three stages of growing up. However, the “Moonlight” managed to maintain the same pitch and mood in each period.

Indian "color"

As the reviews of the film “Lion” show, the acting was at its best, and those who watched the original noted with emotion the Hindu accent in the child. Scenes with English subtitles, which show the real India with its simple, Bengali-speaking and Hindi inhabitants, were called real luxury.

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To notice the difference in accents, you should visit Australia and listen to a specific “chanting” accent in the speech of Australian Indians. This small detail fits perfectly into films of this category.


Everyone has different opinions, this is obvious. According to some reviews, the film “Lion” could exist perfectly without a line telling about the life of his second brother. Yes, the story is real, but this is a movie that could be played somehow more interesting, - say film critics. Many found this story dragged out and non-dynamic. As they say, the taste and color of all felt-tip pens are different.

The film pleases the audience with panoramic views of nature in Melbourne and Tasmania. It is impossible not to agree with the fact that the film touched on one of the most important problems of India - lost children. Unfortunately, this happens in this country on a regular basis.

Oscar 2017?

This film was awarded several nominations, he was awarded the title of “Best Film of the Year”. Film critics believe that, despite the filing and an interesting story, the film does not reach the statuette. Many really liked the actress Nicole Kidman's game.

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They say that she deserves the award for "Best Supporting Role". By the way, Dev Patel received a nomination precisely for the second plan, since the story of a lost boy was brought to the fore in the picture. However, the child, in the absence of experience, is inferior to his "adult version".

Negative ratings

Not everyone believes that the film "Lion" can be nominated for an Oscar. The film is called boring, drawn out and uninteresting. Yes, they say that this is a typical drama based on real events: a mere mortal is pushed forward against the background of ordinary people living a gray life. But this hero also lives this boring gray life. Therefore, all the stories on real events are fixated on the description of only some extraordinary actions of the characters, which significantly reduces the number of events. In principle, critics agree that you should not go too deep into the personal life of the hero, because brevity is the sister of talent.

The only thing that holds such films, in their opinion, is not the abundance of special effects, but the strong act of the main character, excellent directorial work and impeccable acting. In the film "Lion", the "negativists" discerned only a strong story, a drama that is distinguished by originality. But at the same time, she is unable to draw on herself all the merits that could have been imagined for receiving awards.

Final Grades

The audience’s impressions of the film are mostly pleasant. But it is unlikely that someone would review it more than two times. However, everyone who received such pleasure — to watch the film in the original — did not fail to note the chic speech of Virgin Patel without a single hint of an Indian accent.

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It is unlikely that this picture will receive the main Oscar, but nevertheless based on a true story, it can inspire people to change something in their life and worldview. You should not expect exciting adventures from the film “Lion”, get ready to analyze the drama, for this you will need to stock up on a special mood and, of course, time. As you noticed, the intrigue lasts until the last. The name Leo speaks for itself, but what does it have to do with this story? If you are interested in this story, then you definitely should take a look at this masterpiece of modern cinema.

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