Deprivation in infants is quite common. The initial signs of pathology in infancy are usually mild. The disease begins with the appearance of a small spot on the skin, which can be subtle. However, subsequently, rashes spread to a large area of the epidermis. This is accompanied by itching and peeling. Why does lichen appear in infants? And how to get rid of a rash? We will answer these questions in the article.
Forms of pathology
Lichen is a collective name for a group of infectious diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of itchy and flaky spots on the skin. Different types of this disease differ in etiology. The signs and treatment of lichen in infants are completely dependent on the form of pathology.
In dermatology, the following types of this disease are distinguished:
- ringworm (microsporia, trichophytosis);
- pink lichen (Giber disease);
- pityriasis (multicolored) lichen.
Next, we will consider in detail the origin, symptoms and methods of treatment of various forms of pathology.
Ringworm in infants is an infectious disease. It is caused by Microsporium or Trichophytia. Pathogens are transmitted in the following ways:
- From animals to humans. Ringworm affects cats and dogs, most often stray. A child can become infected if it gets on the skin of an animal’s hair.
- From a sick person to a healthy one. The source of infection is the hair and desquamated scales of the epidermis of the patient.
- Through household items. You can get infected through household items, on which particles of the skin and hair of an infected person accumulate, as well as the hair of sick animals. Fungi can live in the environment for quite some time.
Pink lichen in infants is a rather rare disease. It is more common in children from 2 to 12 years old. However, there are cases of Giber disease in infants. This pathology is an infectious-allergic process. Its exact causes are unknown. There is an assumption that the causative agent of this form of lichen is one of the herpes virus strains.
However, a viral infection is only the trigger for Giber disease. All manifestations of this pathology are an allergic reaction to the waste products of microorganisms. Most often, children with weakened immunity get sick. The following factors can provoke Jiber disease in a child under 1 year of age
- hypothermia;
- colds and childhood infections;
- the transition from breastfeeding to artificial mixtures;
- vaccine administration;
- gastrointestinal upset;
- beginning of feeding;
- insect bites.
Pink lichen does not apply to infectious diseases and it is impossible to become infected with it from a sick person.
Pityriasis (multicolored) lichen is an infectious pathology of fungal nature. The causative agent of the disease is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism of the genus Pityrosporum. It is found on the skin of many people, but causes pathological manifestations only with a decrease in immunity. The following factors contribute to the reproduction of the fungus:
- stay of the child in a humid and hot climate;
- the use of linen and diapers from synthetic fabrics;
- uncontrolled treatment of the baby with antibiotics and vitamins;
- hereditary predisposition.
This form of lichen is rarely transmitted from person to person. However, the possibility of infection cannot be completely ruled out. Infection usually occurs with very long and close contact with the patient.
The incubation period of ringworm in infants is 3 to 5 days if the child is infected with a fungus from an animal. If the infection occurred through household contact with a sick person, then the first signs of pathology appear after 4 to 6 weeks.
This type of fungal infection affects the scalp. After the incubation period, the following signs of pathology appear in the child:
- A spot with clear boundaries appears on the scalp. It has a round or oval shape and looks somewhat swollen. This spot is called maternal plaque. Subsequently, new rashes spread from his skin.
- At first, the baby is worried about a slight itching in the area of the mother's plaque. Then the stain begins to peel off and skin irritation intensifies. The rash spreads throughout the scalp.
- The spores of the fungus affect the hair follicles. The baby's hair begins to break, they look as if they are trimmed. The name of the disease, “ringworm,” is associated with this symptom. The fungus can also spread to the hairs of eyebrows and eyelashes.
In infants, the disease is often accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes. These are systemic signs of lichen in infants. In the photo below you can see the characteristic symptoms of pathology.
Giber disease
Rashes with pink lichen are most often localized in the shoulders, abdomen, groin, and also on the arms and legs. The following characteristic signs of Giber disease can be noted:
- First, an edematous spot (maternal plaque) appears on the skin. It has a pink color and most often forms on the stomach or between the shoulder blades. Subsequently, new lesions of a smaller size appear around the maternal plaque.
- Then, yellowish or brown flakes appear in the center of the spot. In the middle of the rash, severe peeling of the skin is noted.
- The flaky area in the center of the spot sinks over time and forms a dent, surrounded by a red roller. Doctors call this rash ring-shaped.
- Over time, the scales disappear and the skin color evens out.
Itchy skin occurs in 50% of children. Pink lichen does not cause a deterioration in the well-being of the baby. However, this pathology may worsen after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Often there were cases when the child underwent a course of treatment, and the rash completely disappeared. But after staying in the sun there was a relapse of pink lichen in the baby. In the photo below, you can see ring-shaped rashes on the skin with Zhiber disease.
Pityriasis versicolor
In pityriasis versicolor, the maternal plaque has the appearance of a yellowish-pink spot. A rash forms around the hair follicle on the body. Edema of the skin in the affected area is not observed. Spots most often appear on the chest and back. In rare cases, the rash is localized on the lower limbs, scalp and buttocks. Small rashes often merge into one large spot.
Pityriasis versicolor in an infant is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- The color of pink spots changes with the development of pathology. They first turn red, and then dark brown. Then the color of the rash becomes brown. Therefore, pityriasis versicolor is often called multicolored.
- The fungus destroys the stratum corneum. Therefore, the spots peel off. When scraping from rashes, scales that resemble bran or shavings are easily separated.
