Actress Diane Whist: biography, career, films, personal life

In our publication, we will talk about the famous American actress Diane Uist. How did her career start? What can be said about the personal life of the artist? What famous films starred our heroine? All this will be discussed later in the article.

early years

dianne whist movies

Diane Whist, whose photo can be seen in our material, was born on March 28, 1948 in the American city of Kansas City. The future actress was born in the family of a military psychiatrist and nurse. High art attracted the girl back to school. Initially, little Diane Whist was fond of ballet, dreaming of performing on the big stage. However, later the girl became interested in acting and began to follow events in the world of theater and cinema.

Diane Uist graduated from high school in the German city of Nuremberg, where the children of the US military studied. It was here that our heroine was seriously carried away by acting, participating in small theatrical productions. Upon reaching adulthood, the girl entered the University of Maryland, where she was assigned to the theater department. The prestigious educational institution Diane Whist graduated in 1969, having received a degree in art.

Theatrical career

diane whist in his youth

Diane Whist got her first big role in her youth. This happened almost immediately after graduation from the university. Such for her was the image of the central heroine of a popular play called Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler, which was staged at the Yale Repertoire Theater. Later, the aspiring actress began to moonlight as an understudy on Broadway.

A truly serious theater debut for Diane Whist took place in 1971, when a young and promising artist was invited to play one of the main roles in the production of the respected director Robert Anderson called Solitaire / Double Solitaire. Over the next few years, our heroine was in the troupe of the Washington Theater. During this period, Diane Whist played many wonderful roles, among which it is worth noting participation in such successful performances as S. Annsky's The Dybbuk, The Lover Depths, Who's Afraid of Vriginia Woolf?

The peak of the theatrical career of the artist came in the early 80's. At this time, she was given central roles in the performances of Othello and Frankenstein. In the 90s, Diane Whist focused on filming a movie. However, the actress also did not forget about the stage activity.

The revival of the theater career of Whist took place in 2003, when our heroine brightly appeared in the popular play “Salome”, where she played together with such outstanding actors as Al Pacino and Marisa Tomei.

Filming a movie

Dianne Whist photo

To start acting in films, Diane Whist began in 1975, when she began to receive small roles in television series. The real success for the actress came after a collaboration with the outstanding director Woody Allen. So, in 1986, our heroine was invited to a successful comedy film by a famous author called "Hannah and Her Sisters." Surprisingly, already for her debut role in the movie, Diane won an Oscar nomination, receiving an award in the category "Best Actress in a Secondary Role".

The next success was expected by the actress in 1989 after filming in the comedy “Parents”. For playing the main role in the film, Whist was once again nominated for an Oscar, and then received the Golden Globe Award. The very next year, authoritative director Tim Burton invited the actress to the promising project “Edward Scissorhands”. Here, the actress lit up in a bright image of a heroine named Peg Boggs. For her work in the film, Diane was nominated for the Saturn Award.

In 1994, the actress once again starred in the film by Woody Alain, receiving a secondary role in the film "Bullets over Broadway." For this work, our heroine received the second Oscar and Golden Globe Award in her career. Then a whole series of outstanding works of the artist followed, among which it is worth noting such films as “Birdcage”, “Horse Whisperer”, “Tenth Kingdom”.

Among the relatively recent works of the actress on the big screen, one can note participation in the film "Rabbit Hole", which was released in 2010. Here, the famous Nicole Kidman became a partner on the set already elderly Diane Wist. From 2015 to 2016, the artist worked on television, starring in the successful comedy series "Life in the Details."

Personal life

diane whist

At the start of a movie career, Diane Whist began a romantic relationship with his own agent, Sam Cohn. The couple has been married for many years. The actress is the adoptive mother of two girls named Lily and Emily.

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