Stroke: stroke recovery, exercise, massage

Have you suffered a stroke? Recovery from a stroke should follow in a timely manner. And you should not delay it with the moment you start classes - time in this case plays against you. Rehabilitation is built in such a way as to restore motility, speech capabilities and normalize brain function.

Constant work on yourself, the supervision of a doctor and loved ones will make a cure possible. An important moment will be the personal attitude to success. The choice of a place of improvement is also of great importance. So, a sanatorium after a stroke will be a very suitable place, which will help to avoid many risk factors, nervous state and other problems.

Treatment problems

Often the outcome of a stroke is paralysis. With this course of the disease, the patient will subsequently need the help of relatives or carers. Proper care should be carried out in a timely manner and in full, so they will need to increase their experience and develop the ability to diagnose the condition of an immobilized person.

stroke recovery after stroke

People lying down after a stroke often cannot not only talk, but also take food on their own. But if the brain is affected within the recovery, then with the help of doctors and special exercises, the condition of the patient can be significantly alleviated.

The presence in the house of a seriously ill person will require some redevelopment. After all, even the simplest actions now become a test - going to the toilet, taking a bath. Performing daily tasks for the patient can be facilitated by specially equipped handrails and steps.

People after a stroke perceive a particularly acute environment. Experiences negatively affect all stages of treatment. Relatives will help reduce emotional stress, being in constant contact with the patient. The main tool is elementary communication on positive topics. It is necessary to encourage a relative, avoiding any criticism of him.

Terms of treatment

Experts note that the maximum possible recovery of patients after a stroke occurs in the first months. Therefore, rehabilitation therapy is started the day after resuscitation.

speech recovery after a stroke
It is most advisable to take measures to return lost opportunities within a year. In an integrated approach, mandatory factors are identified that lead to an early cure:

  1. Compliance with the rules of patient care.
  2. Timely diagnosis of consequences after resuscitation.
  3. Combination of various rehabilitation techniques.

In modern medicine, there are several areas that can defeat a stroke. Recovery from a stroke aims to return:

  • hearing, speaking and facial expressions;
  • ability to think and solve tasks;
  • restore swallowing functions, psycho-emotional control and the ability to independently perform hygienic measures.

The named pathology is a consequence of impaired blood flow to brain cells. The part of the body for which the affected area is responsible suffers. Among the types of stroke are:

  1. Ischemic - a blockage of blood vessels that disrupts blood circulation in the brain.
  2. Hemorrhagic - hemorrhage in the brain caused by rupture of a vessel (the most dangerous stroke).
  3. Microstroke - lesions with it occupy small volumes of the brain.

The latter type of disease often occurs imperceptibly, against the background of inflammatory processes, alcohol intake or stress. In resuscitation, most of these victims fall into contact with several lesions caused by the fact that the patient has already suffered micro strokes and did not attach any importance to them.

With proper diagnosis and timely treatment, a severe blow can be avoided.

Start treatment

As a rule, initial diagnostics precedes recovery measures. As a result of research, the most complete information about the patient's condition is collected. A conclusion is made according to expert estimates and a stroke forecast is built. The latter provides probabilistic conclusions about the possibilities of restoring lost abilities and indicates the terms of treatment of the patient. For this:

  • collect current patient complaints;
  • study the history of diseases;
  • apply instrumental research.

stroke rehabilitation centers

The ability to self-service is also subject to analysis. This takes into account the possibility of social adaptability in a new state and the fulfillment of professional duties.

The choice of place, method and means for rehabilitation is being carried out. After resuscitation, the patient needs constant monitoring to identify repeated signs of a stroke. Help with serious conditions should follow no later than 3 hours after the onset of the attack. This is the time during which the return of all functions without rehabilitation is possible.

The main signs of a stroke

To be able to quickly respond to the pathological process, you should take the first signs of a stroke:

  • the patient has a severe headache;
  • confusion of knowledge is observed;
  • possibly an increase in temperature, blood pressure and the appearance of vomiting;
  • detected violations in facial expressions (skewed face);
  • speech becomes illegible;
  • eyes are rolled up, an oblique look appears;
  • in the upper and lower extremities, numbness is increasing on one side of the body.

After detecting these symptoms, urgent hospitalization is required.

Event types

So, the patient had a stroke. Recovery from a stroke, as we have already mentioned, begins immediately in a hospital. The patient is in the ward for up to 2 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

From the first day begins the implementation of wellness exercises. Even in bed, you must constantly actively move to restore normal blood circulation. After discharge from the hospital, treatment is carried out in a day hospital. The patient comes to the clinic to do the procedure.

sanatorium after a stroke

At the recovery stage, outpatient activities are prescribed. The passage of medical procedures at a local clinic. In the late stages of recovery, all wellness programs are carried out independently at home.

Rehab centers and specialized sanatoriums were widely used among stroke survivors. Classes in them, due to their narrow focus, are most effective. So a modern sanatorium after a stroke offers a range of activities. Several doctors work with the patient at once:

  1. A reflexologist performs three types of rehabilitation: acupuncture, electropuncture and laser puncture.
  2. The physiotherapist provides electromyostimulation, magnetotherapy and Darsonval device therapy.
  3. A nutritionist helps to choose a therapeutic diet.
  4. The psychologist is working on the adaptation of the patient in a new unusual state.
  5. Massages and fitness exercises are carried out under the supervision of specialists.

To this should be added clean air, individual patient care, assistance in domestic needs, as well as educational programs on the basics of stroke prevention. It is also important to have your own resuscitation for timely assistance in repeated cases of an attack.

