How to cook a duck in the oven with apples for the holiday table?

With the onset of the New Year holidays, many housewives are puzzled by how to cook a duck in the oven with apples, so that it turns out to be juicy, soft and tasty. It is worth noting that this is not as easy as it seems at first glance. After all, everyone knows that the meat of such a bird with improper heat treatment turns out to be tough and literally "rubber". Therefore, it is recommended to cook it strictly according to the recipe.

Juicy and soft duck with apples: recipe with photo

Required products for the dish:

how to cook a duck in the oven with apples

  • large ripe lemon - 1 fruit;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • red or green apple - 2 pcs;
  • large-sized frozen duck - 1 pc;
  • dried dill, parsley, basil and leek - 1 spoon each;
  • buckwheat honey - 3 large full spoons;
  • cumin - ½ spoon;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • common salt and red allspice - according to personal taste.

The process of processing meat ingredient

Before you cook the duck in the oven with apples, you should purchase a large whole carcass of the bird and wash it thoroughly (both inside and outside). In this case, the skin of the meat product is recommended to completely get rid of all available hairs. To do this, it is advisable to hold the duck over the included gas stove.

Marinade process

duck with apples recipe with photo
To understand how to cook a duck in the oven with apples, delicious and beautiful, you should remember that any meat dish needs to be lowered in advance into a self-made marinade. To do this, take a small bowl, squeeze 1 large ripe lemon there, add soy sauce, table salt, dried dill, basil, leek, parsley, as well as 2 full large tablespoons of buckwheat honey. All listed products should be mixed and coated with washed and processed poultry carcass (both inside and outside).

Fruit processing

In order for a delicious duck with apples to please all your guests with its amazing aroma, taste and appearance, it is recommended to start it only with sweet and fresh fruits (you can take green and red). Thus, the ripe product needs to be washed, cut into longitudinal parts, while removing the seed box and navels (if the peel is thick, then it should also be disposed of). After this, pieces of apples must be flavored with caraway seeds and 1 spoon of buckwheat honey.

Shaping and baking dishes

delicious duck with apples

When the filling is completely ready, and the duck is soaked in the marinade, put the carcass on a cutting board, open its shins as much as possible, and then place all shredded apples inside. After this, it is advisable to pinch the hole with toothpicks, and put the duck in a baking dish, which later needs to be sent to the oven. It is advisable to cook such a dish for about 70-80 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

How to serve to the table

Now you know how to cook a duck in the oven with apples and to please your near and dear people with a delicious New Year's dinner. Serving it to the holiday table is recommended in its entirety, along with apples baked in the carcass, as well as fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, green salad leaves (possible with boiled round potatoes).

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