Lamb shulum: licking your fingers!

Despite all the richness of modern cuisine, ancient folk dishes never lose their relevance. The explanation is very simple: simple food does not require much time for cooking, but differs in a rich, vibrant taste, high calorie content.

Among such dishes, a special place is occupied by lamb shulum - an ancient food of shepherds. Today, shulum, or rich soup, is prepared from lamb, beef, chicken duck, even pork. In fact, this name refers to a rich broth made of meat, most often cooked at the stake: this is its highlight.

Since people who grazed cattle high in the mountains and were deprived of the opportunity to cook delicacies originally ate such a broth, the initial recipe for shulum from lamb is very simple.

To prepare it, you need lamb, preferably young, spices, onions.

A carcass of a lamb is carved by hanging on a tree. All meat parts are cut for barbecue, the net and liver are laid aside for the preparation of liverworts. Lamb shulum is prepared from the rest.

Bones with leftover meat are put in a large cauldron, the cauldron is filled with water, covering the meat with 3 fingers, cooked on a not very strong fire. You can cook such a soup at home, on the stove. Then at the end of cooking you will have to add a drop of liquid smoke for piquancy.

You need to cook meat for a long time: until it becomes soft, boiled. After that, they take it out, and the broth is salted, pepper, add herbs, spices. Most often it is cilantro, zira, dill, parsley, pepper, onion: all that is easy to take with you on a hike.

Greens for the preparation of such a broth can not be chopped, but added in bunches. When the greens boil a little, it is removed, and the meat is returned to the broth for 10 minutes, then laid out on a dish. Lamb shulum is ready.

Cooled lamb, unlike hot, has an unpleasant taste. That is why it is served separately, and the broth is poured into circles: so it’s convenient for them to drink the cooling meat. Lamb shulum can be eaten the next day, just warm it up.

How to cook lamb shulum with a finer, more refined taste? Every housewife can fantasize. Here, for example, is a recipe for lamb soup with vegetables. It is more convenient to cook it at home, on the stove.

First, they cook a strong lamb broth , always on the bone. When (about two hours later) the broth becomes viscous and the meat is very soft, they throw the potatoes in large pieces, cook until completely soft. After that, lamb shulum is salted, spices are added. Place eggplant cubes, bell peppers, carrots, onions, peeled and chopped tomatoes in a pan. As soon as the vegetables are ready, the soup is sprinkled with herbs, the fire is immediately turned off. Liquid smoke will add a twist to the culinary creation. Such a soup is called shulum in the Caucasus, and shurpa in Uzbekistan, but the name does not affect its taste.

You can cook lamb shulum in one more way. True, it is hardly possible to call it a classic shulum, but it turns out very tasty.

First, meatballs (meatballs) are prepared from lamb tenderloin. Stuffing is mixed with onions, peppers (preferably several types), flavored with a large number of your favorite spices. Lamb especially likes garlic, basil, cilantro, savory, mint. Ready meatballs are fried to a crust, then the broth is cooked from them. It turns brown, fragrant. When the meatballs are almost ready, chopped potatoes, separately fried onions, carrots, tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers are added to the soup. At the end of cooking, the broth is flavored with crushed garlic, lots of greens.

To make the soup more satisfying, you can put fried rice, millet, and other cereals in it. This, of course, will no longer be a joker, but a rich in taste, bright, satisfying, memorable dish.

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