The return of ability to communicate

If the patient cannot speak and the cause of this stroke, recovery from a stroke begins with the help of measures to adjust breathing functions and swallowing reflexes. Passive exercises are carried out with the help of a nurse or loved ones.

brain restoration stroke

The recovery period at home is accompanied by gymnastics of the lungs up to 10 times a day. For this purpose, rubber balls, deep breaths and exercises that help fill the patient's oxygen with the body are suitable. And the restoration of speech after a stroke is based on the type of lesion:

  1. Violations associated with the problems of perception of the interlocutor by ear and visually.
  2. The problem is with the motor skills of the language, but the environment is clear and transparent.

The following measures were recognized as positive aspects in which the restoration of speech after a stroke becomes possible:

  • it is necessary to be in continuous speech contact with the patient, not to leave him alone;
  • with violations of linguistic motility, it is difficult to pronounce words, therefore, considerable patience will be required to listen to the patient to the end;
  • use other types of communication: with the help of drawings, letters, gestures;
  • to do gymnastics for the face and tongue - it should be done several times a day;
  • discuss only topics of interest to the patient;
  • develop thinking with the help of puzzles, counting numbers, restoring known dates in memory.

The consultation of a speech therapist-aphasiologist will also help in all exercises. And neuropsychologist will control the restoration of memory at all stages. As a rule, the recovery time for speech is about 3 months, and the memory begins to work fully six months later.

Hemorrhagic stroke will require a longer period of treatment and, unfortunately, not always successful.

The return of memory and emotion

To defeat a stroke, brain repair begins with continuous contact with the outside world. It is important not to let the patient remain in a confined space and withdraw into himself. By all available means, it is necessary to continue communication with the patient. At this difficult stage, relatives are actively helping.

After a stroke, depressive moods often develop, a feeling of regret does not leave the patient, and fear of the future does not leave him. Constant communication is designed to reduce negative emotions and set up a successful cure.

Social and psychological rehabilitation programs help to overcome the psychological barrier . The course of treatment is built for each individual patient. Adaptation of professional skills in a new unusual physical condition. To enhance the effect, conditions have been created for living together in a sanatorium with relatives.

Constant exercises are performed with the patient in the form of a game: speech communications are accompanied by physical action. When counting, fingers are bent, when you need to indicate the direction they raise your hand, rubbing your palms or clapping will be useful.

It is important to develop the ability to focus on a particular thing. To do this, we can offer to remember where some item was placed before the disease. Learning simple sentences or rhymes will be helpful. The conversation should be built in a friendly tone, it would be useful to discuss together pleasant moments from the past.

Resetting Hand Motility Abilities

One of the main symptoms of an instinct is a malfunction of one of the upper limbs. The patient practically does not feel his hands, and from prolonged lying muscles weaken. At the recovery stage, efforts are made to return motor functions.

hand recovery stroke

If the cause of limb paralysis was a stroke, the restoration of the hand has some difficulties: the hands perform very precise movements and the patient understands that he can’t do this already. Bound movements need to be smashed with health gymnastics. Activities aimed at stretching and developing joints.

In this case, it is required to monitor proper breathing - to lift weights on inspiration. At the initial stage, all the movements are carried out by the health worker: bends the arm at the elbow, shoulder and develops a brush. The patient moves his fingers independently, conducting mental orders to the muscles.

A successful result is the ability to fully feel the hand and the ability to pull it a little. It turned out to clench your fist? This is already a clear indicator on the path to recovery. Attempts are constantly required to recall the feeling of a healthy limb.

Exact reflexes are restored when trying to write. Exercises are held as in the first class: at the table, starting with individual letters and simple words. They begin therapy no earlier than a month after a severe stroke.

First, the patient writes according to the template lying in front of his eyes. After successful texts, he transfers words from memory or dictated. Finish treatment with an essay. It is important that classes be held regularly.

Health Gymnastics

For a stroke survivor, exercises to restore the body include massage and special exercises. So, before a wellness training, a massage is prescribed to the bedridden patient. The patient is heated by rubbing the skin in a circular motion. The limbs are massaged from the bottom up. The purpose of the preparation is to ensure normal blood flow.

stroke recovery exercises

Then proceed to the exercises. When performed, it is necessary to develop muscle memory, impaired by the consequences of a stroke. The installation is created by thoughts and voice. The patient convinces himself that he can move his paralyzed body.

Classes in the supine position include working with arms and legs. All flexor muscles are developed. Knead the brush with a special stick or expander. Develop the work of the muscles of the face and neck. If one limb was paralyzed, then the movements are performed symmetrically with the second. Grabbing hand movements.

Standing perform full gymnastics:

  • ascents on inspiration;
  • lowering on the exhale of arms and legs;
  • body turns and slow tilts;
  • Squats
  • swings;
  • bringing hands to the castle behind.

Fresh air has a positive effect on the nervous system. Combine walks with running, brisk walking and other athletics. In winter, it can be skiing.

In the later stages of rehabilitation, they begin full-fledged sports activities. A healthy lifestyle is needed not only to exclude a stroke, but also other serious illnesses.

A few words in the end

Rehabilitation centers have recovery programs after a stroke of all body functions. Each problem is given special attention using the latest developments in the field of restoration of human neurophysiology.

After treatment in a hospital, patients who have had a stroke, recovery at home must be continued. The program must include a set of wellness exercises and massages. The participation of relatives of the patient is very important.

But keep in mind that the full return of all abilities does not always happen. Treatment can be considered completed no earlier than a year after the attack, but until the end of life, you will need to make every effort to prevent relapse.

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