Syndrome weakness syndrome combines in its concept various heart rhythm disturbances, the main cause of which are considered pathological changes in the sinus node. This disease is characterized by the presence of bradycardia, and often there are additional foci of arrhythmia.
In order to get rid of the current pathology, it is important to timely diagnose and subsequent complex treatment.
Features of the course of the disease
In the heart muscle there is a center that sets the rhythm of its heartbeat. This function is performed by the so-called sinus node, which is considered a pacemaker. It creates an electrical impulse and redirects it to the heart.
The sinus node of the heart is located in the right atrium in the area where the vena cava joins. It is a kind of power plant that distributes charges that set the rhythm of the heartbeat. The deterioration of the work of this body creates various kinds of interruptions in the functioning of the heart. This pathology manifests itself equally in both sexes and often occurs in older people.
Syndrome weakness syndrome is not one specific disease, but several interconnected cardiac arrhythmias. This concept includes:
- bradycardia;
- tachycardia;
- mixed type.
Such a pathology is quite common and lends itself well to therapy, especially in the initial stages of the course of the disease. To determine the presence of a disease, it is necessary to know the causes that provoke it and the characteristic signs.
Classification of the course of the disease
Many people wonder, sinus arrhythmia - what is it, how is this disease classified and what is characteristic of it? We can distinguish such types of pathologies as:
- sinus bradycardia;
- tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome;
- sinoatrial block;
- fading of the sinus node.
Bradycardia is characterized by the fact that there is a decrease in the number of pulses and this leads to a decrease in contractions of the heart muscle. If less than fifty contractions occur in a minute, then this is considered the main symptom of bradycardia.
Syndrome of bradycardia-tachycardia is characterized by the fact that periods of slow work of the heart muscle are replaced by heart palpitations. Sometimes, with the subsequent development of pathology, atrial fibrillation is observed.
With sinoatrial blockade, the sinus node functions without changes, however, a failure occurs during the transmission of pulses. The rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle largely depends on how clearly and evenly the impulse blockage occurs.
Stopping the sinus impulse implies that the pacemaker takes a break in the generation of the impulse for a certain time. Violation of the activity of the node also varies in the nature of the pathology, namely, it is divided into:
- latent current;
- intermittent course;
- manifest flow.
Latent flow is expressed in the fact that impaired functioning of the sinus node is almost imperceptible. Failures are very rare and pathology can only be detected with a comprehensive examination.
The intermittent course of the disease is characterized by the fact that the weakness of the sinus node is observed mainly at night. This is due to the impact on the rhythm of the autonomic system. With the manifesting course of pathology, malfunctions in the work of the heart are more pronounced.
Causes of pathology
There are a variety of reasons that provoke a weak sinus node, which can be external or internal. The most common internal causes include:
- replacement of heart muscle cells with connective tissue;
- coronary artery disease;
- atherosclerosis;
- surgery and injuries;
- inflammatory processes, regardless of the features of their origin;
- autoimmune diseases;
- violation of protein metabolism.
Also predisposing factors may be metabolic disorders, lack or excess of thyroid hormone production, diabetes mellitus, constant weight change.
The most common external cause of SSSU (ICD 10 - I49.5) may be the excessive influence of the nervous system department, which is responsible for the activity of many internal organs. A similar condition occurs when:
- injuries of the nervous system;
- the presence of malignant neoplasms in the brain;
- cerebral hemorrhage;
- the systematic use of certain medications.
In children, weakness of the sinus node is observed mainly with diphtheria, and in older people - with atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels. Malfunctions in the functioning of this part of the heart muscle occur mainly in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Often the cause is acute heart failure.
Symptoms of knot weakness syndrome
In order to recognize the course of the pathology in a timely manner, you must know sinus arrhythmia - what are these and what are the signs of the disease? Violations can manifest themselves in completely different ways, depending on the primary pathology that provoked them. Initially, the disease is mostly asymptomatic. Patients may not even notice interruptions in heart muscle contraction lasting several seconds.
In some patients, at the very beginning, there may be problems with blood circulation in the region of the brain and other organs, which leads to the appearance of the corresponding clinical manifestations. Subsequently, with further progression of the pathology, a decrease in the number of heart contractions is noted. The severity of this pathology depends largely on the general condition of the cardiovascular system.
The main signs of sinus node weakness syndrome in the initial stages include:
- dizziness;
- palpitations
- fainting state;
- pain behind the sternum;
- shortness of breath.
Such symptoms are nonspecific, which is why in order to choose the most appropriate methodology for conducting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. The sinus node dysfunction syndrome is divided into two separate groups, namely, a violation of the brain, as well as the presence of problems from the heart.
In case of impaired brain activity, one can distinguish such basic signs of a pathological process as:
- increased irritability;
- emotional instability;
- constant feeling of tiredness;
- memory impairment.
Older people may also experience a decrease in intellectual abilities. With the subsequent progression of the pathological process, blood circulation is disturbed, which provokes the occurrence of more pronounced symptoms. Pre-syncope and dizziness may be accompanied by severe weakness and tinnitus. As a result of the deterioration of the functioning of the heart muscle, there may be a sharp drop in pressure, accompanied by excessive pallor and cooling of the skin.
