Temperature without sore throat and runny nose: causes, treatment

A temperature without a sore throat and a runny nose is not such a rare occurrence. This is an indicator that an infection has entered the body. What can be the causes of heat without signs of a cold in adults and children? How to treat the temperature, is it necessary to do this? Let us consider in more detail the answers to these and other questions.

How is temperature regulation in the body

The level of human body temperature is regulated by the part of the diencephalon - the hypothalamus. As soon as an infection enters the body, the cells of the body begin to transmit impulses to the hypothalamus, and more precisely, to its thermoreceptors. As a result, the protective functions of the body are mobilized to fight the virus: heat generation increases and heat transfer decreases. As a result, a person begins to suffer from fever.

fever without sore throat and runny nose

But there are cases when the body temperature rises without the participation of the hypothalamus. For example, this may be due to heat stroke (severe overheating), during which heat transfer in the body is disrupted.

What body temperature is considered normal in adults and children

Almost everyone knows that during the day the temperature in a healthy person can fluctuate between 35.5-37.3 degrees. This is considered a completely normal process. At the same time, we should not forget that the temperature of 37.3 is the maximum threshold of the norm. If it rises above or does not fall for several days, you need to start looking for the causes of its occurrence. This is especially true in cases where there is a temperature without sore throat and a runny nose or other signs of a cold.

temperature for no reason

It is also important to consider one important detail: the generally accepted norm of 36.5 degrees is designed for measurement in the armpit. When measuring the temperature in the mouth, the norm will be 37 degrees, and in the case of rectal measurement - 37.5 degrees.

In children, the concept of "normal temperature" is more blurry. In them, it can vary depending on a wide variety of factors, ranging from the time of day to the activity of the child. In this case, we can say that the temperature of 37.3-37.4 is the maximum norm.

Temperature without signs of a cold: causes in adults

Everyone is used to the fact that a fever is a sign of a cold and it is combined with cough, headaches, nasal congestion, and so on. Situations in which the temperature rises without a sore throat and a runny nose can lead many to a standstill. In such cases, it is difficult to understand the causes of its occurrence and independently choose the right treatment that will relieve not only the symptoms, but also the disease itself.

We will understand why the temperature appears “for no reason” (in quotation marks, because there is still a reason).

temperature 37 3

Firstly, the appearance of fever in adults can be triggered by exposure to the body of various kinds of microbes due to a decrease in local or general immunity.

Secondly, a sudden increase in temperature may indicate the presence of inflammatory (pneumonia, meningitis, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), infectious (HIV, tuberculosis, typhoid, etc.), viral and parasitic (toxoplasmosis, malaria, syphilis , mononucleosis, etc.), oncological (tumors, lymphoma, leukemia, etc.), endocrine (thyrotoxicosis) diseases.

Thirdly, systemic inflammations such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and others can provoke the appearance of fever.

Fourth, this may indicate a decrease in hemoglobin level and accompany anemia or be the result of the release of excessive amounts of adrenaline into the blood.

In addition, women may experience a slight temperature as a result of hormonal changes during menstruation.

Also, the appearance of fever is possible due to the intake of certain medications that caused the so-called drug fever.

Well, the last of the most common reasons is overheating. This happens as a result of a prolonged stay in a stuffy room or in direct sunlight.

Temperature without signs of a cold: causes in children

In children, a temperature without sore throat and a runny nose is usually observed in such cases as:

  • overheating in the sun or in a poorly ventilated stuffy room;
  • the child has a lot of warm clothes;
  • dehydration of the body ;
  • poisoning;
  • severe overwork;
  • allergic reactions;
  • teething.

When do I need to bring down the temperature?

As for children, pediatricians do not advise to bring down the temperature to the level of 38.5 degrees. It is generally accepted that the body at this time is fighting microbes and there is no need to interfere with it. But if the baby becomes weak, irritable, ceases to eat, cries a lot, and so on, then taking antipyretic drugs is required. This applies to cases when the child's temperature is 37.5 without symptoms, and in the presence of obvious signs of a cold. To a mark of 37.5 degrees, in no case do you need to bring anything down so as not to harm the body so that it can continue to independently fight the infection.

temperature in a child 37 5 without symptoms

Adults are not recommended to bring down the temperature, which did not reach 38-39 degrees, if it lasts less than 3-4 days. After the fourth day, antipyretic drugs in combination with antibiotics usually begin.

