Why tablets "Trichopolum" in gynecology?

The instruction for Trichopol tablets 250, 500 mg indicates the presence of metronidazole, a drug effective against Trichomonas, in the preparation. This microorganism causes an unpleasant disease - trichomoniasis. The disease is transmitted intimately, belongs to the number of genital infections. Consider the features and technical parameters of the drug.


This genital infection is one of the most common. You can get sick if there was sexual contact with the patient. There is a risk of infection with an infectious agent through personal items. Trichomonas can enter the body during a medical examination, if the instruments used by the doctor are not adequately processed. It is relatively easy to cure trichomoniasis if you use, following the instructions, Trichopol tablets 500 mg or 250 mg.

Trichopol tablets treat women

When to use?

In gynecology, Trichopol tablets are used to identify the symptoms of trichomoniasis that affects the vagina. Typically, a woman consults a doctor if the area is disturbed by itching, burning sensation is felt here, and emptying of the bladder is accompanied by soreness. Often, such sensations occur with intimate contact. Examining the patient, the doctor fixes the redness of the mucous membranes, affecting the vaginal area, the surface of the genitals. When touched, such areas may bleed. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, take a smear for analysis by staining. If the study showed Trichomonas, the diagnosis is considered confirmed.

Technical information

To find out why Trichopol tablets are prescribed in gynecology (for the treatment of genital infections), you should refer to the instructions accompanying the pharmaceutical product. From it, you can find out what the drug looks like, in what form it is produced. The tablets intended for vaginal use are white, may be slightly yellowish. These are oblong pills convex on both sides, each of which contains 500 or 250 mg of the active ingredient - metronidazole. As additional elements, the manufacturer used cellulose, povidone, stearic, silicon compounds.

You can understand why the doctor prescribed the Trichopol tablets, paying attention to the category of medication - this is an antiprotozoal medicine that has an antibacterial effect. Vaginal tablets have local effectiveness, therefore they are designed for local gynecological use. In addition to trichomoniasis, they are prescribed for some other types of infection.

Trichopol tablets instructions for use


You can understand why Trichopol tablets are used in gynecology if you familiarize yourself with the pharmacological properties of a drug classified as 5-imidazole. Studies have shown that metronidazole restores specific groups with proteins inside cells designed to transport various elements. This affects organisms that do not need oxygen, violates the biochemistry of protozoa. Metronidozole reacts with cellular DNA, prevents the generation of nucleic acids. As a consequence of this process, the microscopic life form dies.

Proven efficacy against Trichomonas, gardnerella, Giardia, bacteroids. An instruction explaining why it is reasonable to use Trichopol tablets indicates the pronounced effect of the drug on Prevotella, Clostridia, Fusobacter. The drug acts on peptostreptococci. It is prescribed for the identification of all these varieties of pathological life forms among the vaginal microflora.


The active ingredient in tablets when absorbed into the vagina is absorbed in a short time. Biological transformation is localized in the liver. Up to 20% of the substance is eliminated by the kidneys in the initial state. About 20-50% is excreted by the renal system in a transformed form.

Topical application

Trichomonas infection is not the only indication for prescribing pills. The drug for vaginal use is indicated for vaginosis. It is used if this is due to bacterial invasion. It is recommended to prescribe the drug "Trichopolum" for vaginitis, if it is of a non-specific nature.

Trichopolum tablets instruction

Application rules

By studying the documentation accompanying the product, you can find out what Trichopol tablets are being treated for women, from which this drug is prescribed, and also get acquainted with the schemes of its use. In particular, if vaginitis is caused by infection with Trichomonas, vaginal tablets should be used from a week to ten days. One tablet is used per day for local administration. Additionally, systemic oral administration of metronidazole in tablet form is necessary.

If vaginosis of a bacterial nature is established, if vaginitis is observed of a non-specific type, it is necessary to use a tablet for a weekly course daily. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a drug for systemic oral administration - tablet metronidazole.

Vaginal tablets: nuances

You can not use metronidazole more than a ten-day program. The instruction for tablets excludes the use of the drug more often than thrice annually.

Before use, the vaginal tablet is removed from the packaging and slightly moistened with cool water. Only boiled liquid should be used. Having prepared the pill, it is inserted into the vagina as deep as possible.