Symptoms of weakness of the sinus node with violations of the heart muscle at the initial stage practically do not appear. With the progression of pathology, pain behind the sternum is noted, which occurs as a result of deterioration in the blood supply to the myocardium. With increased physical exertion, patients complain of severe weakness and shortness of breath. If you do not provide medical assistance to the patient in a timely manner, then this can lead to chronic heart failure. In the later stages of the pathological process, there can be a lethal outcome.
For the timely determination of the presence of pathology and complex treatment, it is important to diagnose weakness of the sinus node, which is carried out using several different methods. The main method is the removal of an electrocardiogram at the time of the attack. In addition, such diagnostic methods are used as:
- Holter monitoring;
- medical tests with physical activity;
- intracardiac electrophysiological examination ;
- definition of symptoms.
Holter monitoring implies the use of a portable electrocardiograph, which throughout the day records the activity of the heart muscle. This is very convenient, since it is possible to detect the hidden course of the pathological process. At the same time, the patient can live his usual life and carry out the basic processes. By analyzing the data obtained, it is possible to determine the main cause of the sinus node dysfunction.
Exercise tests are also performed, during which certain increased requirements are created for the patient’s heart. During physical activity, the level of oxygen that the myocardium requires for metabolic processes increases. This test will detect signs of oxygen starvation.
Treatment of the sinus node begins with the elimination of the main factors that can provoke a violation of conduction. For this, the administration of prescribed medications is initially canceled. The main methodology of therapy, which guarantees the best result, is the installation of a pacemaker.
In addition to eliminating external causes, there must necessarily be compliance with the optimal level of load, the elimination of bad habits. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of caffeinated drinks consumed. If there are chronic diseases that affect the functioning of the sinus node, then they must be treated.
Drug treatment
If there is an increased activity of the nervous system, which is responsible for the activity of internal organs, or there are other, more serious disorders, then medication is performed for weakness of the sinus node. The doctor prescribes drugs that help eliminate dysfunction.
When conducting drug therapy, it is necessary to avoid taking drugs that provoke a decrease in the number of heart contractions and a decrease in pressure. In urgent cases, the patient is administered the drug "Atropine". Taking medications is aimed only at eliminating the main symptoms and is a preparatory stage in the surgical procedure.
Surgical intervention
To eliminate the dysfunction of the sinus node, it is necessary to establish a constant pace in the patient’s body. There are certain indications for installing a pacemaker, which include:
- the simultaneous presence of bradycardia and other heart rhythm disturbances;
- bradycardia with an excessively reduced pulse frequency;
- loss of consciousness with epileptic seizures;
- coronary insufficiency, regular dizziness and fainting.
In this case, the installation of a pacemaker is necessarily indicated, since if treatment is not done in a timely manner, the consequences can be more serious, even fatal.
The use of folk remedies
Self-medication with a weak sinus node is unacceptable, which is why before using alternative therapy methods, you should always consult your doctor. When conducting therapy with traditional medicine, special infusions are made from medicinal plants, in particular, such as:
- motherwort;
- mint;
- valerian;
- yarrow.
These medicinal herbs contribute to normalizing sleep, combating stress, and improving well-being.
In order to prevent deterioration, it is necessary to conduct competent prevention. It implies the observance of the principles of good nutrition, you need to control the daily regimen. In a daily diet should be present foods with a high content of magnesium and potassium, which contribute to maintaining the health of the heart muscle.
Physical activity must be regular, and the load increases depending on the state of health and well-being of the patient. You need to try to exclude from your life psycho-emotional stress and stress. To calm the nervous system, it is advisable to use natural remedies and refuse to take medications.
It is also necessary to control the amount of sugar in the blood and monitor the weight gain in children and adults. You can not take medications uncontrollably, since even the most harmless drugs can provoke a deterioration in the activity of the heart muscle. It is necessary to undergo timely examination and treatment in order to prevent the transition of the disease to a more complex stage.
Forecast and consequences
It is important to remember that sick sinus syndrome is a dangerous disease that can have many negative consequences. This pathology occurs mainly in older people, however, recently it has also been diagnosed in young children, as well as adolescents. The consequences of the course of the disease can be very serious, in particular such as:
- the formation of permanent sinus bradycardia;
- regular blocking of the heart for several seconds;
- blocking the transmission of pulses of the sinus node;
- frequent attacks of tachycardia;
- atrial flutter.
With incorrect or untimely treatment of the pathological process, a stroke can happen, and this can provoke damage to brain tissue and impaired brain function. In addition, the consequence of such a disease can be the formation of blood clots, which is very life-threatening, since if a blood clot ruptures from the walls of blood vessels, it can lead to death.
Another pathology can be heart failure, which is often formed in the absence of timely therapy and the progression of the disease.
The violation of the impulse conduction by the pacemaker center is not dangerous and does not adversely affect the patient's life expectancy. The threat is only those consequences that can be triggered by the course of pathology.
The forecast for life expectancy will largely depend on the nature and degree of damage. If abnormalities in the sinus node are formed as complications as a result of the course of the underlying disease, the prognosis for further survival will depend on how severe the damage to the body is.