Medications for lowering the temperature in adults

So, the high temperature rose in an adult. What to do in this situation? The answer is quite logical - to knock her down. To date, there are many antipyretic drugs with completely different composition and type of action. Consider the most popular of them.

temperature in an adult what to do

  1. "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid). The drug is distinguished by its versatility and is able not only to lower high fever, but also have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-aggregate effects. But you need to be careful with it, since Aspirin is inherently an acid that can provoke the appearance of a stomach ulcer. In order to avoid such participation, the drug is recommended to be washed down with mineral water, although in this case its absorption and effectiveness are significantly reduced. So here you have to make your own choices and properly prioritize.
  2. "Paracetamol". The drug is intended solely for lowering high temperature, unfortunately, it does not possess anti-inflammatory properties. However, "Paracetamol" does not cause any side effects if used as directed and the necessary dosages are observed. Due to the "harmless" composition, the use of "Paracetamol" is allowed during pregnancy and lactation as an antipyretic. The only thing is that this remedy is prohibited for use by patients with renal failure or suffering from alcoholism, since it has a slight toxic effect on the liver and kidneys.
  3. "Analgin." This drug is highly effective in combating high fever and severe pain. It is usually used in the form of injections, due to which it begins to act almost instantly. But numerous studies have shown that “Analgin” has a number of side effects, and is also capable of killing white blood cells. As a result, the body loses its protective functions in the fight against bacteria and fungi. Therefore, the drug begins to gradually disappear from pharmacies in Russia, as it is becoming less common.
  4. Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. Drugs based on substances such as diclofenac and ibuprofen are the safest. But it is worth taking combined funds with the utmost care in order to avoid allergic reactions to one or more components. They also have antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Medicines to lower the temperature in children

As mentioned above, if the child’s temperature is 37.5 without symptoms of a cold, it does not cause the baby any inconvenience, you do not need to knock it down. With its increase to 37.5-38.5 degrees, it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the child and bring down only if necessary. At temperatures above 38.5, taking antipyretic drugs is required.

how to treat temperature

Paracetamol-based drugs are allowed from the age of 3 months, they are available in the form of candles. The most popular are: "Tsefekon", "Panadol", "Efferalgan".

Ibuprofen-based drugs are available in the form of syrups, have an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. The most common remedy in this group is Nurofen.

Medications based on both paracetamol and ibuprofen can be used no more than 4 hours after the previous dose. If the temperature rises faster, it is possible to alternate drugs, for example, the baby is given a dose of Nurofen, and after a while an extra paracetamol candle is placed.

How to take antipyretics

If the temperature has risen, an antipyretic will be the best option in order to reduce it to a normal level. The main thing here is to strictly adhere to the necessary dosages in order to achieve the desired result and avoid side effects. It is also necessary to pay attention to the shelf life of the drug, since a spoiled medicine can not only not bring benefits, but also harm.

How to bring down the temperature in folk ways

To alleviate your condition during a fever, you can use the following methods:

  1. Do not interfere with heat transfer processes. This means that you don’t need to put on a few sweaters and wrap yourself in three blankets. The temperature will not go away with sweat, as is commonly believed. Quite the contrary: due to dehydration of the body, the situation can be even worse.
  2. Restore water balance. You need to drink as much fluid as possible, preferably without sugar.
  3. A warm (not hot!) Bath can bring down the temperature even at 40 degrees. You need to lie in it for about 20-30 minutes. The minus of the method is that after 1-2 hours the fever can resume and the procedure will have to be repeated.
  4. Rubbing the skin with a mixture of five parts of water with one part of vinegar can quickly remove the heat and improve the general condition. But you need to repeat this procedure at intervals of about two hours.

Identifying the cause of the temperature rise

A temperature without a sore throat and a runny nose can indicate a number of infectious or inflammatory diseases, so knocking it off does not mean a complete cure.

antipyretic temperature

To establish the real causes of the fever (if it lasts more than 3-4 days), you must consult a doctor for examination and appointment of the necessary tests. After all, you need to fight not with the symptom (temperature), but directly with the disease itself. Only in this case, the treatment will end quickly and successfully.

Be healthy!

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