Why Trichopolum tablets

Unwanted effects

Before use, you should not only find out that Trichopol tablets are being treated in women, from which this drug is prescribed, but also examine the list of possible undesirable consequences. Of course, the likelihood of such is higher if you use a pharmaceutical product on your own, but when used as recommended by a doctor, the patient may encounter certain inconveniences. These include local soreness, itching, irritation. Original vaginal leads are possible - thick, white, resembling mucus, odorless (or only very weak is inherent to them). Against the background of taking the drug, urge to empty the bladder may become more frequent. After withdrawal, there is a risk of local candidiasis.

It is known that some complained of nausea and taste correction, impaired stool, impaired appetite, and abdominal pain. It may hurt, dizzy. There is a risk of leukopenia, leukocytosis, allergies. Occasionally, the shade of urine changed to reddish brown in patients. This is due to the presence of a water-soluble pigment, which is one of the by-products of the metronidazole processing reaction. If a woman has contacts with a sexual partner, he may have a burning sensation, irritation of the glans penis.

Sometimes you can’t

The use of Trichopol tablets in the case of blood diseases is prohibited. The drug is contraindicated in leukopenia, including previously transferred. You can not use the tool if the ability to coordinate movements is impaired, if there are organic damage to the central nervous system, including epilepsy. "Trichopolum" is prohibited in case of liver failure for a high dose. It is not used in the first third of pregnancy, is not used for breastfeeding. It is forbidden to prescribe a remedy if the patient’s body is excessively sensitive to any ingredient of the medicinal product or nitroimidazole transformation products.

Trichopolum tablets from what

Mother and child

The instructions for tablets "Trichopolum" noted the ability of the active ingredient to pass through the placenta. For this reason, in the first third of the term, the drug is strictly prohibited. At the later stages of gestation, Trichopolum is allowed to be prescribed, but only with a preliminary assessment of the obvious benefits of the treatment and the dangers that such therapy creates for the child. The doctor informs the woman about the possible risks to the child. The drug is taken if a woman agrees with such dangers.

The instructions for tablets "Trichopolum" refers to the ability of the active ingredient to stand out with the secretion of the mammary glands. If treatment is necessary, for the entire period of use of the pharmaceutical product, breast-feeding is stopped. It is allowed to resume such a child’s diet only 48 hours after the last dose.

The nuances of effective treatment

Accompanying the Trichopol tablets intended for use in gynecology, the instruction for use recommends taking a therapeutic course simultaneously with a sexual partner. Metronidazole is recommended for both at the same time, even when the second person has no manifestations of the disease, signs of infection.

The entire period of the therapeutic program should refrain from intimate contacts.

If earlier in the history of the disease changes in the composition of blood in peripheral vessels were recorded, if long-term treatment is indicated, it is necessary to take an increased dose, it is important to regularly donate blood. Checking and general analysis allow timely detection of possible deviations and take measures to correct the condition of the needy.

Immobilization of treponema against the background of the drug. This causes a false positive test result of Nelson.

Reception may be accompanied by acts of dizziness. This must be taken into account if the patient is engaged in activities that force him to be especially concentrated and attentive. This primarily concerns drivers.

Trichopol tablets

Mutual influence

The above is information that gives an idea of ​​why Trichopol tablets are treated. Often a person suffers from a complex of diseases, and this forces one to select a multicomponent program, given the compatibility of drugs. As shown by experiments, "Trichopolum" can be combined with antibiotics, sulfonamides. The active ingredient of the tablets in question provokes intolerance to ethanol. This makes it necessary to avoid taking alcoholic beverages during the therapeutic program. It is not necessary to simultaneously receive metronidazole, disulfiram, since the mutual influence of these drugs can cause oppressed consciousness and mental disorders.

If Trichopol tablets are taken during treatment with warfarin or other substances that indirectly affect blood coagulation, the activity of these drugs may increase, as a result, the time of prothrombin will be prolonged. A combination of metronidazole and vecuronium bromide, as well as other medicinal compositions from the class of relaxing muscle tissues that do not have a depolarizing effect, should be avoided.

The combination with barbiturates can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of Trichopol tablets, since the active ingredient will be processed faster by liver cells. If the patient has a complex diagnosis, which also includes what Trichopol tablets are being treated for, while a woman is taking cimetidine, you need to remember that this substance inhibits the processing of metronidazole in the body. As a result, the content of a substance in blood serum can increase. This is accompanied by an increased risk of adverse reactions. By combining Trichopolum with lithium preparations, one may encounter an increase in the content of metronidazole in the blood.

