The drug "Stresam", the price of which is about 200 rubles., Is included in the group of anxiolytics (tranquilizers). The medicine has moderate sedative activity. The tool does not provoke addiction, and withdrawal syndrome is not observed. When taken orally, the drug is rapidly absorbed. After two or three hours, the highest concentration of the drug is noted. The medicine passes the placental barrier. Metabolism occurs in the liver quite quickly. The drug is excreted mainly with urine.
The medicine "Stresam" (instructions, reviews of experts confirm this) is effective in conditions of anxiety, internal stress, fear. It is taken with low mood, increased irritability, including those caused by somatic diseases and cardiovascular nature in particular.
Dosage regimen
In accordance with the condition of the patient, the duration of treatment and the amount of the drug are determined. Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, the medicine "Stresam" instruction recommends taking 1 capsule (50 mg) three times or 2 capsules (100 mg) twice a day. Duration of admission is from several days to 4-6 weeks.
Side effectsWhen taking the medicine "Stresam" (the instruction contains such data), slight drowsiness may occur. As a rule, such a reaction is characteristic of the first days of admission. With continued therapy, drowsiness usually resolves on its own without additional exposure. In rare cases, allergies can occur in the form of urticaria, swelling, skin rashes. If other negative manifestations appear, there is no effect of treatment or the condition worsens, you should visit a doctor by stopping the medication.
Means "Stresam". Instructions: contraindications
The medicine is not prescribed for myasthenia gravis, shock conditions, or for malfunctioning liver / kidney function. Means "Stresam" the instruction does not recommend taking during lactation and during gestation. Do not prescribe medicine and up to 18 years. In case of pregnancy during therapy, a specialist consultation is advisable on the advisability of continuing treatment.
The drug "Stresam." Instruction: special instructions
When prescribing a medication to patients with malabsorption syndrome of galactose and glucose, galactosemia, with lactase deficiency , the presence of lactose in the medicine should be taken into account. If you skip the next capsule intake to the next dose, their number should not be increased. During therapy, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol-containing drinks. Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor. With drug poisoning, excessive drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy are noted. There is no specific antidote. In this regard, in case of an overdose, standard measures are taken to eliminate its consequences. Since the drug can cause drowsiness, persons involved in hazardous activities should be careful. During treatment, it is recommended not to drive vehicles, not to work with complex mechanisms, or to concentrate when necessary.