- There is slight itching in the area of rashes.
After recovery, the rash disappears. However, places where spots were previously located remain depigmented for a long time. These areas do not tan when exposed to ultraviolet light. This symptom is due to the fact that the fungus disrupts the work of melanocytes - skin cells responsible for epidermal pigmentation.
This disease in its manifestations may resemble vitiligo or psoriasis. Therefore, it is very important to conduct differential diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor in infants. In the photo you can see violations of skin pigmentation after a pathology.
If the baby has a spot on the skin, then it is necessary to show the child to a pediatric dermatologist as soon as possible. At the initial treatment, the doctor examines the baby’s skin with a Wood lamp. In the light of the device, the affected areas are painted in greenish color.
Rashes with various forms of lichen may be similar to manifestations of other diseases. In order to differentiate the pathology, scraping the flakes from the spot is done. The resulting material is sent to the laboratory for microscopy. The analysis helps to determine the type of pathogen and the form of lichen.
The timely identification of pathological signs and the treatment of lichen in infants depends on the correct differential diagnosis. In the photo below you can see how a dermatologist examines a child’s skin.
As an additional diagnostic method, a sample with iodine is used. The doctor lubricates the scaly spots with iodine solution. In the affected areas, increased friability of the skin is noted, and the epidermis absorbs the drug well. Therefore, spots are painted in a more intense color than healthy places.
Ringworm: Therapies
Treatment of lichen in infants consists in the appointment of antifungal agents. Often, parents treat spots on the baby’s head with iodine or brilliant green. Dermatologists categorically do not recommend the use of alcohol solutions of antiseptics. This can lead to overdrying of the affected epidermis.
Antifungal drugs for infants are prescribed only in the form of ointments. The use of oral antimycotics is prohibited. Most often used creams based on clotrimazole. Shampooing with Nizoral shampoo is also indicated, it contains an antifungal substance - ketoconazole.
Additionally, ointments based on birch tar with sulfur are prescribed. They have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.
Before starting therapy, the hair from the child’s head must be completely removed. After recovery, the baby grows a new hairline. On average, a course of treatment can take about 1 to 2 months. However, local funds must be applied within 14 days after the disappearance of the stains.
Treatment of giber disease
Pink lichen disappears on its own within 1 - 2 months. Repeated cases of pathology are not noted, since the disease leaves a stable immunity. During the rash of the baby, you need to protect it from exposure to the sun.
The following groups of drugs are used as symptomatic therapy:
- Antihistamines. Breasts are most often prescribed the drug "Fenistil" in the form of drops (for oral administration) and gel (for external use).
- Antiviral agents. Rashes are recommended to be treated with Acyclovir ointment.
- Vitamins These funds help strengthen the immune system. In infancy, the multivitamin complex "Multi-Tabs Baby" is indicated. This tool is available in the form of drops, it can be given to a child from birth.
How to treat multicolored lichen?
When treating this disease in infants, doctors use local antifungal ointments:
- "Ketoconazole";
- "Bifonazole".
Pustules and inflammation may appear on the baby's skin. This usually occurs when bacteria attach to a fungal infection. In such cases, it is necessary to use not only antimycotic agents, but also ointments with zinc or salicylic acid.
The course of treatment takes about a week. After the disappearance of the rashes, the preparations are applied to the skin for another 3 days.
This disease does not pose a great danger to the body. Rashes disappear without a trace after a course of treatment depriving a baby. In the photo below you can see the treatment of the baby's skin with antifungal agents.
Baby care
During the course of treatment of lichen skin lesions, the following rules must be followed:
- During the rash of the baby should not be bathed. Exposure to water enhances itching and peeling. You can only wipe the baby's skin with a damp towel. In this case, you must try not to touch the spots.
- All objects in contact with the child must be disinfected.
- Clothes of the baby should be washed as often as possible in hot water with preliminary soaking.
- You should refuse synthetic clothing and give preference to things made of cotton and linen fabrics.
During the illness of the child, it is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room. It is also necessary to refuse rugs and soft toys, on such things infected particles of epidermis and hair can accumulate.
Treatment Reviews
Parents of babies leave positive feedback on the use of Nizoral shampoo. This tool is convenient to use and allows you to quickly get rid of ringworm. After the treatment, the baby grows new healthy hair. However, it is very important to complete the course of treatment and use treatment shampoo for another 2 weeks after the stains disappear.
Parents also respond positively to combination therapy with ointments "Acyclovir" and "Fenistil" with pink lichen. This combination of drugs allows you to affect both the infectious and allergic nature of the pathology. After applying the ointments, a significant blanching of the spots and the disappearance of itching are noted. However, during treatment it is very important to protect the baby from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, otherwise the rashes may return.
The following measures will help to avoid the appearance of lichen rashes in an infant:
- It is necessary to exclude contact of the child with stray animals.
- Pets should be given vaccination against ringworm.
- It is necessary to protect the baby from hypothermia. It is also necessary to prevent a long stay of the child in humid and warm conditions.
- It is recommended to use clothes and diapers from natural fabrics.
- When feeding the baby with ready-made mixtures, attention should be paid to their composition and hypoallergenicity.
- When insect bites, immediately treat the affected area with Fenistil gel. Otherwise, an allergic reaction can provoke the development of pink lichen.
- Antibiotics can be given to a baby only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Their uncontrolled intake adversely affects immunity.
These recommendations will help to avoid fungal skin diseases in children.