The story "Simple-minded" is one of the most famous philosophical and satirical works of the great Voltaire, France’s greatest philosopher-educator of the 18th century. The story was first published in 1767 and soon, thanks to great success, translated into many languages.
Voltaire, "Simple-minded": a summary. Tie
It was July 1689 in the yard. One evening in Lower Brittany, abbot de Carcabonne and his sister were strolling along the seashore. The abbot indulged in thoughts about the fate of his brother and his family, who 20 years ago sailed from this coast by ship to Canada, and since then there has been no news from them.
At this very moment, a ship enters the bay, moors, and a young man lands ashore. He is dressed in Native American clothing and seems simple-minded - that is what his English friends called him for honesty and sincerity. The abbot invites him to spend the night.
The next day, the young man, wishing to thank the hospitable hosts, presents a talisman - several portraits of people unknown to the simple-hearted, tied with a cord. Among these images, the abbot recognizes his brother and his wife as missing in Canada.
The innocent says that he does not know his parents, but the Indians raised him. De Kerkabon and his sister become uncles and aunts for the young man, since then he lives with them.
The simple-minded did not know his parents, and he was raised by the Huron Indians. Having found loving uncle and aunt in the person of Prior and his sister, the young man settles in their house.
Saint Yves
Moral and ideal, from the point of view of morality, creates the character Voltaire ("Simple-minded"). The plot of the work is intended to convince the reader that the behavior of the protagonist should be the standard for all.
So, prior decides to baptize the Simple-hearted. But first, it was necessary to devote him to the foundations of a new religion for him. A young man reads the Bible and comprehends its meaning due to the lack of influence of an educational society. The innocent goes through a church ceremony and falls in love with his godmother Saint-Yves. They confess their love to each other, and the young man proposes to the girl. But first you need to ask for parental permission. The abbot, on the other hand, explains to the Innocent that marrying a godmother is a sin. The young man replies that not a word was said in the Bible about this, nor about many other things that are accepted in society and considered to be part of religious rites.
Laws of society
Strips out the absurdities of his time Voltaire. The simple-minded cannot understand why the Pope, who has lived for many miles, must decide whether to marry his beloved or not. The young man believes that he must decide his fate. After that, he bursts into Saint-Yves and offers to marry him, as he promised, and in general, this is his right. But others begin to explain that without law, notaries and contracts anarchy will ensue.
The simple-minded replies that only dishonest people need such warnings. But he is told that the laws were invented by just enlightened and honest people. And if a person considers himself honest, then he must obediently obey the rules, setting an example to others.
Relatives of St. Yves decide to send the girl to the monastery, and then pass off as an unloved, but profitable groom. Upon learning of this, the Innocent enrages and despair.
British invasion
Shows the collision of society, mired in vices, and a natural person who grew up far from civilization, Voltaire ("Simple-minded"). The summary helps to understand how far society is from moral and true values.
So, the simple-minded in despondency wanders along the shore. And then he sees the French detachment retreat in panic. It turns out that the British squadron landed on the shore and is preparing to attack the city. The innocent joins the battle and inflicts a wound on the admiral of the enemy. Seeing his courage, the French soldiers are inspired and win. The city is saved, and the simple-minded becomes famous.
In the heat of battle, the young man wants to capture the monastery and free his beloved. But he is discouraged and advised to go to the king in Versailles and ask for permission to marry. No one after this will be able to challenge his right to marriage.
Persecution of Protestants
The wanderings of the protagonist of the story "Simple-minded" (Voltaire) continue. The content of the chapters tells how the young man goes to Versailles. His path runs through a small town. Protestants live here who have just been stripped of all rights and forced to convert to Catholicism due to the abolition of the Nantes Edict.
In tears, residents leave their hometown. The simple-minded cannot understand why the king, in favor of the pope, refuses 600 thousand loyal citizens and condemns them to wandering and poverty. The young man concludes that the unworthy advisers and Jesuits who surround the monarch are to blame for everything. Otherwise, what else could have caused the ruler to indulge his enemy, the pope?
The innocent swears to the exiles that as soon as he meets the king, he will tell him the truth. Having learned the truth, the ruler will certainly help his people. Unfortunately, these words are heard by a disguised Jesuit who works as an informant with Father Lachaise, the confessor of the king, who is the persecutor of the Protestants.