Oral tablets

In addition to containing 0.5 g of forms intended for vaginal use, there are 250 mg Trichopol tablets on sale. Such a drug is formulated for oral administration. Each pill contains a quarter gram of metronidazole. As additional ingredients used starch, gelatin, molasses and magnesium compounds. The tablets are white, may have a yellowish tint. If they are in the light, gradually the hue becomes more yellow. Each instance is made round, equipped with a division mark, made flat.

The drug can not only be used for gynecological diseases, but can also be used to treat Helicobacter pylori infection, if combined with amoxicillin - this antibiotic inhibits the formation of resistance of the pathological microorganism to metronidazole. There is a lack of bactericidal effect in metronidazole, if you use a tool to combat fungi and viruses. There is no bactericidal effect with respect to most of the bacteria known in medicine. If mixed flora is observed, the main ingredient of Trichopol tablets mutually enhances the effectiveness of antibiotics that are reliable in the fight against aerobes. The ability of metronidazole to make tumors more sensitive to radiation has been proven. Sensitization increases with ethanol intake, reparative processes are activated.

trichopolum in gynecology tablets

Kinetics of the drug

Metronidazole, contained in an amount of 250 mg in tablets "Trichopolum", when taken orally, is absorbed during the passage of the gastrointestinal tract. The process is quite fast, proceeds with a high degree of efficiency. Bioavailability is estimated at 80% and higher. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood serum is observed a couple of hours after administration with a possible deviation for an hour in a larger, smaller direction. The meal reduces the rate of absorption, leads to a decrease in the concentration of the active ingredient in the circulatory system.

The drug compound binds to plasma proteins by 20% or less. It is able to penetrate into different parts of the body, biological fluid. Metronidazole is found in the respiratory system, kidneys, skin, fluid of the spinal cord, bile and other substances. It is able to penetrate the placental barrier and protects the brain. The distribution volume for adults is estimated at approximately half a liter per kilo, for infants it reaches 0.81 units.

When is it indicated to be taken orally?

The Trichopol tablets recommended by the instructions for use in inflammation are prescribed if giardiasis is established, periodontal infection is detected. Indications are gingivitis of various forms, acute odontogenic infection. The drug is used for trichomoniasis. Tablets for oral administration are indicated for different variants of amoebiasis and for bacterial vaginosis. You can use the drug in case of anaerobic infection by pathological bacteria. "Trichopolum" is indicated for abdominal, gynecological course, damage to the central nervous system. Tablets are used in case of sepsis, infection of articular, bone tissue, skin, respiratory system. The drug is indicated for endocarditis, bacteremia. Before the appointment, it is recommended to clarify the pathological microflora. "Trichopolum" shows a good result when infected with clostridia, bacteroid, peptococcus.

Allowed the appointment, corresponding to the rules of the instructions for use, tablets "Trichopolum" for inflammation caused by invasion Helicobacter pylori, which provokes ulcerative intestinal, gastric diseases. With this diagnosis, metronidazole is combined with antibiotics, drugs with bismuth. As a preventive measure, the medication is prescribed to the patient, if there is an operation on the digestive tract, genitals.

How to take orally?

As the reviews confirm, the instructions for the tablets of "Trichopol" simply and clearly explain the rules for the use of the drug. Persons who used the drug did not face serious difficulties in following the rules for using the drug. The medication is taken orally during a meal or immediately after it. Tablets are swallowed without violating the integrity of the instance. No need to chew them.

Persons over the age of ten are shown to take a tablet three times daily. In some cases, taking two tablets per day is sufficient. The duration of treatment is one week. Women are recommended to combine the use of tablets with the use of the drug for vaginal administration. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a second therapeutic course. Between approaches it is necessary to maintain a pause of three to four weeks. Be sure to do a control laboratory check.

Is it worth using?

Reviews about the tablets "Trichopolum" are quite unambiguous. Persons who use them note the high effectiveness of the drug. Many women taking Trichopol admit that the medicine, even without additional funds as part of the therapy, ensured full recovery. However, as many specify, it relatively often provokes undesirable phenomena. , , , .

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