The series "Crime" with Pavel Priluchny: viewers reviews

The series “Crime” with Pavel Priluchny began to receive positive reviews and reviews immediately on the day of the premiere of the first four episodes. The intrigue and mysterious atmosphere of the series catches on to the living and does not allow you to tear yourself away from the screen, because in the course of events, every little thing, every detail is important. The killer can be any of the victim’s surroundings.

tv crime crime with paul priluchny reviews

The talented play of the actors and the mysterious oppressive atmosphere of the series perfectly complemented each other and made this detective story truly memorable and extraordinary. New reviews about the series "Crime" with Pavel Priluchny appear on the network today, and yet his first show took place in the summer. Several months have passed, and the interest of the audience in this story does not subside, and more and more people become fans of the Crime.

The creators of the series

The main director was Maxim Vasilenko, who had previously worked on the series "Ensign Shmatko" and "Revelation", he also helped in writing the script for "Crime".

In addition to Vasilenko, the script was written by Mikhail Shulman and Renat Khairullin. Shulman is known to the Russian audience as the person who wrote the scripts for "Police Station", "Homeland", "Flint", "Team Che" and "Trace". Khairullin’s talent can be estimated by such works as Ashes, Scar, and Kommunalka.

the crime series with Pavel Priluchny spectator reviews

Mukhtar Mirzakeyev, who helped create the "Night" and "Day Watch", "Christmas Tree-2", the new "Irony of Fate", remarkably coped with the artistic production.

One of the producers was Timur Walshtein, who was already loved by viewers thanks to his work on the popular TV shows Students, Soldiers, Happy Together, Voronins, and many others.

Also, other well-known producers in Russia worked on the film: Roman Elistratov, Oleg Blank and Julia Sumachova. The work of the executive producer was performed by Arkady Danilov. Together, these talented people have created more than one popular project in Russian film distribution. And the series "Crime" can also be attributed to the list of successful and popular.


The events of the series unfold in a coastal provincial city, where the corpse of 18-year-old girl Tanya Lavrova was found in a sunken car. An investigator urgently is charged with investigating Moskvina, who is about to be transferred to Moscow. To help her give a partner Andrei Chistyakov.

The investigation is not easy, and investigators have to work out many versions and suspect each person in the environment of the victim. Events during the investigation are so intertwined with the life of the investigators that they, too, fall under suspicion of murder.

crime series with Pavel Priluchny reviews reviews

Each new episode is a new day of investigation. Reviews of the plot of the series "Crime" with Pavel Priluchny confirm that the story keeps in suspense until the last minute, and it is impossible to predict who will turn out to be the killer of the girl.

"Crime" is not just a detective story, it is a drama that raises such important issues for humanity as humanism, compassion, faith, revenge, betrayal, etc.


Filming began in the fall of 2015 in Kaliningrad, and the premiere series was shown only in the summer of 2017. The broadcast of the series began on July 24 and lasted until July 28. On the Russia-1 TV channel, 4 episodes of the Crimes were shown daily, starting from nine in the evening and ending at one in the morning of the next day.

Since a lot of people gathered at the screens in order to see the series “Crime” with Pavel Priluchny, the audience’s feedback on the show program was somewhat unsatisfactory. The series were shown on weekdays and lasted until late at night, so it was tiring for many to stay late on TV screens. But, despite this, the reviews and ratings of the series were at the highest level.

How many episodes are filmed

At the moment, 20 episodes of the first season of the series have been shot. The continuation of the story is planned, and according to forecasts, the second season will also not cross the line of 20 episodes. In reviews of the series Crime, with Pavel Priluchny, one can often find the opinion that the series is interesting, it has a great idea, but at the same time it is somewhat delayed, and the last series already look heavy. As you know, “Crime” is a Russian adaptation of the American series “Murder”, and Russian directors cut out a lot of the original version to make the development of events more dynamic. And that’s what happened. We think that those who watched the American version will see the difference between them and will not consider the “Crime” a story with a long storyline.

reviews of the series Crime with Pavel Priluchny


According to the original intention of the producers, the series should consist of two seasons. The original American series lasted four seasons (44 episodes each), but Russian directors consider it too long, so they tried to make the events more dynamic. But so far there is no reliable information on the process of filming the second season. Although the received positive reviews from critics about the series "Crime" with Pavel Priluchny and his popularity among viewers will undoubtedly affect the creation of a continuation of this mystical story. There is information in the media that the date of the new episodes of the Crime will be announced in the summer of 2018.

Where were the shootings

The bulk of the filming process took place in the Kaliningrad region, and more precisely in Kaliningrad itself and a small village under it. During the filming, there was gloomy and gloomy weather, which perfectly complemented the idea and storyline of the series. Landscapes created the necessary tension, as if the city itself had become a separate character in the series.

crime series with Pavel Priluchny plot reviews

In addition to Kaliningrad, the shooting was conducted in Moscow and the Moscow region, but the number of these scenes is very small. Positive reviews about the Crime series with Pavel Priluchny confirm that the idea of ​​the directors and scriptwriters was completely successful, and they managed to create an atmosphere of mystery that keeps every minute of watching in suspense.

main characters

All the numerous reviews about the series “Crime” with Pavel Priluchny cannot lie, and this story is really worth paying attention to and spending free time to watch. Together with Priluchny, the main role was played by Daria Moroz.

Both Pavel and Daria are popular and recognizable by Russian viewers today. Young actors made up a wonderful tandem, and their play on the series is simply excellent. All series look like spirit, and each viewer empathized and waited with bated breath for new events and, of course, the moment when Chistyakov and Moskvin find the killer.

Minor roles

The series “Crime” with Pavel Priluchny received its positive reviews not only thanks to a good idea, but also due to the excellent cast. The picture is not only based on the Moroz-Priluchny duet, secondary characters are also selected very well.

In the series you can see such stars of Russian cinema: Lyudmila Artemyev, Igor Lavrov, Alena Khmelnitskaya, Vladimir Yumatov, Igor Kostolevsky, Alexander Nikitin, Andrey Chernyshov, Irina Cherichenko and many others. Almost every actor who plays in this drama is well known to the viewer.

TV series Crime with Pavel Priluchny

Those who missed the premiere of the series Crime in the summer, but love Russian cinema and interesting and exciting psychological subjects, should definitely catch up and watch this detective story. Sorry about wasted time is definitely not necessary.

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