Reveals the main shortcomings of the French power Voltaire. The innocent arrives in Versailles at the same time as the Jesuit denunciation. The young man, in his naivety, thought that as soon as he arrived, he would be able to see the king, talk about his exploits and receive permission to marry his beloved as a reward, and even open his eyes to the monarch to the true horrific position of the Huguenots.
With great difficulty, the simple-hearted manages to achieve an audience only with a simple court official. He tells the hero that in his position he can only rely on the purchase of the rank of lieutenant. The young man is outraged that he is also forced to pay to risk his life for the glory of the crown. The hero scolds the official and promises to tell the king about his stupidity. From this monologue, the court concludes that his guest is crazy, and therefore does not attach any importance to these words.
Father Lachaise receives two letters on the same day. The first is from the Jesuit, and the second is from the relatives of Saint-Yves, who call the Simple-minded troublemaker and the extravagant man who incited the soldiers to burn the monastery and steal the girl.
After this news, soldiers receive orders to arrest the young man. At night, they come for the hero and, despite fierce resistance, are sent to the Bastille. Here he falls into the same chamber with the Jansen philosopher Gordon.
At one time, Voltaire himself miraculously escaped imprisonment. “Simple-minded” (“Simpleton” in other translations) was also called upon to show how easy it is for an honest man in France to be imprisoned.
Father Gordon, a man of the kindest soul, ended up in the Bastille without trial or investigation for refusing to recognize the unlimited power of the pope in France. The old man for his long life has accumulated a lot of knowledge, and the young man had a great interest in everything new. The conversations of the two prisoners are gradually becoming more entertaining and instructive. But the soundness of mind and naivety of the Simple-minded often confound the philosopher.
The young man reads various historical books. From this he concludes that humanity throughout its existence has continuously committed only crimes. But, having read Malbranche, the hero understands that everything around is only part of a huge mechanism, the soul of which is God. Gradually, the mind of the simple-hearted is strengthened, it masters physics, mathematics, geometry.
Knowing the truth
A very great resonance in society was the work that Voltaire wrote. "Simple-minded" - this is primarily a criticism of the monarchy, and for this you could easily lose your head at that time.
The reasoning of the young student terrifies the old philosopher. Gordon looks at the young man and realizes that all his life he has only been engaged in strengthening prejudices, and his naive student, listening to the voice of nature, managed to get closer to the truth much closer. Free from illusory representations, the Simple-minded realized that the main human right is freedom. He says that the scholastic debate is empty and worthless. God is all that exists, therefore the disputes of believers are meaningless. Gordon realizes that his student is right, and becomes discouraged by the realization of his mistakes. In the mouth of his hero he put his own judgments about the nature of religion Voltaire ("Simple-minded").
At the same time, Saint-Yves decides to go in search of his beloved and goes to Versailles.
Saint-Yves escapes from under the crown and heads for the king’s residence. The girl in desperation is trying to get a meeting with various dignitaries, she soon finds out that her beloved is in the Bastille. The official Saint-Yves told this regrets that he cannot do good in the position he holds, otherwise he will lose it. But he suggests that Minister de Saint-Pointe can help. The girl receives an audience with the one, but in exchange for the release of the Simple-hearted, he wants St. Yves love. Friends push her to this victim. And Saint-Yves was forced to fall in order to save her beloved.
The simple-minded receives liberation. But the girl is tormented by her fall and dies of a fever. Upon learning of the death of Saint-Yves, Pointe repents of his deed.
Time passes that softens everything. The innocent becomes an officer and until his death keeps the memory of his beloved.
Voltaire, The Simple-Minded: An Analysis
A distinctive feature of this work is that the philosopher not only expressed his opinion on the structure of the state and the church, but also paid great attention to depicting the feelings of the main characters.
In this story, Voltaire tried to find a balance between good and evil and find the measure of these phenomena. And they became human freedom, which the king had to provide. The freedom of people was mainly violated at that time by the church, which is why the philosopher criticizes it.
In 1994, the film "Simple-minded" (Voltaire) was filmed. The film was shot jointly by the United States, Russia and France. However, he did not get much popularity with the audience.