Homeland Eggplant, or a little blue, as they are affectionately known among the people for the rich color of the rind, - a distant exotic India. In Europe, and then to Russia - its Caucasian provinces - first vegetables are grown and used as a table decoration. And only closer to the end of the 19th century, they began to actively eat it with us. Now eggplant is an integral part of all kinds of salads, stews, all kinds of caviar. Yes, and independent appetizers from it make the mistresses-craftsmen such that you lick your fingers. We will talk about them today.
Spicy lovers
The most simple appetizer of eggplant, spicy, with spicy garlic flavor and aroma, cook you in a jiffy. For her, only it is necessary, in addition to the main vegetable, lots of garlic, a few pods of burning pepper and salt brine. The main condition: blue should be young, not overripe.
Preparing an appetizer of eggplant spicy so. In vegetables, cut the stalks. Dip them in boiling water for 10 minutes to blanch. After that, each eggplant should be chopped in several places with a fork and put under the press for half a day so that the bitterness comes out well. To get a sharp eggplant appetizer in accordance with your tastes, you will need about 4-5 (or more) cloves of garlic for each blue. Grind them and stuff the pulled vegetables from under the press. Then put them in a pan, fill with brine, put oppression.
Pouring, in which should be a sharp eggplant appetizer, is done this way: in each liter of water, dissolve 2 and a half tablespoons of salt. Pods of hot pepper cut into pieces and add to the brine. Soak the blue ones in the fill 10-12 days. Then they can be cut into slices or tongues and served, sprinkled with fresh herbs and garnished with slices of fresh tomatoes. If you want to preserve such hot eggplants, a winter snack is laid out in liter jars and sterilized for 20 minutes. Then roll up, turn upside down, wrap and let cool.
Eggplant sauté
A real eggplant will be a sauteed eggplant for you - a very tasty, mouth-watering, true table decoration. This is a wonderful spicy eggplant appetizer, the recipe of which you will now learn.
For 10 kg of the main product you need: Bulgarian pepper 7 kg, red hot peppers in pods 100-120 g, about the same amount of salt, 300 g of garlic and a liter of sunflower oil. Plus vinegar 6% - one and a half cups. By the way, such an eggplant appetizer “Sharp tongues” is called differently. It is really picky, so if you want to soften the taste, you can slightly reduce the number of spices. So, wash the blue ones and cut them into 2 cm thick oval slices (tongues). Add them salt and leave them for 20 minutes to get bitterness. Then squeeze slightly. Rotate bell pepper and spices through a meat grinder, pour vinegar. Eggplant fry in a pan until tender. Then generously dip each tongue in mashed vegetables and lay tightly in prepared jars. Between layers of eggplant, pour in a little sharp mass too. Add vegetable oil to each jar at the end and sterilize for 15 minutes, then close.
Eggplant with pepper and herbs
Another excellent dish will be one of your favorite snacks if you try to cook it. This is a
salad of eggplant, herbs, bell pepper and spices.
The consumption of products is as follows: half a liter of oil, one and a half kg of bell pepper, 350-400 g of garlic, 150 g of fresh dill and parsley, hot pepper. For the marinade, take one and a half liters of water, 150 g of salt and 120 g of fruit vinegar.
Blue ones need to be peeled, cut into cubes, salt and wait half an hour for bitterness to come out. Then fry and let cool. Finely chop the greens, garlic, cut both types of pepper into small strips, each separately, peeling from the seeds. Cook the marinade, adding salt and vinegar to the boiling water, wait until it cools. Now do this: lay the eggplant, greens, and other ingredients in layers in the pan. Pour everything with marinade, put oppression on top and leave for a day. Then mix the salad ingredients, put them in jars, sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up.
Hot and sour eggplant
And finally, such a pretty recipe, however, is also very sharp.
For it, prepare about 120-130 g of butter, 3 heads of garlic, a liter of water, 50 g of fruit vinegar, 3 tablespoons of sugar with a slide.
Cut eggplant with peel into circles or tongues, salt, wait until bitterness comes out. Chop the garlic finely. Boil water, add vinegar and sugar. Boil the blue ones in portions in a marinade, remove and place on a sieve or in a colander so that the liquid drains. Next, fry them until light golden brown and put in jars, sprinkling with garlic. Season the marinade in which the blue ones were cooked, sterilize for 10 minutes and close.